Ambient media

Ambient media

Ambient Media started to appear in British media jargon around 1999, but now seems to be firmly established as a standard term within the advertising industry [Making a difference with ambient media. By: Jane Barnes, Admap, February 1999] . It is the name given to a new breed of out-of-home products and services determined by some as Non-Traditional or Alternative Media. Ambient media advertising can be used in conjunction with mainstream traditional media, or used equally effectively as a stand-alone activity. The key to a successful ambient media campaign is to choose the best media format available and combined with effective message.

The following are some reasons for the growth of ambient media:

*A decline in the power of traditional media.
*A greater demand for point-of-sale communications.
*Its ability to offer precise audience targeting.
*Its general versatility.

Ambient advertisements are effective means at pushing a brand message in front of consumers and can develop even better top of mind recall within target audiences. This provides the ability to advertisers to maintain brand awareness created by other advertising efforts. Ambient media can produce mass attention in centralized locations, or directly interact with consumers during normal every day activities [Ambient media - best practice. By Roderick White, Admap #454, October 2004 Will ambient media swamp the market? By: Rosser, Michael. Precision Marketing, 6/14/2002, Vol. 14 Issue 37, p11, 1p, 3c; (AN 6905991) Advertising's New Frontiers Futurist, Jul/Aug2004, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p11-11, 1p, 1bw; (AN 13258913)] .

Examples are messages on the backs of car park receipts, on hanging straps in railway carriages and on the handles of supermarket trolleys. It also includes such techniques as projecting huge images on the sides of buildings, or slogans on the gas bags of hot air balloons. Ambient media in the field of advertising are often mixed with ambient media developed based onambient intelligent technology.


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