Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca

name = "Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca"

image_caption = False chanterelle,
in woodlands in Germany
regnum = Fungi
divisio = Basidiomycota
classis = Agaricomycetes
ordo = Boletales
familia = Hygrophoropsidaceae
genus = "Hygrophoropsis"
species = "H. aurantiaca"
binomial = "Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca"
binomial_authority = (Wulfen) Maire
name = Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca
whichGills = decurrent
capShape = depressed

"Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca", commonly known as the False Chanterelle, is an orange funnel-shaped mushroom which has been confused at times with the true chanterelles, however recent work shows its affinity lies with the Boletes in the order Boletales.


The False chanterelle has an orange cap up to 8 cm across, initially convex but becoming funnel-shaped. The decurrent gill-like structures are orange and forked, which is a distinctive and distinguishing feature. The spore print is white. The orange stipe is up to 5 cm high and lacks a ring.

Distribution and habitat

It is widely distributed in Europe and North America, being found in conifer woods in autumn.


It has been described as edible (though not tasty) by some experts, but other authors describe it as poisonous. This mushroom contains a lot of arabitol, which may account for the gastronomical symptoms some people experience. Recently it has been proved that this genus Hygrophoropsis is taxonomically quite near pseudo-pax, and thus recommended not to be eaten [ [Suomen kasvimuseo: Suomen sieniopas ISBN 951-0-30359-3 Finland's plant museum's new recent publication in Finnish] ]

imilar species

This mushroom is commonly confused with the Chanterelle; the distinuishing factors are color (true Chanterelle is uniform egg-yellow, while the false one is more orange in hue and graded, with darker center) and attachment of gills to the stem (true Chanterelle has them running down the stem unlike the false one)

The poisonous Jack O'Lantern is also sometimes being confused with Chanterelle; straight, non-forked gills of this former is one of the distinguishing factors.


*cite book | author = Phillips R | year = 1985 | title = Mushrooms of Great Britain and Europe | publisher = Pan Books | id = ISBN 0-330-26441-9

External links

* [http://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/species/Hygrophoropsis_aurantiaca.html Mykoweb - Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca]
* [http://www.first-nature.com/fungi/id_guide/boletales/hygrophoropsis_aurantiaca.htm Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca info]
* [http://www.hlasek.com/hygrophoropsis_aurantiaca_a7125.html Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca photos]

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