BK Big Fish

BK Big Fish

name = BK Big Fish sandwich
serving_size = 1 sandwich (250 g)
calories = US 630 UK 399
calories_from_fat =
total_fat = 30 g ( %)
saturated_fat = 6 g ( %)
trans_fat = 2.5 g
cholesterol = 60 mg ( %)
sodium = 1380 mg ( %)
total_carbohydrate = 67 g ( 3%)
dietary_fiber = 4 g ( %)
sugars = 8 g
protein = 24 g
vitamin_a =
vitamin_c =
vitamin_e =
calcium =
iron =
folate =
source = [http://www.bk.com/Nutrition/PDFs/brochure.pdf www.BK.com (PDF)]
notes = May vary outside US market. US % Daily Value based on 2000 calorie diet.

The BK Big fish is a fish sandwich sold by the international fast-food restaurant chain Burger King. The product is sold in North America only, however BK sells a fish sandwich in all of its markets. It is one of their larger, adult oriented products made with higher quality ingredients than their "standard" menu items. cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=U.S. Restaurant Chains Find There Is No Too Much. |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/28/business/media/28adco.html |quote=Restaurants say offering lumberjack portions of fat and sodium-laden food is giving customers what they want and providing them with choices. “Some of our most successful products over the past few years have been indulgent products, whether it be the Tendercrisp Chicken Sandwich, the Angus Steak Burger, the Chicken Fries product or the Stackers,” said Russ Klein, chief marketing officer at Burger King. |publisher=New York Times |date=2006-07-28 |accessdate=2007-12-03 ]

Product description

The BK Big Fish consists of a deep-fried white fish patty, Tartar sauce and lettuce on a corn dusted bun.


* In the UK and Ireland it is still the Ocean Catch Sandwich and is served on a sesame seed roll.
* In Germany and the Netherlands it is called the Fish King, but still is the same as the Ocean Catch.
* In Sweden it is called the BK Fish, but still is the same as the Ocean Catch.
* In Turkey it is called the Fish Royale, but still is the same as the Ocean Catch.
* In Australia the Ocean Catch is served on both a Baguette roll and a standard bun.
* In El Salvador it is called the King de Pescado (King of Fish)


The history of Burger King's fish sandwich has been tied to BKs broiled chicken sandwich line since the broiled chicken was introduced in the mid-1980s.

The original fish sandwich sold by Burger King was called The Whaler. The Whaler was a small sized fish sandwich made with Tartar sauce and lettuce served on the small sesame seed roll BK used for their hamburgers. When BK introduced its broiled chicken sandwich, the BK Broiler, it changed the fish sandwich's breading to a panko style, began serving it on the oatmeal dusted roll used for the BK Broiler and renamed it from the Whaler to the Ocean Catch fish sandwich. [cite web |url=http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3190/is_n10_v24/ai_8782017 |title=Burger King reels out Ocean Catch, sinks Whaler |Author=Bob Seligman |publisher=Nation's Restaurant News |date=1990-03-05 |accessdate=2007-12-04]

When BK reformulated the BK Broiler into a larger, more male-oriented sandwich served on a Whopper bun, it also reformulated the Ocean Catch as the BK Big Fish. The new fish sandwich was a larger product with an increased patty size and served on a Whopper bun as well. Other than the increased size of the patty and bun, the other ingredients remained the same.cite web |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C00E1D9113DF93AA25757C0A96E958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=print |title=Steal This Burger |author=Arthur Lubow |publisher=The New York Times |date=1998-04-19 |accessdate=2007-12-04 |quote=Along with emphasizing its traditional food, Burger King upsized it, making the BK Big Fish sandwich, the BK Broiler chicken sandwich and the hamburger almost 50 percent bigger.]

BK replaced the BK Big Fish with the smaller BK Fish sandwich when it introduced its Chicken Baguette line of sandwiches. The new sandwich basically brought back the Whaler fish sandwich, adding a slice of American cheese. The Whaler name was not used due to the negative connotations associated with whaling.

In 2005, The BK Big Fish was reintroduced in its current version when BK again reformulated its broiled chicken sandwich to the TenderGrill chicken sandwich. [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3190/is_9_39/ai_n11851410 BK franchisees bullish on beefed up performance] by Amy Garber 28 Feb 2005, Nation's Restaurant News]

Naming and trademarks

The names "BK Big Fish" and "Whaler", when referring to a fish sandwich, are registered trademarks of Burger King Holdings and are displayed with the "circle-R" (®) symbol in the US and Canada.


See also

* BK Baguette line
* TenderGrill

Similar sandwiches by other vendors:
* McDonald's Filet-O-Fish
* KFC Fish Stackers

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