Slum Jagathu

Slum Jagathu

"Slum Jagathu" ("Slum World" in English) is a not-for-profit magazine, published and edited by Isaac Arul Selva, who dwells in the slums of Bangalore, India, slums surrounding rich neighborhoods and IT companies. "This is a unique project for slum-dwellers by slum-dwellers", he says. "It is not just a magazine. It is a voice echoing the struggle of slum-dwellers. Our ultimate aim is to inspire a movement to fight for our basic rights and amenities."

Printed in the Kannada language, it provides its readers with information and resources, to take advantage of existing government programs designed to alleviate poverty. The local readership as of 2004 is quoted as 2500 monthly, but Selva hopes for a wider audience with his plans to take his magazine to the internet, an affordable move in that region of the world, even for those in poverty.

Contact Address, Isaac Arul Selva, Editor Slum jagatthu, 771,2nd main, L, R,Nagar, Bangalore,560047,India, e-mail,, Phone,+91-9480452037

External links

* [ BBC news article on the magazine]
* [ CNN IBN Television coverage on the magazine]
* [ DNA Daily coverage on the magazine]
* [ Tehelka artical by Issac Arul Selva]
* [ News Story in Mumbai Mirror]
* [ Documentory Film by us on Water]
* [ National Policy and Advocacy Council on Homelessness (NPACH) Cities Alliance newsletter, October 2004]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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