WAP gateway

WAP gateway

A WAP gateway sits between mobile devices using the WAP protocol and the World Wide Web, passing pages from one to the other much like a proxy. This translates pages into a form suitable for the mobiles, for instance using the Wireless Markup Language (WML). This process is hidden from the phone, so it may access the page in the same way as a browser accesses HTML, using a URL (for example, http://example.com/foo.wml), provided the mobile phone operator has not specifically prevented this.


* [http://www.wirelesszt.com/en/Products/WAP%20Gateway Wireless ZT WAP Gateway for 1.x and 2.0 protocol stacks]
* [http://www.orangepartner.com/site/enuk/develop/v_devcentre/network_technologies/wap/p_wap.jsp Orange WAP Technical Overview]
* [http://www.ssimail.com/WAP_gateway.htm SSI WAP Gateway Products]
* [http://www.kannel.org Kannel: Open Source WAP and SMS Gateway]

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