List of Issues of The Magnet

List of Issues of The Magnet

Issues of The Magnet, published by Amalgamated Press between 1908 and 1940. References in brackets refer to reprints by the Howard Baker Press and the Greyfriars Book Club.


  1. The Making of Harry Wharton (Book Club 3)
  2. The Taming of Harry (Book Club 3)
  3. The Mystery of Greyfriars (Book Club 3)
  4. Chums of the Remove (Book Club 3)
  5. Kidnapped (Book Club 3)
  6. Aliens at Greyfriars (Book Club 3)
  7. Rivals of the Remove (Book Club 3)
  8. In Hiding (Book Club 3)
  9. The Nabob's Diamond (Book Club 3)
  10. The Captain's Election (Book Club 3)
  11. Billy's Boom! (Book Club 42)
  12. Harry's Sacrifice (Book Club 42)
  13. A Jolly Half Holiday (Book Club 42)
  14. Billy's Competition (Book Club 42)
  15. Wharton's Operatic Company (Book Club 42)
  16. Stage Struck; or, A Dress Rehearsal (Book Club 42)
  17. A Jolly Outing (Book Club 42)
  18. Roughing It! (Book Club 42)
  19. The Greyfriars Challenge (Book Club 42)
  20. Billy's Treat (Book Club 42)
  21. The Famous Four (Book Club 43)
  22. Fun by the Sea (Book Club 43)
  23. The Greyfriars Riot (Book Club 43)
  24. Four on the War-Path (Book Club 43)
  25. The Triumph of the Remove (Book Club 43)
  26. The Greyfriars Sleepwalker (Book Club 43)
  27. The Reformation of Greyfriars (Book Club 43)
  28. The Remove Master's Substitute (Book Club 43)
  29. The Greyfriars Conjurer (Book Club 43)
  30. Billy Bunter, Hypnotist (Book Club 43)
  31. Harry Wharton's Task (Book Club 44)
  32. The Greyfriars Ventriloquist (Book Club 44)
  33. Aliens Against Greyfriars (Book Club 44)
  34. The Rival Schools (Book Club 44)
  35. Harry Wharton's Scheme (Book Club 44)
  36. The New Boy at Greyfriars (Book Club 44)
  37. The Greyfriars Chinee (Book Club 44)
  38. The Cheerful Chinee (Book Club 44)
  39. Greyfriars versus St. Jim's (Book Club 44)
  40. Billy Bunter's Raid (Book Club 44)
  41. The Rival Entertainers (Book Club 50)
  42. Harry Wharton's Day Out (Book Club 50)
  43. The Greyfriars Victory (Book Club 13)
  44. The Amateur Cooks (Book Club 13)
  45. A Lad from Lancashire (Book Club 13)
  46. Expelled! (Book Club 13)


  1. Home for the Holidays (Book Club 13)
  2. The New Term at Greyfriars (Book Club 13)
  3. The New Sixth-Former (Book Club 13)
  4. Harry Wharton's Campaign (Book Club 13)
  5. Bunter's Vengeance (Book Club 45)
  6. The Hero of Greyfriars (Book Club 45)
  7. The Greyfriars Sailors (Book Club 45)
  8. Billy Bunter's Housewarming (Book Club 45)
  9. The Chinese Captain (Book Club 45)
  10. Harry Wharton's Recruits (Book Club 45)
  11. The Ventriloquist's Pupils (Book Club 45)
  12. Cut by the Form (Book Club 45)
  13. The School Dance (Book Club 45)
  14. The Greyfriars Cricketers (Book Club 45)
  15. The Rivals of Greyfriars (Book Club 46)
  16. The Shipwrecked Schoolboys (Book Club 46)
  17. The Greyfriars Picnic (Book Club 46)
  18. Wharton & Co. versus Merry & Co. (Book Club 46)
  19. Rival Scouts (Book Club 46)
  20. Stoney Broke (Book Club 46)
  21. Harry Wharton's Ward (Book Club 46)
  22. The Invasion of Greyfriars (Book Club 46)
  23. The Bully of Greyfriars (Book Club 46)
  24. The Cliff House Party (Book Club 46)
  25. The Barring of Bulstrode (Book Club 47)
  26. The Greyfriars Photographer (Book Club 47)
  27. The Greyfriars Caravan (Book Club 47)
  28. The Greyfriars Camp (Book Club 47)
  29. The Tenants of Study 13 (Book Club 47)
  30. Billy Bunter, Editor! (Book Club 47)
  31. The Greyfriars Bunfight (Book Club 47)
  32. Harry Wharton's Bank-Holiday (Book Club 47)
  33. Harry Wharton's Eleven (Book Club 47)
  34. Boy Scouts from the 'Faderland' (Book Club 47)
  35. Bunter the Boxer (Book Club 48)
  36. The Head's Holiday (Book Club 48)
  37. Bunter the Bully (Book Club 48)
  38. Harry Wharton & Co. Afloat (Book Club 48)
  39. The Greyfriars Visitors (Book Club 48)
  40. The Chum from New Zealand (Book Club 48)
  41. Billy Bunter's Windfall (Book Club 48)
  42. The Lancashire Junior's Resolve (Book Club 48)
  43. Staunch Chums (Book Club 48)
  44. With Flying Colours (Book Club 48)
  45. The Fifth at Greyfriars (Book Club 49)
  46. Bunter the Detective! (Book Club 49)
  47. The Circus at Greyfriars (Book Club 49)
  48. The Smugglers' Cave (Book Club 49)
  49. Billy Bunter's Christmas Dream (Book Club 49)
  50. The Greyfriars Skaters (Book Club 49)
  51. The Greyfriars Sweepstake (Book Club 49)
  52. The Christmas Winners (Book Club 49)


  1. Billy Bunter's Resolutions (Book Club 50)
  2. Nugent Minor (Book Club 30)
  3. The Dandies of the Remove (Book Club 30)
  4. The Disappearance of Wun Lung (Book Club 30)
  5. The Greyfriars Athletes (Book Club 30)
  6. The Greyfriars Fifteen (Book Club 30)
  7. The Greyfriars Treasure (Book Club 30)
  8. The Greyfriars Plot! (Book Club 30)
  9. The Cad of the Sixth (Book Club 30)
  10. Wingate's Secret (Book Club 50)
  11. The Remove to the Rescue (Book Club 50)
  12. Linley's Luck (Book Club 50)
  13. The Greyfriars Flight (Book Club 50)
  14. The 'First' at Greyfriars (Book Club 50)
  15. Friends or Foes? (Book Club 51)
  16. Billy Bunter's Trials (Book Club 51)
  17. The Juniors' Enemy (Book Club 51)
  18. Billy Bunter's Vote (never republished)
  19. Wun Lung Minor (Book Club 18)
  20. The Remove's Challenge (Book Club 18)
  21. The Bounder of Greyfriars (Book Club 18)
  22. The Cad's Trial (Book Club 18)
  23. The First Eleven (Book Club 18)
  24. The Remove Eight (Book Club 18)
  25. Study 1 on Tour (Book Club 18)
  26. The Thief! (Book Club 18)
  27. The Duffer of Greyfriars (Book Club 18)
  28. Harry Wharton's Peril (Book Club 51)
  29. Bob Cherry's Benefit (Book Club 51)
  30. Wun Lung's Loss (Book Club 51)
  31. Alonzo the Great (Book Club 52)
  32. Billy Bunter, Limited! (Book Club 52)
  33. Harry Wharton's Century (Book Club 52)
  34. Alonzo's Plot (Book Club 52)
  35. The Postal Order Conspiracy (Book Club 52)
  36. Todd the Terrible (Book Club 52)
  37. Captain Bob Cherry (Book Club 52)
  38. Billy Bunter's Kick-off! (Book Club 53)
  39. Only Alonzo (Comic Papers 1)
  40. Harry Wharton's 'Pro' (Book Club 53)
  41. Alonzo's Little Game! (Book Club 53)
  42. The Cliff House Guest (Book Club 53)
  43. The New Firm (Book Club 53)
  44. The Duffer's Downfall (Book Club 53)
  45. The Head of Study 14 (Book Club 53)
  46. Billy Bunter's Minor (Book Club 31)
  47. Coker's Catch (Book Club 31)
  48. The Leader of the New School (Book Club 31)
  49. The Schoolboy Traitor! (Book Club 31)
  50. Bunter's Bust-Up (Book Club 31)
  51. The Haunted Island! (Book Club 31)
  52. The Yankee Schoolboy (Book Club 31)
  53. The Girls' School's Challenge (Book Club 31)


  1. John Bull Junior (Book Club 55)
  2. Forward, Fish! (Book Club 55)
  3. Rolling in Money (Book Club 55)
  4. Spoofing Alonzo! (Book Club 55)
  5. The Tempter! (Book Club 55)
  6. The Greyfriars Hypnotist (Book Club 55)
  7. John Bull Junr's Weekly (Book Club 55)
  8. Rival Weekly (Book Club 56)
  9. Poor Old Bunter! (Book Club 56)
  10. Alonzo, the Footballer (Book Club 56)
  11. Wingate's Chum (Book Club 56)
  12. The Artful Dodger (Book Club 56)
  13. The Greyfriars Clown (Book Club 56)
  14. The New Page (Book Club 56)
  15. The Greyfriars Wheelers (Book Club 57)
  16. The Prisoner of the Priory (Book Club 57)
  17. Last Man In! (Book Club 57)
  18. The Bully's Remorse (Book Club 57)
  19. Harry Wharton's Downfall (Book Club 57)
  20. The Greyfriars Tyrant (Book Club 57)
  21. The School on Strike! (Book Club 57)
  22. Driven from School (Book Club 58)
  23. A Schoolboy's Honour (Book Club 58)
  24. The King's Guest (Book Club 58)
  25. Bulstrode on the Warpath (Book Club 16)
  26. Barred by his People (Book Club 16)
  27. The Bully's Brother (Book Club 16)
  28. Bob Cherry in Search of His Father (Book Club 16)
  29. A Schoolboy's Cross-roads (Book Club 16)
  30. Saved from Disgrace (Book Club 16)
  31. The Cock of the Walk (Book Club 16)
  32. Inky Minor (Book Club 16)
  33. The Schoolboy Millionaire (Book Club 16)
  34. The Slacker! (Book Club 58)
  35. The Only Way! (Book Club 58)
  36. Driven to the Wall! (Book Club 58)
  37. Ashamed of His Father! (Book Club 58)
  38. Sent to Coventry! (Book Club 59)
  39. The Outlaws of the School! (Book Club 59)
  40. An Ungrateful Son! (Book Club 59)
  41. Football Foes! (Book Club 59)
  42. A Schoolboy's Sacrifice (Book Club 59)
  43. By Sheer Grit! (Book Club 59)
  44. The Bully's Chance (Book Club 59)
  45. For the Honour of His Chum! (Book Club 60)
  46. His Last Match! (Book Club 60)
  47. The Stolen Cup (Book Club 60)
  48. The Downfall of the Fifth (Book Club 60)
  49. Wingate's Folly (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1981)
  50. The Duffer's Return (Book Club 60)
  51. Against His Father's Wish (Book Club 60)
  52. By Order of the Form' (Book Club 60)


