Police science

Police science

Police science is often an ambiguous term that denotes the studies and research which directly or indirectly deal with police work. Studies and research in criminology, forensic science, psychology, jurisprudence, community policing, criminal justice, correctional administration and penology all come under this umbrella term 'police science'. It thus includes physical and social sciences.


United Kingdom

UK has developed the Police National Computer as a sophisticated intelligence tool that holds extensive data on criminals, vehicles and property, and accessible in a matter of seconds through over 30,000 terminals across the country.

PITO reports that a national fingerprint and DNA database has been developed containing over 3.4 million DNA profiles providing the police with an average of 3,000 matches a month. In 2004-5 there were over 40,000 matches.

The police use a wide range of technologies to curb road traffic offences like speeding and drink driving including breathalyser devices, bus lane enforcement cameras, immobilisation devices, light signals devices and speed measuring devices. [ [http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/science-research/using-science/police-science-tech UK has developed new technologies for effective policing] ]

See also

*Crime science

External link

* [http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/documents/PoliceST_S2_part11.pdf?view=Binary UK moots a 5-year S&T Strategy (pdf)]


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