Loi Evin

Loi Evin

Loi Evin is the French alcohol policy law passed in 1991 by Claude Evin. Previous to Loi Evin, French advertising laws discriminated against non-French producers. However, Scotch whisky producers challenged France in the European Court of Justice and won. France was condemned and required to change the law in 1980 but did not produce satisfactory legislation until 1991, with the enactment of Loi Evin, which affected both alcohol and tobacco policies.


The provisions of the law reinforce the restrictions placed on tobacco and alcohol and their advertising by its predecessor Loi Veil (1976).


Alcohol advertisements are prohibited on television or in cinemas, strict control over messages and images, and the inclusion in all advertisements of a message to the effect that alcohol abuse is dangerous to one's health.


The law also forbids smoking in all places of work that involve collective use, and on public transport. According to the law, all packets of cigarettes must display a health warning and a limit is imposed on the tar content of cigarettes.All closed public places (restaurants, hotels etc.) must have completely separated areas for smokers and non-smokers.

Tobacco advertising

The Loi Evin forbids any favourable advertising of tobacco, including on billboards, and prohibits the free or promotional distribution of cigarettes. Tobacco advertising is also forbidden at sporting events, and the law obliges televised coverage of foreign sporting events to make every attempt to hide similar sponsorship advertising that may be present.

Information on contents of cigarette packets

According to the law, cigarette packets must display the tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide content. They must also display a health warning covering no less that 30% of the packaging.The sale of cigarettes is illegal to under-16s and this restriction must be displayed visibly in all places that sell tobacco.


Restaurants, bars, hotels and casinos

*The patron of the establishment must affix a sign at the entrance of the premises notifying entrants of the restrictions on smoking, and arrange any necessary refurbishment to ensure complete separation of, and protection from fumes of, non-smokers.
*An establishment may not be exclusively set aside for smokers.


*It is forbidden to smoke anywhere on the premises, whether inside or outside, in individual offices or in the cafeteria.
*No areas should be set aside as smoking areas, either for students, teaching staff or visitors.

Universities and adult training centres

*It is illegal to smoke anywhere inside on site, in individual offices or the cafeteria.
*Smoking areas may only be set aside outside on the site.

Public transport

*The ban on smoking includes all forms of public transport: bus, train, plane, boat etc.
*One may not smoke in taxis or cars that are not privately owned.


*It is forbidden to smoke in all covered and closed areas. Only outside areas may be reserved for smokers.

ee also

*Alcohol advertising


* [ The “Loi Evin”]
* [http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loi_Evin#Publicit.C3.A9|Wikipédia, Loi Evin]

Further reading

* [http://www.senat.fr/dossierleg/a89901418.html Projet de loi sur senat.fr]
* [http://www.conseil-constitutionnel.fr/decision/1990/90283dc.htm Décision du Conseil constitutionnel n° 90-283 du 8 janvier 1991]

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