  1. The Parting of the Ways (never republished)
  2. The Duffer's Double (never republished)
  3. Bolsover's Brother (never republished)
  4. The Schoolboy Moneymaker (never republished)
  5. Tempted but True (never republished)
  6. The Schoolboy Minstrels (never republished)
  7. Bolsover Minor's Last Sacrifice (never republished)
  8. A Race Against Time (never republished)
  9. The Rivals' Test (never republished)
  10. The Jape Against the Fifth (never republished)
  11. A Flight for the Captaincy (never republished)
  12. The Rival Co.'s of Greyfriars (never republished)
  13. The Schoolboy Outcast (never republished)
  14. Schoolboys' Treasure (never republished)
  15. Harry Wharton & Co.'s Windfall (never republished)
  16. A Forbidden Chum (never republished)
  17. Foes of the Fourth (never republished)
  18. Honour Before All (never republished)
  19. A Traitor in the School (never republished)
  20. Frank Nugent's Great Wheeze (never republished)
  21. The Road to Ruin (never republished)
  22. Out of Bounds (never republished)
  23. Down on His Luck (never republished)
  24. The Greyfriars Gardeners (never republished)
  25. Bolsover Minor's Bolt (never republished)
  26. The Remove Form's Feud (never republished)
  27. The Schoolboy Detective (never republished)
  28. The Stolen Schoolboys (never republished)
  29. The Circus Schoolboy (Book Club 61)
  30. Under Suspicion! (Book Club 61)
  31. Harry Wharton & Co.'s Bank Holiday (Book Club 61)
  32. Spoofing the School! (Book Club 61)
  33. The Kidnapped School (Book Club 61)
  34. The Competition Craze at Greyfriars (Book Club 61)
  35. The Form-Master's Secret (Book Club 62)
  36. The Hidden Horror! (Book Club 62)
  37. The Tuck Shop Raiders (Book Club 62)
  38. Coker Minor - Sixth Former! (Book Club 62)
  39. The Greyfriars Insurance Company (Book Club 62)
  40. The Schoolboy Sleepwalker (Book Club 62)
  41. The Schoolboy Policeman! (Book Club 62)
  42. For His Mother's Sake! (Book Club 63)
  43. The Terror of Greyfriars! (Book Club 63)
  44. Top Dog! (Book Club 7)
  45. The Bounder's Triumph! (Book Club 7)
  46. The Greyfriars Crusaders (Book Club 7)
  47. Sacked from the School (Book Club 7)
  48. The Schoolboy Renegade! (Book Club 7)
  49. Mark Linley's Last Fight! (Book Club 7)
  50. Drummed Out of Greyfriars (Book Club 7)
  51. Bob Cherry's Barring-Out! (Book Club 7)
  52. Harry Wharton's Win! (Book Club 63)


  1. The Greyfriars Pantomime (Book Club 91)
  2. Fish's Fag Agency (Book Club 86)
  3. Rake of the Remove (Book Club 86)
  4. Left in the Lurch (Book Club 86)
  5. Harry Wharton & Co.'s Rescue (Book Club 86)
  6. Scorned by Greyfriars (Book Club 86)
  7. A Split in the Sixth (Book Club 87)
  8. Captain Coker (Book Club 87)
  9. A Son of the Sea (Book Club 87)
  10. The Captain's Minor (Book Club 87)
  11. Bob Cherry's Secret (Book Club 87)
  12. Chums Afloat (Book Club 87)
  13. The Schoolboy Conjurer (Book Club 88)
  14. Barred by the Fags (Book Club 88)
  15. Bob Cherry's Chase (Book Club 88)
  16. The Impossible Four (Book Club 88)
  17. The Schoolboy Moneylender (Book Club 88)
  18. 'Friars versus Saints (Book Club 88)
  19. Standing by Skinner (Book Club 89)
  20. Peter Todd's Chance (Book Club 89)
  21. Wun Lung's Secret (Book Club 89)
  22. Holding the Fort (Book Club 89)
  23. In Direst Peril (Book Club 89)
  24. His Own Betrayer (Book Club 89)
  25. The Schoolboy Dramatists (Book Club 90)
  26. Quits! (Book Club 90)
  27. In Another's Name (Book Club 63)
  28. The Sandow Girl at Greyfriars (Book Club 63)
  29. Uncle Fish! (Book Club 63)
  30. The False Form-Master (Book Club 64)
  31. The Sports of the School! (Book Club 64)
  32. Self Denial Week at Greyfriars! (Book Club 64)
  33. Shunned by the Form! (Book Club 64)
  34. The 'Nut' of Greyfriars! (Book Club 64)
  35. The Schoolboy Shopkeepers! (Book Club 64)
  36. Up Against It (Book Club 65)
  37. Bunter the PrizeWinner (Book Club 65)
  38. The Moonlight Footballers (Book Club 65)
  39. Bravo the Bounder! (Book Club 65)
  40. The Sneak's Revenge! (Book Club 65)
  41. The Greyfriars Herald! (Book Club 65)
  42. Game to the Last (Book Club 66)
  43. The Vanished Schoolboy (Book Club 66)
  44. The Greyfriars Golddiggers (Book Club 66)
  45. The Coker Cup (Book Club 66)
  46. Cast Up by the Sea (Book Club 66)
  47. The Biter Bit (Book Club 66)
  48. The Scapegoat (Book Club 67)
  49. In Borrowed Plumes (Book Club 67)
  50. The Four Heroes (Book Club 67)
  51. Harry Wharton's Christmas Number (Book Club 67)
  52. Good Old Coker (Book Club 67)


  1. Ructions in the Remove (Book Club 68)
  2. Held Up (Book Club 68)
  3. The Right Sort (Book Club 68)
  4. Trouble with Highcliffe (Book Club 68)
  5. Bunter's Black Chum (Book Club 68)
  6. The Factory Rebels (Book Club 68)
  7. Peter Todd's Plot (Book Club 69)
  8. The Snob's Lesson (Book Club 69)
  9. The White Feather (Book Club 69)
  10. Blundell's Prize (Book Club 69)
  11. The Missing Chinee (Book Club 69)
  12. Alonzo's Marvellous Mixture (Book Club 69)
  13. Easy Terms (Book Club 70)
  14. April Fools All (Book Club 70)
  15. Wibley's Wheeze (Book Club 70)
  16. The Runaway (Book Club 70)
  17. Harry Wharton's Diplomacy (Book Club 70)
  18. Coker's Plot (Book Club 70)
  19. The Uninvited Guests (Book Club 71)
  20. Rough on Coker (Book Club 71)
  21. Cornered (Book Club 71)
  22. The Boy from the Farm (Book Club 71)
  23. The Wrong Sort (Book Club 71)
  24. The Missing Master (Book Club 71)
  25. The Greyfriars Trippers (Book Club 72)
  26. The Dark Horse (Book Club 72)
  27. The Shadow of the Past (Book Club 72)
  28. Looking After Uncle (Book Club 72)
  29. Wun Lung's Wheeze (Book Club 72)
  30. My Lord Fish (Book Club 72)
  31. The Match with St. Jim's (Book Club 73)
  32. Self-Condemned (Book Club 73)
  33. Harry Wharton & Co.'s Holiday (Book Club 73)
  34. Wild Women at Greyfriars (Book Club 73)
  35. Coker's Conquest (Book Club 73)
  36. A Cool Card (Book Club 74)
  37. Ructions at Highcliffe (Book Club 74)
  38. Spirited Away (Book Club 74)
  39. Hard Up (Book Club 74)
  40. Changed by Adversity (Book Club 74)
  41. The Greyfriars Spy-Hunters (Book Club 74)
  42. Won by Pluck (Book Club 75)
  43. Foiling the Foe (Book Club 75)
  44. The Photo Prize (Book Club 75)
  45. Looking for Alonzo (Book Club 75)
  46. The Reign of Terror (Book Club 75)
  47. The Black Footballers (Book Club 75)
  48. Fagging for Coker (Book Club 76)
  49. The Snob of the Remove (Book Club 76)
  50. The Return of the Prodigal (Book Club 76)
  51. Billy Bunter's Uncle (Book Club 76)
  52. The Patriotic Schoolmaster (Book Club 76)


  1. Skinner's Scheme! (Book Club 77)
  2. The Rival Ventriloquist! (Book Club 77)
  3. The Fight for the Cup! (Book Club 77)
  4. The Cruise of the Famous Five! (Book Club 77)
  5. Surprising the School! (Book Club 77)
  6. The Schoolboy Auctioneer! (Book Club 77)
  7. Bunter the Blade (Book Club 78)
  8. The Last Plunge (Book Club 78)
  9. Captured at Last (Book Club 78)
  10. Tom Dutton's Triumph (Book Club 78)
  11. Through Fire and Flame (Book Club 78)
  12. Bunter's Bank Notes (Book Club 78)
  13. The Hun Hunters (Book Club 79)
  14. Carried Away (Book Club 79)
  15. The Fall of the Fifth (Book Club 79)
  16. Special Constable Coker (Book Club 79)
  17. When Johnny Comes Marching (Book Club 79)
  18. The Mystic Circle (Book Club 80)
  19. The Schoolboy Acrobats (Book Club 80)
  20. Hurree Singh's Peril (Book Club 80)
  21. Heroes of Highcliffe (Book Club 80)
  22. The Punishement Policies (Book Club 80)
  23. The Slacker's Eleven (Book Club 80)
  24. Fifty Pounds Reward (Book Club 81)
  25. The Scout's Victory (Book Club 81)
  26. The Old Boy's Challenge (Book Club 81)
  27. Mauly's Flirtation (Book Club 81)
  28. The Schoolboy Lawyer (Book Club 81)
  29. The Mystery of the Gables (Book Club 81)
  30. The Mysterious Mr. Mobbs (Book Club 82)
  31. Sportsmen All (Book Club 82)
  32. The Master Who Stayed at Home (Book Club 82)
  33. Schoolboys Never Shall Be Slaves (Book Club 82)
  34. Ponsonby's Plot (Book Club 82)
  35. The Fellow Who Won (Book Club 83)
  36. At War with Greyfriars (Book Club 83)
  37. Backing Up Bunter (Book Club 83)
  38. Coker's Canadian Cousin (Book Club 83)
  39. A Lancashire Lad's Luck (Book Club 83)
  40. Champion of the Oppressed (Book Club 83)
  41. The Sunday Crusaders (Book Club 84)
  42. Bunter's Anti-Tuck Campaign! (Book Club 84)
  43. The Midnight Marauders (Book Club 84)
  44. Straight as a Die (Book Club 84)
  45. Going the Pace (Book Club 84)
  46. The Remove Eleven on Tour (Book Club 84)
  47. The Conjurer's Capture (Book Club 85)
  48. The Jape of the Season! (Book Club 85)
  49. The Rebels of the Remove (Book Club 85)
  50. Harry Wharton & Co.'s Pantomime (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1980)
  51. Bunter the Masher (Book Club 85)
  52. The Bounder's Relapse (Book Club 85)


  1. Hazeldene's Honour! (never republished)
  2. The Schoolboy Speculator! (Book Club 39)
  3. Bob Cherry's Challenge (Book Club 39)
  4. The Colonel's Cup! (never republished)
  5. Fought for and Won! (Book Club 39)
  6. Foes of the Sixth (Book Club 39)
  7. Shielding a Scapegrace! (never republished)
  8. Coker's Engagement! (Book Club 39)
  9. Flooring Fishy! (Book Club 39)
  10. Skinner the Skipper (Book Club 39)
  11. His Highness! (Book Club 40)
  12. When Friends Fall Out! (Book Club 40)
  13. The Mailed Fist at Greyfriars (never republished)
  14. Micky Desmond's Luck! (Book Club 40)
  15. The Terrible Two (never republished)
  16. False Evidence (never republished)
  17. The Upper Hand! (Book Club 40)
  18. Coker's Conscript (Billy Bunter's Own)
  19. The Forbidden Match (never republished)
  20. The Hero of Greyfriars (Billy Bunter's Own)
  21. The Boy from South Africa (never republished)
  22. Kicked out of School! (Book Club 40)
  23. Frank Nugent's Folly! (Book Club 40)
  24. Fighting to the Finish! (Book Club 40)
  25. Called to the Colours (never republished)
  26. Run to Earth (never republished)
  27. Monsieur Wibley (never republished)
  28. The Other Bunter (Howard Baker 100)
  29. The Giant of Greyfriars (never republished)
  30. The Schoolboy Farmers (never republished)
  31. Sticking to His Guns (Howard Baker 100)
  32. His Own Fault (never republished)
  33. The Trickster Tricked (never republished)
  34. Rake's Rival (never republished)
  35. A Split in the Study (Howard Baker 100)
  36. The Sentence of the School (Howard Baker 100)
  37. The Great Bat Mystery (never republished)
  38. Billy Bunter's Bolt (never republished)
  39. For D'Arcy's Sake (Howard Baker 100)
  40. The Mystery of Mauly (never republished)
  41. The Stolen Study (Howard Baker 100)
  42. The Bounder's Guest (Howard Baker 100)
  43. Fishy's Latest (never republished)
  44. Under Bunter's Thumb (Howard Baker 100)
  45. The Rascal of the Remove (never republished)
  46. Mauleverer's Detective (never republished)
  47. Coker's Spy (never republished)
  48. The Rivals of Greyfriars (never republished)
  49. Billy Bunter's Reformation (never republished)
  50. The House on the Heath (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1976)
  51. The Way of the Transgressor (never republished)
  52. Foul Play (never republished)
  53. Victims and Victors (never republished)


