Guji Oromo

Guji Oromo

The Guji Oromo are an east African ethnic Oromo group living in southern Ethiopia. They are part nomadic and part agrarian. The Guji Oromo are one of the eldest Oromo groups, but they are among the marginalized ethnic groups in Ethiopia, and lack academic interest in regard to their identity. According to 2007 population projection the total population of Guji Oromo is above 5 million.

The Guji live in the fertile and natural resource-rich land in the Ethiopia. The known gold mining area of Adola (or Kebri Mangest), the dense natural forest of Bada Magada, the Nechisar National Park and Shakiso-Adola evergreen forests are the natural areas which have been kept by Guji people though they gain nothing till today from global citizen.

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