Roi fainéant

Roi fainéant

Roi fainéant, literally "lazy king", is a French term primarily used to refer to the later kings of the Merovingian dynasty, after they seemed to have lost their initial energy. They were considered and portrayed "useless" by Carolingian kings and even early modern historians, though current historical opinion is more nuanced.

Sigebert III is sometimes accredited the first roi fainéant of the Merovingian dynasty. The last Carolingian ruler, Louis V of France, was also nicknamed le Fainéant ("the Do-Nothing"), due to its effective rule being limited to the region around Laon.

The following kings are sometimes alleged to have been part of the rois fainéants:


  • M. Christian Pfirter, La Gallia sotto i franchi merovingi: vicende storiche, in «Storia del mondo medioevale», vol. I, 1999, pp. 688-711
  • Marie-Nicolas Bouillet et Alexis Chassang (dir.), « Rois fainéants » in Dictionnaire universel d’histoire et de géographie, 1878

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