Vali vadha

Vali vadha

Vali Vadh is one of the most debated topics of Ramayana. This episode is also used against the ideal character of Rama. This article gives a complete description of events at the time of this episode.

This was the time when Sita was abducted and Rama with Laxman were searching for Sita. Rama even asked the trees, animals and river Godavari. The result was none spoke about it. He was crying endlessly and was with full of anger against the abductor. Laxman became very sad and also surprised. He had never seen his brother, the most respected person for him in such a condition. He helps him to overcome his sorrow, reminds him about his patience and helps him to calmed down. They meet Jatayu in this process.

Jatayu was a bird and was definitely among the list of heroes in Ramayana. He was old and did not even care for his own life. He died after telling him that the person who took away Sita is Ravana and he has traveled towards south.

Advice of Kabandha

Now Rama-Laxman move towards south and after many days of searching some good news came to them in the form of a demon named Kabandha. Both the brothers were trapped by this demon who was having very long hands. Rama cuts both of his hands and then the demon revealed his true identity.

Actually Kabandha was from a higher planet and due to a curse he became a demon. He gets freedom from the body of Kabandha and then advises Rama to take help from Sugreev. He gave following reasons to meet Sugreeva.

# First reason is only these two brothers Baali (or Vali) and Sugreeva are knowing the detailed geography of Earth (India of that time).
# Kabandha advises him to take help of Sugreeva and not Baali.

Any first sincere reader of Ramayana will ask why not take help of Baali who was much more powerful than Sugreeva. In fact, before death Baali also says to Rama that if you had come to me I would have brought your wife in few minutes. But, Kabandha argues that Sugreeva is in bad condition and eventually you are also in bad condition. A person in bad condition should help the other person in similar condition. This is Neeti (Policy, politics or demand of time).

Kabandha also advises him to take promise from Sugreeva on stamp paper. Revolving around fire (agni) three times was serving as stamp paper at that time. Here Fire God is the witness and anybody breaking the promise is believed to go to the worst hell for sure.It seems Kabandha was skeptical about Sugreeva, even then he thinks that helping Sugreeva is righteous and need of the hour.

Rama first meets Hanuman and he was impressed by his intelligence and speaking skills. That also boosted Rama's confidence in Sugreeva. Sugreeva tells him his story why Baali became his enemy. Sugreeva was innocent if he was to be believed. Rama believed it. Sugreeva was innocent the only proof was that both Hanuman and Rama believed him. Both Hanuman and Rama were intelligent persons and well placed in judging a person's intention. Rama's judgment about Hanuman also proved to be correct. He proved to be the second greatest hero of Ramayana. It would have been next to impossible to get Sita without Hanuman. Rama accepts it at the end of war.

Rama meets Sugreeva

Sugreeva was very scared of Baali and he was full of doubts that Rama can kill him. He told him many unbelievable stories of power of Baali. as a proof he showed Rama a hole in a saal tree which Baali had made in one shot. Rama shows his power now. Rama penetrate seven trees of saal in a row with one arrow. Not just that after crossing the trees the arrow made a strike on a huge rock and made it into pieces. Sugreeva was happy and said, O Rama you are great.

Rama asked Sugreeva to challenge Baali and bring him outside Kishkindha. Why can't Rama go inside Kishkindha? As he explains latter, for 14 years he cannot enter a city. Baali proud of his power comes out and that also alone. There is also an important aspect of it Rama does not want unnecessary bloodbath specially of Baali's army which he wants to have friendly relation with. Baali killing from front would not have been easy but would not be impossible for Rama. Just few days back Rama had killed Khar and Dushan along with army of 14000 "rakshasa"s (demons). Certainly he was not afraid of Baali and would have defeated him for sure. probably he did not want to take a chance and has already found justifiable reasons for his own act.

How Vali was killed

Sugreeva fought with Baali actually beaten up by Baali. Rama could not recognize which one is Baali and which one is Sugreeva. It may be true with physical appearance. But, the easiest guess is the person who is beaten up is Sugreeva. Rama does not want rely on guess work. One can also assume that he gave one chance to Baali to save his life. It is evident from other incidents that Rama always gave chance to his rival to save his life. Maarich and even Ravana each were killed by him in third attempt. They got two chances to save themselves. So he sends Sugreeva second time to Baali. It was clear to caution Baali. Baali's wife Tara asked Baali not to go out.

How come Sugreeva can challenge him so quickly just after a fresh defeat. There is certainly somebody powerful with him. They werealready having information that two prince from Ayodhya are seen with Sugreeva and there is certainly some thing doubtful. Baali so proud of his power did not want to listen anything. While he was fighting with Sugreeva, Rama shot his powerful arrow at him. The arrow went deep inside Baali's chest and he immediately fell down on ground.

Questions raised by Vali

Now Rama faced the injured Baali. Rama could have killed him completely with one arrow or he may have even shot another arrow to avoid facing Baali. But no, he choses to keep him alive for some time so that he can ask questions which he was ready to answer. So now come the great questions raised by Baali and the great answers by Rama.

# The first question of Baali, what was my crime?
# Evenif I did some crime (with my brother) what is your right to kill me.
# The third was he simply disapproved the way Rama killed him. He said, I was fighting with some other person and was not careful enough when you shot me.

Rama's answers

Here are Rama's reply, as per Valmiki Ramayana,

# He said that your crime was keeping relation with your younger brother's wife even when he was alive. The younger brother should be treated like a son. Even if he did a mistake you should forgive him, specially when he is promising to respect you for whole life.
#About his authority he said he has permission from the King Bharat to spread righteousness and punish evils.
# The third argument he quotes how great kings did hunting of deers in the past. In fact, Baali in principle can also be kept in the category of deers and a hunting king does not care whether the deer was careful or not.

Baali was satisfied with his answers and even apologised for raising the questions. Sugreeva was made king and son of Baali, Angada, another great hero of Ramayana was made yuvraj (the future king). Let us remind that angada was the most devoted fighter of Rama's army. He even took the message of Rama to Ravana even when it was full of risk of life.


* Ramayana by Valmiki, Geetpress, Gorakhpur, India.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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