  1. Getting Rich Quick (Book Club 90)
  2. In Hot Water (Book Club 90)
  3. The Deserter (Book Club 90)
  4. Linley Minor (Book Club 90)
  5. Bunter's Big Brother (Book Club 90)
  6. The Fellow Who Funked (Book Club 90)
  7. Sir Jimmy of Greyfriars (Book Club 91)
  8. The Great Fat-Cure (Book Club 91)
  9. The Herlock Sholmes of Greyfriars (Book Club 91)
  10. Viscount Bunter (Book Club 91)
  11. The Prefects' Plot (Book Club 91)
  12. The Greyfriars Flying Corps (Book Club 91)
  13. Harry Wharton's Rivals (Book Club 91)
  14. The Rebel (Book Club 91)
  15. Colonial Chums (Book Club 92)
  16. The Remove Election Campaign (Book Club 92)
  17. The Head of the Poll (Book Club 92)
  18. Nationial Service at Greyfriars (Book Club 92)
  19. Sir Jimmy Secrets (Book Club 92)
  20. His Father's Honour (Book Club 92)
  21. Two of the Sixth (Book Club 92)
  22. Peter Todd's Vengeance (Book Club 92)
  23. The Fall of the Bounder! (Book Club 24)
  24. The Bounder's Match! (Book Club 24)
  25. The Last Straw! (Book Club 24)
  26. The Bounder's Way! (Book Club 24)
  27. Sir Jimmy's Pal! (Book Club 24)
  28. Sharing the Risk! (Book Club 24)
  29. Against His Own Side! (Book Club 24)
  30. A Lesson for Skinner! (Book Club 24)
  31. On the Wrong Track (Book Club 93)
  32. Hurree Singh's Secret! (Book Club 27)
  33. Parted Pals! (Book Club 27)
  34. The Greyfriars Organiser! (Book Club 27)
  35. On the Make (Book Club 93)
  36. The Schoolboy Inventor (Book Club 93)
  37. Judge Jeffreys! (Book Club 27)
  38. Getting Out of hand! (Book Club 27)
  39. The Greyfriars Inquisition! (Book Club 27)
  40. The Barring-Out at Greyfriars! (Book Club 27)
  41. Victory! (Book Club 27)
  42. Rivals of the Chase (Book Club 93)
  43. Ponsonby's Pal! (Book Club 27)
  44. Coker the Rebel! (Book Club 27)
  45. A Gentleman Ranker (Book Club 93)
  46. An Old Boy at Greyfriars! (Book Club 27)
  47. Saving the Bounder! (Book Club 27)
  48. The Missing Skipper (Book Club 93)
  49. The Greyfriars Christmas Party (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1980)
  50. Four from the East (Book Club 93)
  51. Flap's Brother (Book Club 93)
  52. Looking After Inky (Book Club 93)


  1. In Another's Place! (Book Club 28)
  2. Clavering of the Remove! (Book Club 28)
  3. The Whip-Hand! (Book Club 28)
  4. A Very Gallant Gentleman! (Book Club 28)
  5. Danger Ahead! (Book Club 28)
  6. Tom Redwing's Resolve! (Book Club 28)
  7. Hunting for Treasure (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1985)
  8. Loyal Sir Jimmy (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1985)
  9. Skinner the Spy! (Book Club 28)
  10. Bunter's Latest! (Book Club 28)
  11. A Bird of Passage (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1985)
  12. Coker the Joker! (Book Club 28)
  13. The Fighting Fifth (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1985)
  14. Tom Redwing's Chance! (Book Club 28)
  15. Tom Redwing - Hero! (Book Club 28)
  16. Bunter to the Rescue! (Book Club 28)
  17. Tom Redwing's Win! (Book Club 28)
  18. Saved from Shame! (Howard Baker 92)
  19. A Soldier's Son (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1985)
  20. The Man from the Somme! (Howard Baker 92)
  21. His Father's Son! (Howard Baker 92)
  22. Billy Bunter's Birthright (Comic Papers 4)
  23. Bolsover's Way! (Howard Baker 92)
  24. Napoleon of Greyfriars (Howard Baker 92)
  25. William the Good! (Howard Baker 92)
  26. Bolsover's Enemy! (Howard Baker 92)
  27. Tom Redwing's Father (Howard Baker 92)
  28. William the Warlike (Comic Papers 4)
  29. The Shylock of the Second (never republished)
  30. Angel of the Fourth! (Howard Baker 92)
  31. Kicking Over the Traces! (Howard Baker 92)
  32. Sir Jimmy's Enemy! (Howard Baker 92)
  33. The Second Form Mystery (never republished)
  34. Put to the Test (never republished)
  35. Coker's Campaign! (Howard Baker 93)
  36. Dick Russell's Chum (never republished)
  37. Smithy's Scheme! (Howard Baker 93)
  38. The Broken Bond! (Howard Baker 93)
  39. Rough on Redwing! (Howard Baker 93)
  40. Fallen Fortunes! (Howard Baker 93)
  41. The Greyfriars Tree Dwellings (never republished)
  42. The Missing Masterpiece! (Howard Baker 93)
  43. A Case of Conscience! (Howard Baker 93)
  44. His Country's Call! (Howard Baker 93)
  45. Coker's Latest! (Howard Baker 93)
  46. Walker of the Sixth (never republished)
  47. In Spite of Himself! (Howard Baker 93)
  48. Spring's Brother (never republished)
  49. Sacked! (never republished)
  50. The Wiles of Wibley (never republished)
  51. Samuel and Sammy (never republished)
  52. Bunter the Punter! (Howard Baker 93)


  1. Wally Bunter's Luck! (Howard Baker 67)
  2. Billy Bunter's Wheeze (Howard Baker 67)
  3. Wally of the Remove (Howard Baker 67)
  4. A Dog with a Bad Name! (Howard Baker 67)
  5. The Amazing Bunter! (Howard Baker 90)
  6. Bravo, Bunter! (Howard Baker 90)
  7. For Another's Sins (Howard Baker 90)
  8. The Black Sheep of Highcliffe (Howard Baker 90)
  9. When Rogues Fall Out (Howard Baker 90)
  10. Standing by Snoop! (Howard Baker 90)
  11. Wally's Wheeze (Howard Baker 90)
  12. Hoskins' Chance! (Howard Baker 90)
  13. Giants at Grips! (Howard Baker 90)
  14. The Artful Dodger! (Howard Baker 90)
  15. Loder's Luck! (Howard Baker 90)
  16. The Terrible Uncle (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1977)
  17. The Return of the Native! (Howard Baker 67)
  18. Foes of the Remove (Comic Papers 3)
  19. Missing from School (Comic Papers 3)
  20. His Majesty's the Major (never republished)
  21. Treasure Trove (Comic Papers 3)
  22. Samuel and Sammy (Comic Papers 3)
  23. Weggie of the Remove (never republished)
  24. Billy Bunter's Bank Holiday (never republished)
  25. Bunter the Bolshevik (never republished)
  26. The Greyfriars Swimming Sports (never republished)
  27. Bessie versus Billy (never republished)
  28. Linley's Legacy (never republished)
  29. Catching Coker (Billy Bunter's Own)
  30. The Great Bunter Mystery (never republished)
  31. Bunter's Aunt Sally (never republished)
  32. The Hero's Homecoming (never republished)
  33. The Greyfriars Tourists (never republished)
  34. Schoolboys Abroad (never republished)
  35. Bunter's Typing Agency (never republished)
  36. The Twelve Stamps (never republished)
  37. The Golden Clue (never republished)
  38. Sports Day at Greyfriars (never republished)
  39. The Schoolboy Barber (never republished)
  40. The Secret of the Wires (never republished)
  41. The Greyfriars Detective (never republished)
  42. The Mystery of Mr. Quelch (never republished)
  43. Hurree Singh's Surprise Packet (never republished)
  44. The Herald's Rival (never republished)
  45. The Bounder's Fault! (Howard Baker 84)
  46. Facing the Music! (Howard Baker 84)
  47. The Right Thing (never republished)
  48. Cast Out by His Chums (never republished)
  49. The Rise and Fall of William Gosling (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1982)
  50. Alonso's Agency (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1984)
  51. Bunter on the Boards (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1984)
  52. Bunter's Christmas Portrait (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1984)


  1. The Terror in Black (never republished)
  2. The Bounder's Farewell (never republished)
  3. Facing the Music (never republished)
  4. Vernon-Smith's Return (never republished)
  5. Vernon-Smith's Victory (never republished)
  6. The Jape of the Term (never republished)
  7. Smouldering Fires (never republished)
  8. Phyllis Howell's Brother (never republished)
  9. Squiff's Secret (never republished)
  10. The Hold-Up at Greyfriars (never republished)
  11. The Silent Strike (never republished)
  12. Mauleverer's Mission (never republished)
  13. Bob Cherry's Secret (never republished)
  14. The Blindness of Bunter (never republished)
  15. The Feud with Friardale (never republished)
  16. The Circus Hero (never republished)
  17. Cup Tie Champions (never republished)
  18. The Prefect's Predicament (never republished)
  19. The Scholarship Company (never republished)
  20. Bunter the Bankrupt (never republished)
  21. The Invasion of Greyfriars (never republished)
  22. Chums Awheel (never republished)
  23. Billy Bunter's Speculation (never republished)
  24. Bunter the Farmer (never republished)
  25. The Greyfriars Minstrels (never republished)
  26. Fun on the Fifth (never republished)
  27. The Remove's Recruit (never republished)
  28. Her Brother's Honour (never republished)
  29. Chumming with Loder! (Comic Papers 2)
  30. A Third Form Mystery (never republished)
  31. Bunter's Bluff! (Comic Papers 2)
  32. Bunter's Baby (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1982)
  33. The Schoolboy Artist (never republished)
  34. A Bid for the Captaincy (never republished)
  35. Archie Howell's Return (never republished)
  36. In Borrowed Plumes (never republished)
  37. A False Hero (never republished)
  38. Loder's Luck (never republished)
  39. The Council of Action (never republished)
  40. The Schoolboy Cinema Stars! (Howard Baker 84)
  41. Wingate's Sacrifice! (Howard Baker 84)
  42. Her Schoolboy Chum! (Howard Baker 84)
  43. The Shadow of Shame! (Howard Baker 84)
  44. His Last Card! (Howard Baker 84)
  45. Coker's Craze (never republished)
  46. The Man from America (never republished)
  47. The Caterpillar's Rest Cure (never republished)
  48. Smithy's Defiance (never republished)
  49. Duping the Duffer (never republished)
  50. Up Against It (never republished)
  51. A Son's Dilemma (never republished)
  52. Harry Wharton's Trust (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1980)


