poor relief — noun Etymology: poor (II) : relief or assistance usually administered by local officials with funds from the local treasury for the aid of the needy in a community * * * poor relief noun Money, food, etc for the poor • • • Main Entry: ↑poor … Useful english dictionary
Poor relief — During the Republic, the responsibility for the care of the “poor” (invalids, widows, orphans, and the elderly) rested with the churches. Public authorities intervened only when help or disci pline were required for those who could not be… … Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands
Poor Relief Act 1662 — The Poor Relief Act 1662 (13 14 Car. II c.12) was an Act of the Parliament of England. It was an Act for the Better Relief of the Poor of this Kingdom and is also known as the Settlement Act or, more honestly, the Settlement and Removal Act. The… … Wikipedia
poor relief — noun historical financial assistance given to the poor from state or local community funds … English new terms dictionary
poor relief — Support provided the poor and destitute by a public body, better known in the present as welfare. See welfare; welfare laws … Ballentine's law dictionary
Poor Law — This article deals chiefly with the English Poor Laws covering England and Wales. For the laws regarding the other areas of the British Isles see Irish Poor Laws and Scottish Poor Law The Poor Law was the system for the provision of social… … Wikipedia
Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 — The Poor Law Amendment Act 1834, sometimes abbreviated to PLAA,[1] was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed by the Whig government of Lord Melbourne that reformed the country s poverty relief system (with the exception of… … Wikipedia
Poor Laws — Si bien muchas se desarrollaron muchas workhouses (especies de hospicios) tras la Nueva Ley de Pobres, algunas ya habían sido construidas bajo el sistema existente.[1] Esta workhouse en Nantwich, Cheshire data de 1780 … Wikipedia Español
Relief of the Poor Act 1782 — The Relief of the Poor Act 1782 (also known as Gilbert s Act) [ [http://users.ox.ac.uk/ peter/workhouse/poorlaws/1782intro.shtml 1782 Poor Relief Act (full text) ] ] was a British poor relief Act proposed by Thomas Gilbert which aimed to organise … Wikipedia
Poor Law Union — A Poor Law Union was a unit used for local government in the United Kingdom from the 19th century. During this time, the administration of the Poor Law was the responsibility of parishes, which varied wildly in their financial resources and… … Wikipedia