Gustav Jäger

Gustav Jäger

Gustav Jäger (June 23, 1832 - May 13, 1917) was a German naturalist and hygienist.

He was born at Burg in Württemberg. After studying medicine at Tübingen he became a teacher of zoology at Vienna. In 1868 he was appointed professor of zoology at the academy of Hohenheim, and subsequently he became teacher of zoology and anthropology at Stuttgart polytechnic and professor of physiology at the veterinary school. In 1884 he abandoned teaching and started practice as a physician in Stuttgart. He wrote various works on biological subjects, including "Die Darwinsche Theorie und ihre Stellung zu Moral und Religion" (1869), "Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Zoologie" (1871-1878), and "Die Entdeckung der Seele" (1878). In 1876 he suggested an hypothesis in explanation of heredity, resembling the germplasm theory subsequently elaborated by August Weismann, to the effect that the germinal protoplasm retains its specific properties from generation to generation, dividing in each reproduction into an ontogenetic portion, out of which the individual is built up, and a phylogenetic portion, which is reserved to form the reproductive material of the mature offspring. The system of clothing associated with his name originates from "Die Normalkleidung als Gesundheitsschutz" (1880), wherein he advocated the wearing of rough fabrics such as wool ``close to the skin", objecting especially to the use of any kind of vegetable fibre for clothes. In 1884, he returned to medical practice.

The teachings of Jäger inspired the creation of the Jaeger clothing brand.

He was a very active entomologist specialising in beetles particularly Buprestidae and Scarabaeidae. He wrote with Carl Gustav Calwer "Käferbuch-Naturgeschicte der Käfer Europeas". This very popular work was succesively reprinted until 1916.

His beetle collection is in Stuttgart Natural History Museum [ [ Staatliche Museen für Naturkunde Baden-Württemberg ] at]


*Schawaller, W. 1994: [Jager, G.] "Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk. Ser. A (Biol.) , Stuttgart" (Nr. 508 1-40)
*Schenkling, S. 1933: [Jäger, G.] "Ent. Blätter" 29 28-30

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* [ DEI ZALF] Portrait.

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