  1. Ponsonby's Victim (never republished)
  2. The Runaway Return (never republished)
  3. Driven from School (never republished)
  4. His Blundering Best (never republished)
  5. Billy Bunter's Smugglers (never republished)
  6. Scaring the School (never republished)
  7. Harry Wharton's Sacrifice (never republished)
  8. The Form-Master's Disgrace (never republished)
  9. By Wingate's Aid (Book Club 22)
  10. Thin Bunter! (never republished)
  11. The Schoolboy Protectors (never republished)
  12. Bunter the Swat (never republished)
  13. Rivals of the River (never republished)
  14. Marooned! (never republished)
  15. Waking Up Alonzo (never republished)
  16. Skinner's Secret Society (never republished)
  17. Deaf Bunter (Book Club 22)
  18. Bob Cherry's Luck (never republished)
  19. The Schoolboy Film-Stars (never republished)
  20. Mauleverer's Peril (never republished)
  21. Bunter's Picnic! (Book Club 22)
  22. The Vengeance of Woo Fing (never republished)
  23. Wun Lung's Feud (never republished)
  24. Sportsmen from the North (never republished)
  25. Sleepers of the Remove (never republished)
  26. The Houseboat Mystery (Comic Papers 5)
  27. Bunter the Bandit (Comic Papers 5)
  28. Coker's Conquest (Comic Papers 5)
  29. Billy Bunter's Luck (Comic Papers 5)
  30. The Skipper's Bat (never republished)
  31. The Society for Reforming Billy Bunter! (Howard Baker 98)
  32. The Greyfriars Caravanners (Book Club 22)
  33. The Secret of the Caravan (Book Club 22)
  34. Mauly and the Caravanners (Book Club 22)
  35. The Caravan Detective! (Book Club 22)
  36. Caravanners Afloat! (Book Club 22)
  37. Greyfriars Caravanners Abroad! (Book Club 22)
  38. Champion of the Remove! (Howard Baker 98)
  39. Bunter the Bard! (Howard Baker 98)
  40. The Island Raiders (Howard Baker 98)
  41. The Remove Exam Mystery! (Howard Baker 98)
  42. Skinner's Revenge! (Howard Baker 98)
  43. Bunters Very Latest! (Book Club 22)
  44. The Plot Against the School! (Howard Baker 98)
  45. The Stolen Guy! (Howard Baker 98)
  46. The Slacker's Spasm (Howard Baker 99)
  47. Mark Linley's Trial! (Howard Baker 99)
  48. Penfold Cuts Loose! (Howard Baker 99)
  49. Penfold the Blade! (Howard Baker 99)
  50. Back to the Fold! (Howard Baker 99)
  51. The Mystery of the Christmas Candles (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1979)
  52. Faithful to His Friend! (Howard Baker 99)
  53. Against the Law! (Howard Baker 99)


  1. The Team that Couldn't be Beaten (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1986)
  2. The Footballers Feud (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1986)
  3. Wibley the Wonder (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1986)
  4. Billy Bunter's Big Bargain! (Book Club 36)
  5. The Remove Rugger Team! (Book Club 36)
  6. Mr. Bunter - Form-Master! (Howard Baker 96)
  7. The Bunters' Conspiracy! (Howard Baker 96)
  8. The Mystery of the Warning! (Howard Baker 96)
  9. A Form-Master's Fate! (Howard Baker 96)
  10. Wally Wins Through! (Howard Baker 96)
  11. Billy Bunter - Film Star! (Howard Baker 99)
  12. Bunter's Bolt! (never republished)
  13. Hunting Bunter (Book Club 36)
  14. Bagging Bunter! (Book Club 36)
  15. The Greyfriars Exile! (Howard Baker 99)
  16. His Excellency Count Bunter! (Howard Baker 96)
  17. Ticket for the Final! (Howard Baker 96)
  18. When the Head Resigned! (Book Club 36)
  19. The Sixth-Form Rebellion! (Book Club 36)
  20. The Greyfriars Barring-Out! (Book Club 36)
  21. The Stolen Diary (Howard Baker 97)
  22. For His Father's Name (Howard Baker 97)
  23. Bunter the Crook! (Book Club 36)
  24. De Vere of the Remove! (Book Club 35)
  25. The Snob's Secret! (Book Club 35)
  26. In Borrowed Plumes! (Book Club 35)
  27. The Fall of Algernon! (Book Club 35)
  28. Bunter's Raffle! (Book Club 35)
  29. Bravo Bulstrode! (Howard Baker 97)
  30. Mauly's Pals! (Book Club 35)
  31. The Mysterious Foe! (Book Club 35)
  32. The Schoolboy Yachtsmen! (Book Club 35)
  33. The Mystery of the Silver Scud! (Book Club 35)
  34. The Terror Tracked Down! (Book Club 35)
  35. Coker's Rival (Howard Baker 82)
  36. Skinner's Chum! (Howard Baker 82)
  37. The Schoolboy Divers! (Howard Baker 97)
  38. The Persecution of Mr. Prout! (Book Club 37)
  39. Fishy the Footballer! (Book Club 37)
  40. The Footballers' Foe! (Book Club 37)
  41. Loder's Long Trail! (Book Club 12)
  42. Bunter's Lawsuit! (Howard Baker 97)
  43. The Man from the Congo! (Book Club 12)
  44. Bound for Africa! (Book Club 12)
  45. Harry Wharton & Co. in Africa! (Book Club 12)
  46. Lost on the Congo! (Book Club 12)
  47. King Bunter of the Congo! (Book Club 12)
  48. On the Ivory Trail! (Book Club 12)
  49. The Black Man at Greyfriars! (Book Club 12)
  50. The Call from the Air! (Howard Baker 97)
  51. The Ghost of Mauleverer Towers! (Book Club 12)
  52. Ponsonby's Revenge! (Howard Baker 97)


  1. The Jap of Greyfriars (Comic Papers 4)
  2. The New Boy's Secret! (Book Club 37)
  3. Detective Bunter (Howard Baker 95)
  4. The Schoolboy Hermit! (Book Club 37)
  5. Just Like Bunter! (Book Club 37)
  6. Straight as a Die! (Book Club 37)
  7. Friends at Last! (Book Club 37)
  8. Alonzo the Athlete (Howard Baker 95)
  9. The Sporting Champion (Howard Baker 95)
  10. Bunter's Latest! (Book Club 37)
  11. The Supreme Sacrifice (Howard Baker 95)
  12. Billy Bunter's Boat Race Party (Book Club 14)
  13. A Message from the Sea (Howard Baker 95)
  14. The Jester of Greyfriars (Howard Baker 95)
  15. Rivals and Chums (Howard Baker 95)
  16. How Levison Minor Came to Greyfriars! (Book Club 14)
  17. The Boy with a Bad Name! (Book Club 14)
  18. Under the Shadow (Book Club 14)
  19. A Friend in Need! (Book Club 14)
  20. A Debt Repaid! (Book Club 14)
  21. The Hand of the Enemy! (Book Club 14)
  22. Levison's Triumph! (Book Club 14)
  23. The Haunted Camp! (Howard Baker 94)
  24. The Greyfriars Day-Boarder! (Howard Baker 94)
  25. Bunter's Barring-Out! (Howard Baker 94)
  26. A Puzzle for the Remove! (Howard Baker 94)
  27. The Twin Tangle (Howard Baker 94)
  28. The Hand of Fate! (Howard Baker 94)
  29. Lame Bunter! (Book Club 33)
  30. Mauleverer Means Business! (Book Club 33)
  31. A Split in the Co.! (Book Club 33)
  32. Sir Jimmy's Substitute! (Book Club 33)
  33. Bunter the Hunter! (Book Club 33)
  34. The House of Pengarth! (Book Club 33)
  35. The Secret of the Caves (Book Club 33)
  36. The Heart of a Hero! (Howard Baker 91)
  37. Montague the Mysterious! (Book Club 33)
  38. Fish's Friendly Society! (Howard Baker 91)
  39. An Island Mystery! (Howard Baker 94)
  40. Condemned by the School! (Howard Baker 91)
  41. Disgraced By His Father! (Howard Baker 91)
  42. Mick the Outcast! (Book Club 34)
  43. The Gipsy Schoolboy! (Book Club 34)
  44. Mick the Untamable! (Book Club 34)
  45. The Luck of the Gipsy! (Book Club 34)
  46. The Gipsy Millionaire! (Book Club 34)
  47. The Greyfriars Gliding Competition (Howard Baker 91)
  48. The Coker Challenge Cup! (Howard Baker 91)
  49. The Rebel of the Remove (Howard Baker 82)
  50. True as Steel! (Howard Baker 91)
  51. The Gipsy's Return! (Book Club 34)
  52. The Phantom of the Highlands (never republished)


  1. The Wraith of Lochmuir! (Book Club 34)
  2. The Greyfriars Newspaper (Comic Papers 5)
  3. The Waywardness of Wibley! (Howard Baker 87)
  4. The Greyfriars Flood! (Howard Baker 87)
  5. Coker's Brain-Wave! (Howard Baker 70)
  6. Mauly's Amazing Adventure! (Howard Baker 87)
  7. Bunter's Poor Relations! (Howard Baker 87)
  8. The White Feather! (Howard Baker 87)
  9. The Young Pretender! (Howard Baker 87)
  10. Duffer and Hero! (Howard Baker 87)
  11. The Rebels of the Second! (Howard Baker 86)
  12. Fishy's Treasure! (Book Club 38)
  13. True to His Word! (Howard Baker 89)
  14. Pen's Pal! (Book Club 38)
  15. The Plundered School! (Howard Baker 76)
  16. Inky's Peril! (Howard Baker 89)
  17. Too Clever of Skinner! (Book Club 38)
  18. The Secret of Shark's Tooth! (Howard Baker 89)
  19. The Barring of Bunter! (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1982)
  20. Capped for Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 89)
  21. The Outcast of the Remove! (Howard Baker 89)
  22. The Iron Hand at Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 89)
  23. Peter the Plotter! (Howard Baker 89)
  24. Standing by Their Pals! (Book Club 38)
  25. The Man Who Came Back! (Book Club 38)
  26. Treasure Trove! (Book Club 38)
  27. Drummed Out of Greyfriars (Howard Baker 88)
  28. The Schoolboy Domestics (Howard Baker 88)
  29. The Parting of the Ways! (never republished)
  30. Sentenced by the Form! (Book Club 38)
  31. Vernon-Smith's Feud! (Book Club 38)
  32. True Blue (Howard Baker 88)
  33. The Greyfriars Arab! (Book Club 8)
  34. The Foe from Africa! (Book Club 8)
  35. Bound for Africa! (Book Club 8)
  36. The Schoolboy Tourists! (Book Club 8)
  37. The Call of the Desert! (Book Club 8)
  38. Foes of the Sahara! (Book Club 8)
  39. In the Power of the Sheik! (Book Club 8)
  40. The Vengeance of the Sheik! (Book Club 8)
  41. Billy Bunter's Wembley Party (Howard Baker 88)
  42. Sir Hilton's Nephew (Howard Baker 88)
  43. The Mystery Wreck (Howard Baker 88)
  44. Both Bunters! (Howard Baker 84)
  45. Giving Bunter Beans! (Howard Baker 82)
  46. The Vanished Ventriloquist! (Howard Baker 82)
  47. The Bunking of Bunter! (Howard Baker 82)
  48. Billy Bunter's Campaign! (Howard Baker 82)
  49. The Schoolboy Financier (Howard Baker 88)
  50. Trouble in the Co.! (Book Club 1)
  51. Harry Wharton's Christmas! (Book Club 1)
  52. Friends or Foes? (Book Club 1)


