Fernando Zevallos

Fernando Zevallos

Fernando Melciades Zevallos González, also known as Fernando Melciades Zevallos Gonzáles, is the founder and owner of what was Perú's largest airline, Aero Continente. The airline operated from 1992 until 2004, but was forced to close that year after Mr Zevallos was added to America's list of drug kingpins and Aero Continente placed on a blacklist of companies with links to drug traffickers. The moves prevented American companies from doing business with the airline. This meant that Aero Continente could neither buy spare parts for its US-built planes or insure them. It quickly collapsed.

Zevallos was born on July 8, 1957, in the province Marceles Cáceres, Department of San Martín, Perú. He graduated from the Peruvian Air Force Academy, becoming a pilot. In 1976 and following his father's death, he retired from the Air Force to look after his father's estate. He had inherited a considerable amount of money.

In 1978, the Peruvian government began a campaign of tax incentives for companies that invested in the Peruvian jungle. The Zevallos family decided to incorporate an air taxi company called "TAUSA", with the aim of offering aerial services to the villages of the Peruvian jungle which were not served by suitable terrestrial transport. The company was not successful and Zevallos emigrated to the United States.

During this period, he founded a new company, Aero Continente. At the end of 1994, he settled in the USA permanently, prompting him to give up his shares of the company. He quited the board of Aero Continente in January 1995, later becoming an adviser.

Aero Continente grew to become one of Peru's leading airlines. But on the eve of 2004's Copa America in Peru, Aero Continente was grounded. Persistent allegations of money-laundering and drugs-trafficking had dogged the company for years. At this point, the US authorities added Zavallos to its list of drugs kingpins. Unable to secure insurance for his fleet, Aero Continente was grounded.

As an aside, arch-rival LAN Airlines was grounded shortly after by a judge, believed to be sympathetic to Zavallos. LAN had accused Aero Continente of unfair competition for allegedly selling below-cost tickets for travel between Chile and PerúFact|date=May 2008. As LAN was the official airline of the Copa América, President Alejandro Toledo was forced to intervene to allow it to keep flying during the tournament. This proved controversial and drew criticism to the Peruvian President.

Accusations and Charges

Fernando Zevallos has been the subject of more than 30 investigations by the US Drug Enforcement Administration, although none of these have secured any convictions. On 2004 he was put on the US's list of drugs kingpins under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, labeling him one of the top drugs-traffickers in the world. Terry Parham, director of the US Drug Enforcement Administration's Lima office, went on record as describing Zevallos as the "Al Capone of Perú".

The founder of Aero Continente has denied any connection with drug trafficking and has demanded that the United States government show proof of such accusations. Neither Aero Continente -nor its founder Fernando Zevallos- were ever tried or found guilty of these accusations prior to their addition to the list. Fernando Zevallos has been a Permanent legal resident of the United States for over 15 years and was quoted of calling his inclusion to The Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act as "unconstitutional". Since he was denied his right to due process. [http://www.criminaljustice.org/public.nsf/testimony/200009?OpenDocument]

In his home country, Zevallos has faced charges of contract murder, cocaine trafficking and money laundering. In November 2005, a Peruvian court found him guilty of drugs-trafficking offenses. He was sentenced to 20 years in jail and barred from holding public office. Zevallos's defense appeal is still pending, due to be heard by Peru's Supreme Court. Zevallos has also filed a complain to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the so-called "Pact of San José."

In November 2006, accusations emerged to suggest Zevallos had deep links with Peru's disgraced former spy-chief, Vladimiro Montesinos. The accusations were made by convicted drug dealer Jorge "Polaco" Chavez Montoya. The state prosecutor for the case had recommended for the case to be closed, since there is no evidence to prove the accusations. Both Zevallos and Montesinos have denied any links.

Fernando Zevallos, is currently challenging the United States government to hand over evidence of their accusations. He is said to be preparing a lawsuit against the Bush Administration in order to be taken out from the list but has no sufficient funds.

Members of the zevallos family have contacted the ACLU at varios different occasions to request help. Unfortunately, the ACLU has decided that the constitutional rights in america only apply to some. Fernando zevallos has been quoted of saying "unfortunately, even in the united states, when one is branded a a drug kingping, it no longer matter if he is guilty or innocent, no one is willing to help."

Also, in July 2007 he was indicted for breaking the kingping act. Oddly enough, only United States citizens can break the kingping act, hence he should not be indicted. If he is indicted, because he is a resident, then he shouldn't be in the kingping act because it applies to foreign narcotic kingpings.

External links

* [http://www.gacetajuridica.com.pe/arch_nove/zevallos.pdf Charges presented against Fernando Zevallos]
* [http://www.world-check.com/articles/2007/07/28/us-files-its-first-indictment-under-drug-kingpin-a/ "US files its first indictment under Drug Kingpin Act"] , World Check, 28 July 2007

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