Fron — is a former municipality in Gudbrandsdal in Oppland, Norway.It was created in 1837 as Fron formannskapsdistrikt, but in 1851 the municipality was split into Nord Fron and Sør Fron. They were reunited in 1966, during a nationwide municipality… … Wikipedia
fron|dose — «FRON dohs, fron DOHS», adjective. leafy; frondiferous; frondlike. ╂[< Latin frondōsus < frōns, frondis leaf] … Useful english dictionary
fron´tal|ly — fron|tal1 «FRUHN tuhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of, on, in, or at the front: »The soldiers charged straight ahead and mad a frontal attack on the enemy. 2. of the forehead: »frontal bones. 3. Phonetics. pronounced with the front of the tongue.… … Useful english dictionary
fron|tal — fron|tal1 «FRUHN tuhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of, on, in, or at the front: »The soldiers charged straight ahead and mad a frontal attack on the enemy. 2. of the forehead: »frontal bones. 3. Phonetics. pronounced with the front of the tongue.… … Useful english dictionary
Fron — Sf Frondienst erw. obs. (9. Jh., Bedeutung 19. Jh.), ahd. frō m. Herr Stammwort. Gehört als Genetiv Plural frōno der Herren, speziell der Götter , daraus einerseits die Bedeutung göttlich mit adjektivischer Flexion; so übernommen ins Christentum … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
fron|des|cence — «fron DEHS uhns», noun. 1. the process or period of coming into leaf. 2. leaves; foliage … Useful english dictionary
fron|des|cent — «fron DEHS uhnt», adjective. putting forth leaves or fronds … Useful english dictionary
fron|dif|er|ous — «fron DIHF uhr uhs», adjective. bearing leaves or fronds … Useful english dictionary
fron|ten|is — «fron TEHN ihs», noun. a Latin American ball game resembling handball and consisting essentially of jai alai or pelota played with tennis rackets. ╂[< American Spanish frontenis, blend of Spanish frontón jai alai court, and tenis tennis] … Useful english dictionary
fron|tier — «fruhn TIHR; FRUHN tihr, FRON », noun, adjective. –n. 1. the last edge of settled country, where the wilds begin; border of inhabited regions: »James Bowie…pushed west with the widening frontier to the plains of Texas (Saturday Review). 2. the… … Useful english dictionary
fron|tis|piece — «FRUHN tihs PEES, FRON », noun, verb, pieced, piec|ing. –n. 1. a picture facing the title page of a book or of a division of a book. 2. Architecture. a) the main part or the decorated entrance of a building. b) a pediment over a door, window,… … Useful english dictionary