Jacques Duchesneau

Jacques Duchesneau

Jacques Duchesneau is a French Canadian civil servant and former Chief of Police.

He holds a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the École nationale d'administration publique and a Bachelor of Science degree from the Université de Montréal. He is currently completing his doctorate degree at the Royal Military College of Canada.

Law Enforcement Career

From 1994 to 1998, he was Chief of Police and Chief of Staff of the Montreal Urban Community Police Service. He resigned following a controversy regarding a 1994 police raid conducted in a bar where over 300 persons were falsely and maliciously charged being inside a bawdy house.

He served as Treasurer of the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (1994-1998); Vice-President of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (1993-1997); and President of the Quebec Association of Police Directors (1993-1997).

In 2002, he was named President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, the Crown corporation responsible for the security of air traffic within Canada, even though under his authority, it has been established that many airport employees had extensive criminal conviction. [ [http://www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca/english/about_propos/exec.shtml Canadian Air Transport Security Authority Executive Team] ] He is an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. [ [http://www.criminologyandjustice.uoit.ca/EN/main2/35833/duchesneau_adjunct.html Mr. Jacques Duchesneau is Appointed Adjunct Professor] ]

City Politics

Duchesneau tried to start a political career in 1998. He founded "Parti Nouveau Montréal" and ran simultaneously for Mayor of Montreal and Councillor of that city, in line with the usual Montréal tactic of having a former police chief run in an election in order to divide the opposition vote.

In the mayoral contest, he finished second with 26% of the vote, behind incumbent Pierre Bourque (44%) but ahead of RCM candidate Michel Prescott (14%) and former Mayor Jean Doré (10%).

Duchesneau also lost the race to become City Councillor of the district of Ahuntsic. He finished second with 27% of the vote against Vision Montreal incumbent Hasmig Belleli (49%).

Three candidates of "Parti Nouveau Montréal" were elected to the City Council, but two of them eventually sat as Independents and the party ceased to exist not long before the 2001 election. [ [http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/38/38519.htm Une opposition divisée, Radio-Canada, January 6, 2000] ]


He is a serving member of the Royal Canadian Armed Forces. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Red Cross Society. He has written articles on security, terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking, police ethics, and leadership.


* In 1996, he was made a Member of the Order of Canada.
* In 2002 he received Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee Medal.
* In 2006, he was made a Knight of the Ordre National du Mérite.
* In 2005 he was promoted to be the Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of the 62nd (Shawinigan) Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.
* He was knighted by the Order of St. John in 2001.



* [http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partI/2006/20061028/html/house-e.html#i1 AWARDS TO CANADIANS]
* [http://www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca/english/about_propos/ceo_pcd/bio.shtml]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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