E. W. Kemble

E. W. Kemble

Edward Winsor Kemble (January 18 1861September 19 1933) was an American cartoonist and illustrator.

Born in Sacramento, California, his family moved to New York when he was young. He published his first cartoon in 1880 in "Harper's Bazaar". He became a political cartoonist for the "New York Daily Graphic" and contributed to early "Life" issues.

Mark Twain commissioned Kemble to illustrate the original edition of "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn".

He held staff positions at "Collier's Weekly" and "Harper's Weekly". Kemble was known for his depictions of African Americans.


* [http://lambiek.net/artists/k/kemble_ew.htm Comic Creator: E. W. Kemble] via lambiek.net
*Kemble, E.W. (February 1930). [http://etext.virginia.edu/twain/colophon.html Illustrating Huckleberry Finn.] "The Colophon, A Book Collectors' Quarterly"

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