  1. The Downward Path! (Book Club 1)
  2. The Rebel of the Remove! (Book Club 1)
  3. Slacker - and Captain! (Book Club 1)
  4. Harry Wharton's Downfall! (Book Club 1)
  5. Down and Out! (Book Club 1)
  6. The Worst Boy at Greyfriars! (Book Club 1)
  7. Harry Wharton's Last Chance! (Book Club 1)
  8. To Shield His Father! (Howard Baker 86)
  9. The Barring of Bolsover! (Howard Baker 85)
  10. The Great Postal-Order Mystery! (Howard Baker 85)
  11. Bunter the Prophet! (Howard Baker 85)
  12. Coker's Cross-words! (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1982)
  13. The Mystery of Mossoo! (Howard Baker 86)
  14. Aunt Judy Comes to Stay! (Howard Baker 86)
  15. Poor Old Bunter! (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1982)
  16. Bunter the Cavalier! (Howard Baker 80)
  17. The Schoolboy Sculptor! (Howard Baker 83)
  18. Playing the Goat (Howard Baker 80)
  19. Buck Up, Bunter! (Howard Baker 80)
  20. 'Pep' for the 'Friars! (Howard Baker 85)
  21. The Feud with Cliff House! (Howard Baker 85)
  22. Sports Week at Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 85)
  23. The Rival Tuckshops! (Howard Baker 83)
  24. Alonzo, the Slogger! (Howard Baker 85)
  25. Ragged Dick! (Howard Baker 80)
  26. Ragged Dick at Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 80)
  27. Ragged Dick's Resolve! (Howard Baker 80)
  28. A Boy's Cross-roads! (Howard Baker 80)
  29. Billy Bunter's Brainwave! (Howard Baker 3)
  30. Bunter of Bunter Court! (Howard Baker 3)
  31. Billy Bunter's Masterstroke! (Howard Baker 3)
  32. The Mystery of Bunter Court! (Howard Baker 3)
  33. The Bunter Court Eleven! (Howard Baker 3)
  34. The Prisoners of Bunter Court! (Howard Baker 3)
  35. Billy Bunter's Bolt! (Howard Baker 3)
  36. Bunter Caught! (Howard Baker 3)
  37. Rival Oarsmen! (Howard Baker 71)
  38. Schoolboy versus "Pro's!" (Howard Baker 71)
  39. Fishy's Hair-Raising Stunt! (Howard Baker 71)
  40. The Greyfriars Film Fans! (Howard Baker 71)
  41. The Bounder's Way! (Howard Baker 71)
  42. Brother and Prefect! (Book Club 2)
  43. The Scapegrace of the Third! (Book Club 2)
  44. His Brother's Burden! (Book Club 2)
  45. The Captain's Election! (Book Club 2)
  46. The Whip Hand! (Book Club 2)
  47. Captain and Tyrant! (Book Club 2)
  48. The Worst Form at Greyfriars! (Book Club 2)
  49. Rebels of Greyfriars! (Book Club 2)
  50. Loder's Last Chance! (Book Club 2)
  51. Facing the World (Howard Baker 71)
  52. From Greyfriars to Borstal! (Howard Baker 71)


  1. Bowling Out Bunter! (Howard Baker 86)
  2. Coker's New Year Resolutions! (Howard Baker 83)
  3. Quelchy's Queer Adventure! (Howard Baker 83)
  4. The Prefect's Plot (Howard Baker 84)
  5. The Hand of an Enemy! (Howard Baker 76)
  6. Back to the Factory Again (Howard Baker 81)
  7. The Hidden Foe! (Howard Baker 76)
  8. Billy Bunter's Legacy! (Howard Baker 81)
  9. The Mystery of the Head's Study! (Howard Baker 77)
  10. A Feud with the Fourth! (Howard Baker 86)
  11. Fishy's Debt Collecting Agency! (never republished)
  12. A Star of the Circus! (Howard Baker 77)
  13. Pedrillo of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 77)
  14. The Circus Schoolboy! (Howard Baker 77)
  15. Righting a Wrong! (Howard Baker 77)
  16. The Temptation of Peter Hazeldene! (Howard Baker 81)
  17. The Ragging of Mossoo! (Howard Baker 77)
  18. Harry Wharton's Feud! (Howard Baker 77)
  19. The New Boy's Secret (Howard Baker 81)
  20. The Mystery of Popper's Island! (Howard Baker 81)
  21. For Another's Sake! (Howard Baker 81)
  22. Bunter's Treasure Trove! (Howard Baker 81)
  23. The Persecution of Billy Bunter! (Howard Baker 78)
  24. Bunter's Barring-In! (Howard Baker 78)
  25. The Slacker's Awakening! (Howard Baker 78)
  26. The Punishment of Ponsonby! (Howard Baker 78)
  27. The Japer of Greyfriars! (Book Club 4)
  28. The Nabob's Double! (Book Club 4)
  29. The Peril of the Night! (Book Club 4)
  30. Outward Bound! (Book Club 4)
  31. In Perilous Seas! (Book Club 4)
  32. Harry Wharton & Co. in India! (Book Club 4)
  33. Bound for Bhanipur! (Book Club 4)
  34. In the Heart of the Himalayas! (Book Club 4)
  35. The Terror of the Jungle! (Book Club 4)
  36. The Nabob's Rival! (Book Club 4)
  37. From India to Greyfriars! (Book Club 4)
  38. Coker the Rebel! (Howard Baker 78)
  39. Chums Through Thick and Thin! (Howard Baker 78)
  40. Asking for Trouble! (Howard Baker 78)
  41. The Suspected Form-Master (never republished)
  42. The Swot! (Howard Baker 74)
  43. The Ishmael of the Form! (Book Club 29)
  44. The Deserter! (Book Club 29)
  45. Nobody's Chum! (Book Club 29)
  46. Bob Cherry Wins Through! (Book Club 29)
  47. Heroes of the Air! (Howard Baker 83)
  48. Coker on the War-Path! (Book Club 29)
  49. Missing from School! (Book Club 29)
  50. The Prisoner of the Bungalow (Book Club 29)
  51. Coker's Christmas Party! (Book Club 29)


  1. The Game Kid! (Book Club 15)
  2. The Bruiser of the Remove! (Book Club 15)
  3. Bound by Honour! (Book Club 15)
  4. The Game Kid's Temptation! (Book Club 15)
  5. Loyal to the Last! (Book Club 15)
  6. The Call of the Ring! (Book Club 15)
  7. The Schoolboy Broadcasters! (Howard Baker 83)
  8. The Footprint in the Sand (Comic Papers 1)
  9. Fishy's Travel Agency! (Howard Baker 79)
  10. Roger of the Remove! (Book Club 15)
  11. Fed Up with Greyfriars! (Book Club 15)
  12. Bunter's Brainstorm (Comic Papers 1)
  13. The Interloper! (Book Club 6)
  14. The Bounder's Feud! (Book Club 6)
  15. Condemned by the Form! (Book Club 6)
  16. Paying the Price! (Book Club 6)
  17. The Hand of an Enemy! (Book Club 6)
  18. At the End of His Tether! (Book Club 6)
  19. The Complete Outsider! (Book Club 6)
  20. The Boy Who Found His Father! (Book Club 6)
  21. Bunter the Bold (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1981)
  22. Fishy's Burglar Hunt (Howard Baker 74)
  23. The Bounder's Win! (Howard Baker 75)
  24. One Against the School! (Howard Baker 75)
  25. Hunted Down! (Howard Baker 75)
  26. Taking Up Trotter! (Howard Baker 75)
  27. Bolsover's Brother (Howard Baker 75)
  28. The Bounder's Good Turn! (Howard Baker 75)
  29. Smithy's Way! (Howard Baker 75)
  30. Bunter the Bad Lad (Howard Baker 74)
  31. Smithy's Pal (Howard Baker 73)
  32. Bravo Bunter! (Book Club 26)
  33. Man from the South Seas! (Book Club 11)
  34. The Treasure Chart! (Book Club 11)
  35. Tom Redwing's Quest! (Book Club 11)
  36. Bunter, the Stowaway! (Book Club 11)
  37. In Southern Seas! (Book Club 11)
  38. The Whip-Hand! (Book Club 11)
  39. The Treasure Island! (Book Club 11)
  40. The Rival Treasure Seekers! (Book Club 11)
  41. Black Peter's Treasure! (Book Club 11)
  42. The Greyfriars Castaways (Book Club 11)
  43. Skinner Tries it On! (Howard Baker 78)
  44. Tom Redwing's Return! (Book Club 26)
  45. The Great Fifth at Greyfriars! (Book Club 26)
  46. A Ventriloquist at Large! (Howard Baker 79)
  47. The Toad of the Remove! (Book Club 26)
  48. Levison Makes Good! (Book Club 26)
  49. Sent to Coventry! (Book Club 26)
  50. Levison's Luck! (Book Club 26)
  51. The Prefect's Secret (Howard Baker 70)
  52. Bunter's Christmas Present! (Howard Baker 58)
  53. Bunter the Benevolent! (Howard Baker 58)


  1. The Mystery of Wharton Lodge (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1978)
  2. Billy Bunter's Convict! (Howard Baker 70)
  3. Convict Nineteen! (Howard Baker 70)
  4. The Form-Master's Foe (Howard Baker 70)
  5. The Fellow Who Wouldn't Be Caned! (never republished)
  6. Dismissed from Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 10)
  7. The Rebellion of the Remove! (Howard Baker 10)
  8. The School Without a Master! (Howard Baker 10)
  9. High Jinks at High Oaks! (Howard Baker 10)
  10. Mutiny! (Howard Baker 10)
  11. The Boy Headmaster! (Howard Baker 10)
  12. The Return of the Rebels! (Howard Baker 10)
  13. Black Magic (Howard Baker 73)
  14. The Schoolboy Hypnotist (Howard Baker 73)
  15. The New Boy's Enemy (Howard Baker 73)
  16. In Merciless Hands! (Howard Baker 79)
  17. Bunter's Prize Essay (Howard Baker 74)
  18. Coker's League of Friends! (Howard Baker 79)
  19. Billy Bunter's Bike! (Howard Baker 70)
  20. For the Honour of Greyfriars (Howard Baker 70)
  21. The Hero of the Fifth (Howard Baker 74)
  22. The Boy from the East! (Howard Baker 27)
  23. Friend or Foe? (Howard Baker 27)
  24. By Luck and Pluck! (Howard Baker 27)
  25. The Schemer of the Remove! (Howard Baker 27)
  26. Harry Wharton's Enemy! (Howard Baker 27)
  27. Playing the Game! (Howard Baker 27)
  28. Tried and True! (Howard Baker 27)
  29. In Borrowed Plumes! (Howard Baker 27)
  30. A Fortune at Stake! (Howard Baker 27)
  31. Billy Bunter's Bookmaker (Howard Baker 73)
  32. Billy Bunter's Luck! (Howard Baker 28)
  33. Bunter the Boss! (Howard Baker 28)
  34. Billy Bunter's Circus! (Howard Baker 28)
  35. Bunter's Big Bluff! (Howard Baker 28)
  36. Bunter's Bodyguard! (Howard Baker 28)
  37. Chums of the Circus! (Howard Baker 28)
  38. The Order of the Boot! (Howard Baker 28)
  39. Bunter Comes to Stay! (Howard Baker 28)
  40. The Secret of the Schooner! (Howard Baker 79)
  41. The Japer of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 23)
  42. Be Careful, Christopher! (Howard Baker 23)
  43. The Boy with a Past! (Howard Baker 23)
  44. Rallying Round Carboy! (Howard Baker 23)
  45. All Through Bunter! (Howard Baker 23)
  46. Shunned by the Form! (Howard Baker 76)
  47. The Rebel of the Fifth! (Howard Baker 23)
  48. Who Punched Prout? (Howard Baker 23)
  49. The Form-Masters' Feud! (Howard Baker 23)
  50. The Phantom of the Cave! (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1975)
  51. The Clue of the Coral Knife (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1975)
  52. Hunted Down (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1975)


