James R. Webb

James R. Webb

James R. Webb was elected as the President of the United States Judo Association in 2006. [ [http://www.usja-judo.org/americanjudo/spring%202006.pdf Spring 2006 United States Judo Association Newsletter] ] [http://www.dallaskenpo.com/jim_webb.html Biography from Chamberlain Studios of Self Defense Website] ] He is a former national judo champion, [ [http://www.itkj.org/bios/webb/index.html Biography International Traditional Kodokan Judo Website] ] [ [http://www.usjjf.org/bio/webb/index.htm Biography from International Ju-Jitsu Federation Website] ] national coach and national referee, and holds a seventh degree black belt in judo, a sixth degree black belt in jujutsu, and a second degree black belt in karate. He is also a graduate of both the Kodokan Judo Summer Course and Kodokan Judo Kata Course in Japan. He is a long time student of 9th Dan Vince Tamura. [Vince Tamura was the United States first representative to the World Judo Championship in 1956.]

Webb was educated at West Point, the University of Dallas and MIT. After providing leadership in such prominent consulting firms as Price Waterhouse, Deloitte & Touche and EDS AT Kearney, he became an internationally known strategy consultant.Fact|date=June 2008 Prior to his strategy consulting career, he served as a Special Forces commanding officer. [ [http://www.breakthroughstrategy.org Biography from Breakthrough Strategy PLLC] ]


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