Kautz graph

Kautz graph

Sample of K. graph with M=2: on the left N=1, on the right N=2.The edges of the left graph correspond to the nodes of right graph.

The Kautz graph K_M^{N + 1} is a
directed graph of degree M and dimension N+1, which has (M +1)M^{N} vertices labeled by allpossible strings s_0 cdots s_N of length N +1 which are composed of characters s_i chosen froman alphabet A containing M + 1 distinctsymbols, subject to the condition that adjacent characters in thestring cannot be equal (s_i eq s_{i+ 1}).

The Kautz graph K_M^{N + 1} has (M + 1)M^{N+ 1} edges

{(s_0 s_1 cdots s_N,s_1 s_2 cdots s_N s_{N + 1})| ; s_i in A ; s_i eq s_{i + 1} } ,

It is natural to label each such edge of K_M^{N + 1}as s_0s_1 cdots s_{N + 1}, giving a one-to-one correspondencebetween edges of the Kautz graph K_M^{N + 1}and vertices of the Kautz graphK_M^{N + 2}.

Kautz graphs are closely related to De Bruijn graphs.


* For a fixed degree M and number of vertices V = (M + 1) M^N, the Kautz graph has the smallest diameter of any possible directed graph with V vertices and degree M.

* All Kautz graphs have Eulerian cycles. (An Eulerian cycle is one which visits each edge exactly once-- This result follows because Kautz graphs have in-degree equal to out-degree for each node)

* All Kautz graphs have a Hamiltonian cycle (This result follows from the correspondence described above between edges of the Kautz graph K_M^{N} and vertices of the Kautz graph K_M^{N + 1}; a Hamiltonian cycle on K_M^{N + 1} is given by an Eulerian cycle on K_M^{N})

* A degree-k Kautz graph has k disjoint paths from any node x to any other node y. This property is violated by the graph ( [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] above right) incorrectly supplied as an example of a K_2^2 graph.

In computing

The Kautz graph has been used as a network topology for connecting processors in high-performance computing [cite web | url=http://pl.atyp.us/wordpress/?p=1275 | title=The Kautz Graph | author=Darcy, Jeff | date=2007-12-31 | publisher= [http://pl.atyp.us/wordpress/ Canned Platypus] ] and fault-tolerant computing [cite conference |first=Dongsheng |last=Li |coauthors=Xicheng Lu, Jinshu Su |title=Graph-Theoretic Analysis of Kautz Topology and DHT Schemes |booktitle=Network and Parallel Computing: IFIP International Conference |pages=308-315 |publisher=NPC |date=2004 |location=Wuhan, China |url=http://books.google.com/books?id=DpDwhffRCjwC&pg=PA308&lpg=PA308&dq=kautz+graph&source=web&ots=QWy7s3YiHU&sig=KHsfzBYxBWdiNjZ4pn8YUoArB0A&hl=en |accessdate=2008-03-05 | isbn=3540233881 ] applications: such a network is known as a Kautz network.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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