  1. Under Bunter's Thumb (Howard Baker 73)
  2. Bunter - Big Game Hunter (Howard Baker 74)
  3. From School to Hollywood! (Book Club 20)
  4. Bound for America! (Book Club 20)
  5. Harry Wharton & Co. in New York! (Book Club 20)
  6. Greyfriars Chums in Chicago! (Book Club 20)
  7. Held Up by Bandits! (Book Club 20)
  8. Bunter's Amazing Adventure! (Book Club 20)
  9. Harry Wharton & Co. at Hollywood! (Book Club 20)
  10. Billy Bunter on the Films (Book Club 20)
  11. The Hero of Hollywood! (Book Club 21)
  12. The Bootleggers' Revenge (Book Club 21)
  13. The Film Star's Feud! (Book Club 21)
  14. The Schoolboy Sheik! (Book Club 21)
  15. Harry Wharton's Peril! (Book Club 21)
  16. A Film Star's Vengeance! (Book Club 21)
  17. All Through Bunter! (Book Club 21)
  18. Farewell to the Films! (Book Club 21)
  19. The Masked Terror (Howard Baker 74)
  20. Billy Bunter's Blunder! (Howard Baker 76)
  21. The Shylock of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 72)
  22. The Prefect's Plot! (Howard Baker 69)
  23. Prefects at War! (Howard Baker 69)
  24. Out of Bounds! (Howard Baker 69)
  25. The Black Sheep of the Sixth! (Howard Baker 69)
  26. A Lesson for Loder! (Howard Baker 69)
  27. The Mystery of Mark Linley! (Howard Baker 69)
  28. Under Suspicion! (Howard Baker 69)
  29. Bob Cherry's Big Bargain! (Howard Baker 36)
  30. The Trail of the Trike! (Howard Baker 36)
  31. Chums on Tramp! (Howard Baker 36)
  32. The Mystery of the Methuselah (Howard Baker 36)
  33. The House of Terror! (Howard Baker 36)
  34. The Unseen Foe! (Howard Baker 36)
  35. The Mystery of the Grange! (Howard Baker 36)
  36. The Terror Tracked Down! (Howard Baker 36)
  37. The Boy Without a Friend! (Howard Baker 72)
  38. Monty Newland's Enemy! (Howard Baker 72)
  39. The New Boy's Feud! (Howard Baker 72)
  40. Coker Comes a Cropper! (Howard Baker 68)
  41. A Rogue in the Remove! (Howard Baker 68)
  42. The Schoolboy Detective! (Howard Baker 68)
  43. Skinner's Shady Scheme! (Howard Baker 61)
  44. Blackmail! (Howard Baker 68)
  45. Fool's Luck! (Howard Baker 68)
  46. Coward's Courage! (never republished)
  47. Six in the Soup! (Howard Baker 68)
  48. Bunter the Bandit (Howard Baker 73)
  49. Coker's Cracksman! (Howard Baker 5)
  50. Quelchy's Christmas Present! (Howard Baker 5)
  51. Billy Bunter's Christmas (Howard Baker 5)
  52. Bunter Comes to Stay! (Howard Baker 5)


  1. The Artful Dodger! (Howard Baker 5)
  2. The Form-Master's Favourite! (Howard Baker 5)
  3. Wanted by the Police! (Howard Baker 5)
  4. The Mystery Master (Howard Baker 5)
  5. Some Person Unknown (Howard Baker 5)
  6. Billy Bunter's Bluff (Howard Baker 5)
  7. The Man from Scotland Yard (Howard Baker 5)
  8. Good-Bye, Bunter! (Howard Baker 5)
  9. The Greyfriars Cracksman (Howard Baker 5)
  10. Billy Bunter's "Come-Back!" (Howard Baker 5)
  11. 'Nap' of the Remove! (Howard Baker 79)
  12. Grease-Paint Wibley! (Howard Baker 76)
  13. The Fool of the 'Fifth! (never republished)
  14. Duffer and Hero! (never republished)
  15. Who Hacked Hacker? (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1979)
  16. The Mystery of the Silver Box! (Howard Baker 68)
  17. The Missing Moonstone! (Howard Baker 68)
  18. Bunter the Prize-Hunter (Howard Baker 13)
  19. Bunter the Ink-Splasher! (Howard Baker 60)
  20. Rolling in Dollars! (Book Club 25)
  21. Gangsters at Greyfriars! (Book Club 25)
  22. The Hold-Up at Greyfriars! (Book Club 25)
  23. Catching Fish! (Book Club 25)
  24. The Mystery of the Poplars! (Book Club 25)
  25. Pop of the Circus! (Book Club 25)
  26. Waking Up Greyfriars! (Book Club 25)
  27. The Call of the Circus! (Book Club 25)
  28. The Hidden Hand! (Howard Baker 21)
  29. Tale Bearer in Chief! (Howard Baker 21)
  30. The Greyfriars Rebellion! (Howard Baker 21)
  31. Down With the Tyrant! (Howard Baker 21)
  32. All Busy on the Greyfriars Front! (Howard Baker 21)
  33. Victory for the Rebels! (Howard Baker 21)
  34. The Menace of Tang Wang! (Howard Baker 24)
  35. The Peril from the East! (Howard Baker 24)
  36. The Foe from the Sky! (Howard Baker 24)
  37. All Aboard for China! (Howard Baker 25)
  38. The Hand of the Mandarin! (Howard Baker 25)
  39. The Terror of the Tong! (Howard Baker 25)
  40. The Scourge of the Red Dragon! (Howard Baker 25)
  41. Greyfriars Chums in China! (Howard Baker 25)
  42. The Mandarin's Vengeance! (Howard Baker 25)
  43. The Beggar of Shantung! (Howard Baker 25)
  44. The City of Death! (Howard Baker 25)
  45. Saved from the Sea! (EO1978)
  46. Prout's Lovely Black Eye! (Howard Baker 13)
  47. Who Punched Prout? (Howard Baker 13)
  48. Skinner's Narrow Squeak! (Howard Baker 79)
  49. The Schoolboy Form-Master! (Howard Baker 13)
  50. Billy Bunter's Christmas! (Howard Baker 22)
  51. The Mystery of Cavandale Abbey! (Howard Baker 22)
  52. The Phantom of the Abbey! (Howard Baker 22)


  1. The Secret Sniper! (Howard Baker 22)
  2. The Boy Without a Name! (Book Club 19)
  3. Chumley for Short! (Book Club 19)
  4. The Mystery of the Paper Chase (Book Club 19)
  5. Tatters of the Remove (Book Club 19)
  6. Chivvying Chumley! (Book Club 19)
  7. The Voice of the Tempter! (Book Club 19)
  8. The Amateur Rogue! (Book Club 19)
  9. The Rogue's Remorse! (Book Club 19)
  10. A Kinsman's Treachery! (Book Club 19)
  11. The Champion Chump! (Howard Baker 22)
  12. A Schoolboy's Sacrifice! (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1980)
  13. Billy Bunter's Bunk! (Howard Baker 22)
  14. The Man from The States! (EO1978)
  15. The Mystery of the Mill! (EO1978)
  16. Coker's Holiday Capture! (Howard Baker 7)
  17. Coker's Desperate Venture! (Howard Baker 7)
  18. Cracksman and Cricketer! (Howard Baker 7)
  19. Foes of the Sixth! (Howard Baker 7)
  20. The Schoolboy Cracksman! (Howard Baker 7)
  21. The Shadow of the Underworld! (Howard Baker 7)
  22. The Greyfriars Pretender! (Howard Baker 7)
  23. Unmasked! (Howard Baker 7)
  24. The Boy Who Knew Too Much! (Howard Baker 7)
  25. The Way of the Wizard! (Howard Baker 7)
  26. A Cracksman's Reward! (Howard Baker 7)
  27. Speedway Coker! (Howard Baker 76)
  28. Billy Bunter's Bargain! (Howard Baker 63)
  29. Bluffing the Beaks! (Howard Baker 63)
  30. The Impossible Schoolboy! (Howard Baker 63)
  31. The Night Raiders (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1979)
  32. The Secret of the Oak (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1979)
  33. Billy Bunter's Hat Trick (Howard Baker 13)
  34. A Dog with a Bad Name! (Howard Baker 21)
  35. The Schoolboy Lion Hunters! (Howard Baker 65)
  36. Jungle Vengeance! (Howard Baker 65)
  37. The Jungle Hikers! (Howard Baker 65)
  38. Kidnapped in Kenya! (Howard Baker 65)
  39. The Man-Tracker of Uganda! (Howard Baker 65)
  40. The Slave-Trader's Vengeance! (Howard Baker 65)
  41. White Slaves of the Congo! (Howard Baker 65)
  42. The City of Terror! (Howard Baker 65)
  43. Saved from the Cannibals! (Howard Baker 65)
  44. Widgers on the Warpath! (Howard Baker 66)
  45. All the Fun of the Fifth! (Howard Baker 66)
  46. The Boot-Boy's Luck! (Howard Baker 66)
  47. Foes of the Remove! (Howard Baker 66)
  48. Coker's Football Fever! (Howard Baker 66)
  49. The Bounder's Blunder! (Howard Baker 66)
  50. A Brother's Sacrifice! (Howard Baker 66)
  51. The Ghost of Mauleverer Towers! (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1974)
  52. The Unknown Hand! (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1974)


  1. The Secret of the Turret! (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1974)
  2. Bunter's Night Out! (Howard Baker 4)
  3. The Terror of the Form! (Howard Baker 4)
  4. Billy Bunter's 'Cert'! (Howard Baker 4)
  5. Bold Bad Bunter! (Howard Baker 4)
  6. The Schoolmaster Cracksman! (Howard Baker 4)
  7. "Jimmy the One" (Howard Baker 4)
  8. The Hunted Master! (Howard Baker 4)
  9. While Greyfriars Slept! (Howard Baker 4)
  10. The Complete Outsider! (Howard Baker 6)
  11. Down on His Luck! (Howard Baker 6)
  12. Harry Wharton's Downfall! (Howard Baker 6)
  13. Bounder and Captain (Howard Baker 6)
  14. The Swot of the Remove! (Howard Baker 6)
  15. The Bounder's Folly! (Howard Baker 6)
  16. Harry Wharton's Enemy! (Howard Baker 6)
  17. The Fool of the School! (Howard Baker 53)
  18. The Vanished Sovereigns! (Howard Baker 53)
  19. The Bounder's Luck! (Howard Baker 58)
  20. Billy Bunter's Vengeance! (Howard Baker 58)
  21. Saving His Enemy! (Howard Baker 58)
  22. Coker's Cricket Craze! (Howard Baker 58)
  23. The Secret of the Priory! (Howard Baker 58)
  24. Truants of the Remove! (Howard Baker 6)
  25. Coker's Camera Clicks! (Howard Baker 53)
  26. The Mystery of Number One Study! (Howard Baker 53)
  27. Hidden Plunder! (Howard Baker 53)
  28. Coker the Champion Chump! (Howard Baker 53)
  29. Billy Bunter's Banknote! (Howard Baker 53)
  30. The Mystery of the Green Satchel! (Howard Baker 53)
  31. Who Walloped Wiggins? (Howard Baker 58)
  32. Billy Bunter's Bad Luck! (Howard Baker 1)
  33. Southward Bound (Howard Baker 1)
  34. Harry Wharton & Co. in Egypt! (Howard Baker 1)
  35. The Lure of the Golden Scarab! (Howard Baker 1)
  36. Billy Bunter's Bargain! (Howard Baker 1)
  37. The Shadowed Schoolboy! (Howard Baker 1)
  38. The Secret of the Scarab! (Howard Baker 1)
  39. The Eye of Osiris! (Howard Baker 1)
  40. The Worst Boy in the Form! (Howard Baker 2)
  41. The Rebel of the Remove! (Howard Baker 2)
  42. Harry Wharton Declares War! (Howard Baker 2)
  43. The Schemer of the Sixth! (Howard Baker 2)
  44. The Way of the Rebel! (Howard Baker 2)
  45. The Glorious 'Fifth' at Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 2)
  46. Hunting for Trouble! (Howard Baker 2)
  47. The Scapegrace of the School! (Howard Baker 2)
  48. Nobody's Pal! (Howard Baker 2)
  49. The Spy of the Sixth! (Howard Baker 2)
  50. Saved by a Scapegrace! (Howard Baker 2)
  51. The Runaway Rebel (Howard Baker 2)
  52. The Boy from the Underworld (Book Club 9)
  53. The Kidnapped Schoolboy (Book Club 9)


