Stefan Weber

Stefan Weber

Stefan Weber (born November 8 1946) is a retired Austrian art teacher and the lead singer and "Kapellmeister" of the Viennese band Drahdiwaberl.

Weber founded the band in 1969 in the wake of the events of 1968. Drahdiwaberl are infamous for their elaborate stage shows which often include bizarre and, as some claim, disgusting elements. For example, in 2003 Weber was charged with illegal possession of firearms after using a pistol on stage. They also presented considerably controversial material, such as the song called "Ganz Wien (ist heut' auf Heroin)" ("All Vienna (is hooked on heroin today)"), which was subsequently banned by the authorities.

Their only Hit in Austria had been the song "Lonely" which was produced with Lukas Resetarits, the song has been peaking the hitlist for four weeks.In 1985 the band was able to return into the Austrian charts with the Song "Mulatschag", bit the song was not a big success, so it has been one of the last singles released so far.

The three albums "Psychoterror", "MC Ronalds Massaker" and "Werwolfromantik" were peaked in the Austrian Top-Ten album charts and every album sold more than 30.000 copies. "Psychoterror" was certified with Gold in Austria.

As a former high school teacher, Weber has a natural talent of appealing to people in their late teens and early twenties, who are among his most dedicated fans. Early in his career, Falco played bass for Drahdiwaberl. After his leaving in 1983, he and the band produced the single "Die Galeere"

Drahdiwaberl have been announcing their final concert on a regular basis for many years now.

Discography of Drahdiwaberl


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