

PASS-PORT is a web-based electronic portfolio assessment and course management system operated by Innovative Learning Assessment Technologies, LLC.



PASS-PORT was designed to help Louisiana Collges and Universities meet NCATE accreditation standards for their Teacher Education programs. It assists administrators in collecting, aggregating, and reporting performance-based assessment data -- aligned to accreditation standards -- from a number of sources:
*"File Artifacts" submitted by students for review by a faculty member
*"Professional Development Experiences"
*"Field Experiences" with associated assessments from faculty members and participating teacher mentors
*"Web Links" to student works
*"Student Self Assessments" in the form of questionnaires
*"Faculty Assessments" of student performance
*"Standardized Tests" such as the Praxis battery
*"Course Grades"It has a template-based design which allows administrators to design their own evaluation instruments and associate those measurements directly to standards. PASS-PORT also collects Demographic data on students, faculty members, and field experience participants. It also automates the review process associated with a student's transition points (which PASS-PORT calls a portal).

Other Course Management Systems

* ANGEL Learning (commercial)
* eCollege (commercial)
* Desire2Learn (commercial)
* Dokeos (open source)
* Edumate (commercial)
* LON-CAPA (open source)
* .LRN (open source)
* Moodle (open source)
* Sakai Project (open source)
* Scholar360 (commercial)
* WebCT (commercial, owned by Blackboard Inc.)
* Vuepoint (commercial)

Other Assessment Management Systems

* TaskStream (commercial)
* LiveText (commercial)
* CampusTools (commercial)
* Moodle (open source)

External links

* [ PASS-PORT Information Site]
* [ Innovative Learning Assessment Technologies, LLC]
* [ NCATE - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education]
* [ AACSB - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business]
* [ ABET - Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology]
* [ SACS - Southern Assocaite of Colleges and Schools]

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  • pass·port — /ˈpæsˌpoɚt, Brit ˈpɑːsˌpɔːt/ noun, pl ports [count] 1 : an official document issued by the government of a country that identifies someone as a citizen of that country and that is usually necessary when entering or leaving a country 2 : something …   Useful english dictionary

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