Rudolf Beran

Rudolf Beran

Rudolf Beran (December 28, 1887 – April 23, 1954) was a Czechoslovakian politician who served as prime minister of the country before its occupation by Nazi Germany and shortly thereafter, before it was declared a protectorate. A leader of the Agrarian Party from 1933, he was appointed prime minister by President Emil Hácha on December 1, 1938, and served until April 27, 1939. After he retired, he settled on his farm. During World War II, he had contacts with members of the Czech resistance. After the war, Beran was arrested as a collaborator by the Communist authorities, and in a manipulated political trial was sentenced to twenty years in prison. He died in Leopoldov prison in 1954.

ee also

* List of Prime Ministers of Czechoslovakia

External links

*cs icon [ Members of Beran's government before occupation, 1.12.1938 - 15.3.1939]
*cs icon [ Members of Beran's government after the occupation, 16.3.1939 - 27.4.1939]

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