  1. Dick the Penman (Book Club 9)
  2. The Boy with a Guilty Secret (Book Club 9)
  3. His Past Against Him (Book Club 9)
  4. Coker the Detective (Book Club 9)
  5. Bunter the Footballer (Book Club 9)
  6. The Mad Musician at Greyfriars (Book Club 9)
  7. Black Magic (Book Club 9)
  8. Billy Bunter Bargains (Book Club 9)
  9. The Hunted Schoolboy (Book Club 9)
  10. Wibley's Wonderful Wheeze (Howard Baker 60)
  11. Popper's Unpopular Prize (Howard Baker 60)
  12. The Schoolboy Impersonator (Howard Baker 60)
  13. All Through Bunter! (Howard Baker 13)
  14. Billy Bunter's Easter Cruise! (Howard Baker 61)
  15. The Greyfriars Chums Afloat (Howard Baker 61)
  16. Saved from the Sea! (Howard Baker 61)
  17. The Schoolboy Tourists! (Howard Baker 61)
  18. Bunter's Big Bluff! (Howard Baker 61)
  19. After Lights Out! (Howard Baker 13)
  20. Taming a Tyrant (GPHA1973)
  21. The Deserter! (Howard Baker 61)
  22. Barred by His Form! (Howard Baker 61)
  23. The Boxing 'Beak'! (Howard Baker 63)
  24. The Kidnapped Master! (Howard Baker 63)
  25. The Worst Boy in the School (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1978)
  26. Aunt Judy at Greyfriars (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1978)
  27. Bunter's Hundred-Pound Boater (Howard Baker 31)
  28. Billy Bunter's "Hat Trick!" (Howard Baker 31)
  29. The Shylock of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 31)
  30. Bunter the Ventriloquist! (Howard Baker 13)
  31. The Bounder's Good Turn (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1976)
  32. The Millionaire Detective (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1976)
  33. Micky, the Sprat! (Howard Baker 19)
  34. The Greyfriars Hikers! (Howard Baker 19)
  35. "Down on the Farm!" (Howard Baker 19)
  36. The Hunted Hikers! (Howard Baker 19)
  37. The Spectre of Head Castle! (Howard Baker 19)
  38. Coker the Hiker! (Howard Baker 19)
  39. The Kidnapped Hiker! (Howard Baker 19)
  40. The Hiker's Prisoner! (Howard Baker 19)
  41. The Bounder's Capture! (Howard Baker 19)
  42. The Secret of the Holiday Annual! (Howard Baker 19)
  43. The Ace of Jokers! (Howard Baker 20)
  44. The Greyfriars Guy! (Howard Baker 20)
  45. Down With the Tyrant! (Schoolboys Own 1977)
  46. The Greyfriars Strong Man! (Howard Baker 20)
  47. Alonzo the Great! (Howard Baker 20)
  48. The Greyfriars Hercules! (Howard Baker 20)
  49. The Reformer of the Remove! (Howard Baker 20)
  50. Bunter the Bully! (Howard Baker 20)
  51. The Mystery of Wharton Lodge (Howard Baker 8)
  52. The Ghost of Wharton Lodge (Howard Baker 8)


  1. Bunter the Crasher! (Howard Baker 8)
  2. Billy Bunter's Diamond (Howard Baker 8)
  3. The Profiteer of the Remove! (Howard Baker 8)
  4. Kidnapped from the Air! (Howard Baker 24)
  5. The Mystery of the Vaults! (Howard Baker 24)
  6. The Bounders Folly! (Howard Baker 24)
  7. The Vanished Schoolboys! (Howard Baker 24)
  8. The Slacker's Awakening! (Howard Baker 24)
  9. Who Walloped Wingate? (Howard Baker 8)
  10. The Mystery of the Head's Hat! (Howard Baker 51)
  11. Disowned by His Father! (Howard Baker 51)
  12. The Bounder's Rival! (Howard Baker 51)
  13. The Form-Master's Secret! (Howard Baker 51)
  14. Form-Master and Rogue! (Howard Baker 51)
  15. The Bounder's Big Bluff! (Howard Baker 51)
  16. The Schoolboy Trippers! (Howard Baker 51)
  17. The Shadowed Schoolboy! (Howard Baker 51)
  18. The Spying Form-Master! (Howard Baker 52)
  19. Bunter the Ventriloquist! (Howard Baker 52)
  20. Saving a Scapegrace! (Howard Baker 52)
  21. The Bounder's Sacrifice! (Howard Baker 52)
  22. The Worst Master in the School! (Howard Baker 52)
  23. Rivals for a Fortune! (Howard Baker 52)
  24. The Bunking of Billy Bunter! (Howard Baker 46)
  25. Backing Up Bunter! (Howard Baker 46)
  26. Bunter the Dodger! (Howard Baker 46)
  27. In Open Revolt! (Howard Baker 46)
  28. The Island Schoolboys! (Howard Baker 46)
  29. The No-Surrender Cricketers (Howard Baker 46)
  30. The Secret of the Old Oak! (Howard Baker 46)
  31. Fishy's Fearful Fix! (Howard Baker 46)
  32. The Rebels at Bay! (Howard Baker 46)
  33. Bunter the Billionaire! (Howard Baker 64)
  34. A Snob in Clover! (Howard Baker 64)
  35. Billionairing with Bunter! (Howard Baker 64)
  36. The Shadowed Billionaire! (Howard Baker 64)
  37. Bagged by Bandits! (Howard Baker 64)
  38. Ructions in Rome! (Howard Baker 64)
  39. Peril in the Air! (Howard Baker 64)
  40. A Tyrant Rules Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 42)
  41. The High Hand! (Howard Baker 42)
  42. The Greyfriars Storm-troops (Howard Baker 42)
  43. The Secret of the Vaults! (Howard Baker 42)
  44. The Secret Seven! (Howard Baker 42)
  45. Fooled on the Fifth! (Howard Baker 42)
  46. The Dictator of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 42)
  47. The Brotherhood of Justice! (Howard Baker 42)
  48. A Traitor in the Camp! (Howard Baker 43)
  49. The Schoolboy Sleuth! (Howard Baker 43)
  50. Putting Paid to Prout! (Howard Baker 43)
  51. Christmas at Hilton Hall (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1977)
  52. Hunted Down (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1977)


  1. The Fugitive of the Moor (Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1977)
  2. Coker's Cousin Comes to Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 9)
  3. The Mischief-Maker of the Remove! (Howard Baker 9)
  4. Down on His Luck! (Howard Baker 9)
  5. Fool's Luck! (Howard Baker 9)
  6. The Schemer of the Remove! (Howard Baker 9)
  7. The Remove's Remarkable Recruit! (Howard Baker 9)
  8. The Unseen Witness! (Howard Baker 9)
  9. The Fifth Form Mystery! (Howard Baker 9)
  10. Coker the Reformer! (Howard Baker 9)
  11. A Schoolboy's Secret! (Howard Baker 33)
  12. Honours Even! (Howard Baker 33)
  13. The Sleuth of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 33)
  14. Fooled on the First! (Howard Baker 33)
  15. Facing the Music! (Howard Baker 33)
  16. Quelch's Easter Egg! (Howard Baker 34)
  17. Jimmy the Fox! (Howard Baker 33)
  18. At the Eleventh Hour! (Howard Baker 33)
  19. Up for the Jubilee! (Howard Baker 33)
  20. Harry Wharton's Double! (Howard Baker 16)
  21. Rivals of the Remove! (Howard Baker 16)
  22. Harry Wharton's Enemy! (Howard Baker 16)
  23. The Hero of the Hour! (Howard Baker 16)
  24. Who Shall Be Captain? (Howard Baker 16)
  25. Harry Wharton's Triumph! (Howard Baker 16)
  26. The Black Sheep! (Howard Baker 17)
  27. A Traitor to His Side (Howard Baker 17)
  28. A Dangerous Double! (Howard Baker 17)
  29. Standing by Smithy! (Howard Baker 17)
  30. Saved from the Sack! (Howard Baker 17)
  31. Harry Wharton Wins Through! (Howard Baker 17)
  32. Fish's Holiday Stunt! (Howard Baker 34)
  33. The Mystery of Portercliffe Hall! (Howard Baker 34)
  34. The Phantom of Portercliffe! (Howard Baker 34)
  35. The Greyfriars Gold Hunter! (Howard Baker 34)
  36. The Man in the Mask! (Howard Baker 34)
  37. On the Trail of Treasure! (Howard Baker 34)
  38. Under False Colours! (Howard Baker 38)
  39. The Spy of the Fifth! (Howard Baker 38)
  40. Greyfriars Idiot #1! (Howard Baker 38)
  41. The Boy with a Borrowed Name! (Howard Baker 38)
  42. Bunter Tells the Truth! (Howard Baker 38)
  43. Saved by His Enemy! (Howard Baker 38)
  44. The Fifth-Former's Secret! (Howard Baker 38)
  45. Guyed on the Fifth! (Howard Baker 38)
  46. Football Foes! (Howard Baker 39)
  47. Bunter Gets His Own Back! (Howard Baker 39)
  48. Blackmail! (Howard Baker 39)
  49. Bunter Spills the Beans (Howard Baker 39)
  50. Smithy's Strange Adventure! (Howard Baker 39)
  51. The Spectre of Polpelly (Howard Baker 39)
  52. The House of Mystery! (Howard Baker 39)


  1. Galleon Gold! (Howard Baker 39)
  2. Bunter's Bid for a Fortune! (Howard Baker 31)
  3. The Boy Who Wouldn't Make Friends (Howard Baker 14)
  4. The Outsider! (Howard Baker 14)
  5. The Form-Master's Favourite! (Howard Baker 14)
  6. The Remove's Recruit! (Howard Baker 14)
  7. The Trail of Adventure! (Howard Baker 44)
  8. Rolling Down to Rio! (Howard Baker 44)
  9. The Wolf of Brazil! (Howard Baker 44)
  10. Shadowed in South America! (Howard Baker 44)
  11. The Vengeance of the Wolf! (Howard Baker 44)
  12. The Greyfriars Diamond-Diggers! (Howard Baker 44)
  13. The Prisoner of Macaw Island! (Howard Baker 44)
  14. The Millionaire Stowaway! (Howard Baker 44)
  15. His Record Condemned Him! (Howard Baker 16)
  16. Not Wanted at Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 16)
  17. His Gunman Guardian! (Howard Baker 45)
  18. Gun Play at Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 45)
  19. Horace Coker's Dark Deed! (Howard Baker 45)
  20. The Gangsters Swoop! (Howard Baker 45)
  21. Ordered to Quit! (Howard Baker 45)
  22. Bunter Beats the Gangsters! (Howard Baker 45)
  23. The Vengeance of Bunter the Ventriloquist! (Howard Baker 45)
  24. The Bogus Beak! (Howard Baker 45)
  25. Billy Bunter's Burglar! (Howard Baker 17)
  26. The Popper Court Tea Party! (Howard Baker 17)
  27. Bunter the Lion-Tamer (Howard Baker 55)
  28. Billy Bunter's Bunk! (Howard Baker 55)
  29. From School to Circus! (Howard Baker 55)
  30. The Circus Schoolboy! (Howard Baker 55)
  31. The Haunted Circus! (Howard Baker 56)
  32. The Rascal of the Remove! (Howard Baker 56)
  33. Not Wanted in the Circus! (Howard Baker 56)
  34. The Signor's Secret! (Howard Baker 56)
  35. The Hero of the Circus! (Howard Baker 56)
  36. The Boy Who Knew Too Much! (Howard Baker 56)
  37. Johnny Bull on the Run (Howard Baker Holiday Annual 1974)
  38. Schemers of Study #7 (Howard Baker 56)
  39. His Convict Cousin! (Howard Baker 47)
  40. The Convict Who Came Back! (Howard Baker 47)
  41. The Spy of the Sixth (Howard Baker 47)
  42. The Shadow of the Sack! (Howard Baker 47)
  43. His Scapegrace Brother! (Howard Baker 47)
  44. Harry Wharton's Amazing Relation! (Howard Baker 56)
  45. The Secret of the Smuggler's Cave! (Howard Baker 47)
  46. They Called Him a Funk! (Howard Baker 47)
  47. The Schoolboy Smuggler (Howard Baker 47)
  48. Contraband! (Howard Baker 48)
  49. The Boy with an Enemy! (Howard Baker 48)
  50. The Way of the Transgressor! (Howard Baker 48)
  51. Billy Bunter's Christmas Party! (Howard Baker 48)
  52. The Cruise of the Firefly! (Howard Baker 48)


