Star Saber

Star Saber

Star Saber is the name of a fictional character and also a legendary weapon in the Transformers toyline. He is the protagonist in the Japanese exclusive series "".

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name =Star Saber

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Brainmasters
rank =10
function =Supreme Commander
partner =Victory Leo
motto ="The universe deserves freedom, and I’ll see that it gets it."
alternatemodes =Cybertronian Jet Fighter
series =

voiceby =Hideyuki Tanaka (Japanese)
In the year 2025, a skilled swordsman named Star Saber is chosen by God Ginrai as leader of the Autobots.

Star Saber transforms into two robot forms, a smaller robot/plane named Saber combining with a sky sled known as the V-Star to form a larger ship or robot, similar to Ginrai combining with his trailer to form Super Ginrai. It is in this form he is known as Star Saber. His primary weapon is the saber blade, a powerful sword. He also has a standard rifle at his disposal. In this form, his helmet/face resembles Optimus Prime's, with a Red helmet rather than blue. The smaller Brainmaster component that enters Saber's chest and becomes his face is named Yukio, which means Courage. He may combine with Victory Leo (The rebuilt God Ginrai) to form Victory Saber. This combination, though incredibly strong, is exceedingly unstable due to Victory Leo's flawed personality.

In the various Japanese Transformers series, all of the robots made into toys carry "serial numbers", usually preceded by a letter denoting allegiance, or a new series. Star Saber's serial number is C-324.

He is also the foster father of a young human boy named Jan , who he rescued from the remains of a Decepticon attack. Like any father, he wants what is best for his son, even taking the time to personally arrange Jan's transfer to a school so he could be with children his age.

Animated series

Star Saber makes his first appearance in a special preview shortly after the previous Masterforce series ended. The preview was created to wrap up loose ends from Masterforce (such as why God Ginrai resembled the original Convoy ). The preview ends with a montage of the upcoming Victory series, featuring Star Saber and Deszaras dueling.

Star Saber makes his first true appearance in the premiere episode of Transformers: Victory entitled "Star Saber, Hero of the Universe". This first episode also introduces his foster son Jean (pronounced Jan), notable members of the Autobot forces such as the Brainmasters as well as the Decepticon Emperor of Destruction Deszaras and his Dinoforce. He is apparently nigh-legendary and is considered the greatest swordsman in the universe.

As Supreme Commander, Star Saber has come to Earth in order to track down Deszaras, who has become the number one threat to space. Meanwhile, God Ginrai and his forces (which include the Godmasters from Masterforce), battle against Overlord and his troops. Deszaras is pleased by the fact that Star Saber himself has had to come to face him, as it is acknowledgement that he is now the most dangerous Decepticon alive. He is also eager to settle scores with Star Saber and it is clear that there is bad blood between the two. In their earlier battles, Star Saber is able to fight off Deszaras with relative ease, even though Deszaras himself rarely dirties his hands.

It is revealed later that when Star Saber was simply a commander (as opposed to Supreme Commander), he learnt that Deszaras had constructed a gigantic space fortress in his bid to be named Emperor of Destruction. Leading an Autobot army, he encountered Deszaras' forces in deep space in a violent battle. While the armies fought, Autobot strike teams sabotaged the fortress, draining it of energy and causing it to fall into a Dark Nebula. In the same episode where this is revealed a furious Deszaras, roused to fighting fury by the memory of his defeat, battles and nearly kills Star Saber. Star Saber is only saved by the fact that Deszaras had expended much of his energy trying to reactivate his fortress, forcing the Decepticon to retreat.

Nevertheless, Star Saber and his Autobot forces are successful for much of 2025 but eventually the Decepticons start inflicting hard blows. One of the first is struck by the Breast Force, who reveal their combined form of Liokaiser and severely wound him before being driven off by God Ginrai and the threat of further Autobot reinforcements. Another blow result in an ambush that severely wounded Star Saber and mortally wounded God Ginrai. Despite God Ginrai's rebirth into Victory Leo, it was a severe blow to Autobot morale and the unstable Victory Leo had to prove himself to the others (similar to the predicament the Dinobots once faced). The last blow results in the successful capture of enough energy to reactivate the Decepticon space fortress.

After Deszaras abandons the blindly loyal Dinoforce, the bitter Dinoforce commander informs the Autobots about the fortress' weak point. Star Saber leads an assault on the fortress and finally defeats his arch-enemy Deszaras in a final duel, after which the fortress destroyed by the Autobots after a hard-fought battle. Deszaras curses Star Saber before vanishing into the very dark nebula he'd fought so hard to free his fortress from.

While initially appearing to have been consumed by the fortress' destruction, Star Saber and Victory Leo emerge from its ashes, victorious as their name.


The accompanying manga would turn the Star Saber/Deszaras rivalry into something of a parental rivalry, as it revealed that Deszaras also had an adopted human son called Solon. Solon often clashed with Jan at school, leading to confrontations between their "fathers". When Victory Leo and Star Saber revealed their Victory Combination into Victory Saber, Deszaras constructed a giant mecha for Solon to pilot, named "King Solon". This mech had the ability to combine with Deszaras to form the mighty "King Zaras". Solon's story was eventually resolved when Deszaras abandoned him in battle, leading to Solon joining the Autobots.

The conclusion of the "Victory" manga is infamous among the fandom, and well-known even by those who have not read it, for its outrageously different approach. During the final battle, as Deszaras's fortress attacks the Earth, it is Deszaras himself, not Liokaiser, who battles Star Saber in space. Leozack, then, is able to take his treachery to the ultimate extreme by turning the fortress's power on Deszaras, and Deszaras cripples the craft with his cannon as Star Saber takes Leozack down. Then, the wounded Deszaras reveals the true reason he has quested to liberate the fortress from the Dark Nebula - it is home to the Decepticons' families and civilians. As the shocked Autobots discover this, readers meet Deszaras's wife, Esmeryl, Leozack's sister and the Dinosaur Force's children. Deszaras and Star Saber then make peace, shaking hands and vowing to work together for the betterment of the Transformer race.

Transformers: Zone

In the sequel to Victory, "", Victory Saber is severely wounded during an attack on a planet by the Decepticon Generals (the original Decepticon combiners and Trypticon). He later turns over command of the Autobots to Dai Atlas while he recovers.

Transformers: Robot Masters

The original Star Saber returned in the Japanese exclusive series. His function is Supreme Commander and his motto is "Power, skill, wisdom, and courage: that is a Brainmaster!" Star Saber was displaced in time by the same anomaly that had claimed Megatron, and almost immediately found himself in an aerial duel with Starscream. Star Saber was on the verge of defeat when Optimus Prime intervened and saved him.


*Generation 1 Star Saber:Combines with "Generation 1" Victory Leo.

*Robot Masters Star Saber:A deluxe sized toy. Combines with "Robot Masters" Victory Leo.

Transformers: Armada

In "", the Star Saber, formed from by the Air Defense Mini-Con Team, is one of three high-powered weapons in the "Armada" chapter of the "Unicron Trilogy", the others being the Requiem Blaster and Skyboom Shield. The Star Saber can cut through anything, save the Skyboom Shield. It was highly coveted by Megatron, though various others possessed it for a time, most notably Starscream, Hot Shot, and Optimus Prime.

If wielded by a Decepticon with sufficient willpower, the Star Saber can be transformed into the Dark Saber, and this converts the trio of Mini-Cons into the Air Assault Team.

The three weapons were also used by Thrust as the power source for the Hydra-Cannon.

Transformers: Energon

The Autobot Wing Saber seemed to be a homage to Star Saber.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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