  1. The Man from the Sea! (Howard Baker 48)
  2. The Ship of Secrets! (Howard Baker 48)
  3. Mutiny on the Firefly! (Howard Baker 48)
  4. Billy Bunter's House-Warming! (Howard Baker 35)
  5. The Stay-in Strike at Greyfriars (Howard Baker 35)
  6. The No-Surrender Schoolboys! (Howard Baker 35)
  7. Holding the Fort! (Howard Baker 35)
  8. The Fighting Form! (Howard Baker 35)
  9. The Prisoner of the Stronghold! (Howard Baker 35)
  10. Coker the Kidnapper! (Howard Baker 35)
  11. The Man with the Glaring Eyes! (Howard Baker 35)
  12. The Ananias of the Remove! (Howard Baker 37)
  13. Ponsonby Pulls the Strings! (Howard Baker 37)
  14. Keeping Quelch Quiet! (Howard Baker 37)
  15. The Heavy Hand! (Howard Baker 37)
  16. Billy Bunter's Lucky Day (Howard Baker 37)
  17. The Shadowed Millionaire! (Howard Baker 37)
  18. The Bounder's Peril! (Howard Baker 37)
  19. The Trail in the Sand (Howard Baker 37)
  20. Billy Bunter's Coronation Party! (Howard Baker 40)
  21. Coker the Conqueror! (Howard Baker 40)
  22. The Feud with Cliff House (Howard Baker 40)
  23. The Boy Who Wouldn't Split! (Howard Baker 40)
  24. On the Track of the Trickster! (Howard Baker 40)
  25. Bunter on the Spot! (Howard Baker 31)
  26. Billy Bunter's Windfall! (Howard Baker 31)
  27. The "Bad Hat" of the Remove! (Howard Baker 40)
  28. Bob Cherry's Burden! (Howard Baker 40)
  29. Barring Bob Cherry! (Howard Baker 40)
  30. Spoofing the School! (Howard Baker 57)
  31. The Boy Who Came Back! (Howard Baker 57)
  32. The Invisible Schoolboy! (Howard Baker 57)
  33. The Boy Behind the Scenes! (Howard Baker 57)
  34. Wibley Wins Through! (Howard Baker 57)
  35. The Sinister Doctor Sin! (Howard Baker 43)
  36. The House of Peril! (Howard Baker 43)
  37. The Menace from the East! (Howard Baker 43)
  38. The Greyfriars Crusoes! (Howard Baker 43)
  39. The Boy Who Couldn't Run Straight! (Howard Baker 62)
  40. Coker Takes Control! (Howard Baker 62)
  41. Coker's Big Idea! (Howard Baker 62)
  42. Skip of the Remove! (Howard Baker 62)
  43. The Outcast of the School! (Howard Baker 62)
  44. Bad Lad Smithy! (Howard Baker 62)
  45. The Big Bang at Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 62)
  46. The Schoolboy Sleuth! (Howard Baker 62)
  47. The Runaway Schoolboy! (Howard Baker 63)
  48. Skip's Lucky Break! (Howard Baker 63)
  49. Bunter's Orders! (Howard Baker 63)
  50. My Lord Bunter! (Howard Baker 14)
  51. King of the Castle! (Howard Baker 14)
  52. The Wraith of Reynham Castle! (Howard Baker 14)


  1. Lord Bunter's Bodyguard! (Howard Baker 14)
  2. Bunter's Big Blunder! (Howard Baker 57)
  3. Billy Bunter's Rich Relation! (Howard Baker 59)
  4. Bunter the Bragger! (Howard Baker 59)
  5. Rivals for Riches! (Howard Baker 59)
  6. Bunter's Big Bluff! (Howard Baker 59)
  7. Getting His Own Back! (Howard Baker 59)
  8. The Schemer of the Remove! (Howard Baker 59)
  9. A Ventriloquist's Vengeance! (Howard Baker 59)
  10. Billy Bunter's Dead Cert! (Howard Baker 59)
  11. Carter Takes the Count (Howard Baker 60)
  12. Bunter Gets the Boot (Howard Baker 60)
  13. Billy Bunter's Twin (Howard Baker 60)
  14. Goodbye Greyfriars (Howard Baker 60)
  15. Bound for the Wild West! (Howard Baker 31)
  16. On the Texas Trail! (Howard Baker 31)
  17. Harry Wharton & Co. in Texas! (Howard Baker 32)
  18. The Schoolboy Range Riders! (Howard Baker 32)
  19. Ructions on the Ranch! (Howard Baker 32)
  20. A Prisoner in the Desert! (Howard Baker 32)
  21. The Raid on Kicking Cayuse Ranch! (Howard Baker 32)
  22. The Man with the Hidden Face! (Howard Baker 32)
  23. The Trail Thief's Secret! (Howard Baker 32)
  24. The Trail Thief's Last Ride! (Howard Baker 32)
  25. Bunter the Hypnotist! (Howard Baker 52)
  26. Walker on the Warpath! (Howard Baker 52)
  27. Five in a Fix! (Schoolboys Own 1977)
  28. Up for the Sack! (Schoolboys Own 1977)
  29. Punishing Ponsonby! (Schoolboys Own 1977)
  30. Loder's Unlucky Day! (Howard Baker 12)
  31. South Seas Adventures! (Howard Baker 12)
  32. The Outcast of Kalua! (Howard Baker 12)
  33. The Schoolboy Crusoes! (Howard Baker 12)
  34. The Beachcomber's Secret! (Howard Baker 12)
  35. The Scuttled Schooner! (Howard Baker 12)
  36. Adrift on the Pacific!! (Howard Baker 12)
  37. Big Chief Bunter! (Howard Baker 12)
  38. The Castaways of Cannibal Island! (Howard Baker 12)
  39. The Man Behind the Scenes! (Howard Baker 12)
  40. Saved by a Foe! (Howard Baker 12)
  41. The Boy Who Wouldn't be Tamed! (never republished)
  42. The Rat of the Remove! (Howard Baker 15)
  43. The Runaway (Howard Baker 15)
  44. Tricky Tracy! (Howard Baker 15)
  45. The Mystery of Mr. Quelch! (Howard Baker 15)
  46. He Let the Side Down! (Howard Baker 15)
  47. Saved by His Enemy! (Howard Baker 15)
  48. Tracy Takes the Blame! (Howard Baker 15)
  49. The Mysterious Night Raider! (Howard Baker 15)
  50. Tracking Down Tracy! (Howard Baker 15)
  51. Harry Wharton's Christmas Guest (GPHA1973)
  52. The Mystery of Wharton Lodge (GPHA1973)
  53. A Baffling Quest (GPHA1973)


  1. Spotting the Secret (GPHA1973)
  2. The Sportsman of the Fourth! (Howard Baker 57)
  3. Saving Bunter's Bacon! (Howard Baker 57)
  4. Loder Looks for Trouble! (Howard Baker 49)
  5. The Mystery Man of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 49)
  6. The Hoaxing of Hacker! (Howard Baker 49)
  7. Sexton Blake Minor! (Howard Baker 49)
  8. Duffer or Detective! (Howard Baker 49)
  9. An Old Boy's Vengeance! (Howard Baker 49)
  10. Who Sacked Hacker? (Howard Baker 49)
  11. Harry Wharton's Secret! (Howard Baker 49)
  12. Guilty Gold! (Howard Baker 50)
  13. The Clue of the Purple Footprints! (Howard Baker 50)
  14. Drake Gets His Man! (Howard Baker 50)
  15. Billy Bunter's Easter Trip! (Howard Baker 50)
  16. The Mystery of Blackrock Island! (Howard Baker 50)
  17. The Kidnapped Millionaire! (Howard Baker 50)
  18. The Secret of the Sea Cave! (Howard Baker 50)
  19. Fool's Luck! (Howard Baker 50)
  20. The Mystery of Vernon-Smith! (Howard Baker 54)
  21. The Bounder's Double! (Howard Baker 54)
  22. The Perfect Alibi! (Howard Baker 54)
  23. The Kidnapped Cricketer! (Howard Baker 54)
  24. Rough on His Rival! (Howard Baker 54)
  25. The Rebel of the Remove! (Howard Baker 54)
  26. The Prisoner in the Turret! (Howard Baker 54)
  27. A Double in Trouble! (Howard Baker 54)
  28. The Greyfriars Imposter! (Howard Baker 55)
  29. The House of Dark Secrets! (Howard Baker 55)
  30. The Plotter! (Howard Baker 55)
  31. The Plot that Failed! (Howard Baker 55)
  32. The Greyfriars Stowaway! (Howard Baker 11)
  33. Ructions on the River! (Howard Baker 11)
  34. Six Boys in a Boat! (Howard Baker 11)
  35. Greyfriars to the Rescue! (Howard Baker 11)
  36. Coker Takes Command! (Howard Baker 11)
  37. Mystery on the Thames! (Howard Baker 11)
  38. Bunter on the Spot! (Howard Baker 11)
  39. The Secret of the Water-Lilys! (Howard Baker 11)
  40. Condemned Without Evidence (Howard Baker HA1974)
  41. Grunter of Greyhurst! (Howard Baker 26)
  42. The Bounder's Dupe! (Howard Baker 26)
  43. The Black Prince of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 26)
  44. The Tuck-Hoarder! (Howard Baker 26)
  45. Run Out of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 26)
  46. The Remove Detectives! (Howard Baker 26)
  47. The Wanderer's Return! (Howard Baker 26)
  48. Billy Bunter's Bargain! (Howard Baker 26)
  49. The Man in the Mask! (Howard Baker 29)
  50. The Phantom of the Moat House! (Howard Baker 29)
  51. The Man of Mystery! (Howard Baker 29)
  52. The Boy from Baker Street! (Howard Baker 29)


  1. The Hooded Man! (Howard Baker 29)
  2. Smithy's Secret Weapon! (Howard Baker 29)
  3. The Bounder on the Trail! (Howard Baker 29)
  4. Six on the Warpath! (Howard Baker 29)
  5. The Japer of Greyfriars! (Howard Baker 30)
  6. The Secret of the Dugout! (Howard Baker 30)
  7. The Thief of the Night! (Howard Baker 30)
  8. A Black-Out Blunder! (Howard Baker 30)
  9. The Eleventh Hour! (Howard Baker 30)
  10. Vernon-Smith's Last Fling! (Howard Baker 30)
  11. Bounder and Sticker! (Howard Baker 30)
  12. The Bounder's Triumph! (Howard Baker 30)
  13. Sir William's Double! (Howard Baker 41)
  14. The Mystery of Eastcliff Lodge! (Howard Baker 41)
  15. The Unseen Enemy! (Howard Baker 41)
  16. Billy Bunter's Hair Raid! (Howard Baker 41)
  17. The Man from Germany! (Howard Baker 41)
  18. The Spy of the Gestapo! (Howard Baker 41)
  19. The Nazi Spy's Secret! (Howard Baker 41)
  20. The Shadow of the Sack (GPHA1973)

Never Published

  1. The Battle of the Beaks
  2. Bandy Bunter / The Meddler
  3. What Happened to Hacker
  4. The Hidden Hand
  5. Exit Bunter (incomplete; published 1976 in "Yarooh! A feast of Frank Richards")

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