

In ancient Greece and Anatolia a hierodule, from the Greek polytonic|ἱεροδούλη (polytonic|ἱερόν "temple" + δούλη "female slave"), was a temple slave in the service of a specific deity, often with the connotation of religious prostitution. Her prostitution would technically be excused because of the service she provided to the deity. The priestesses of Inanna/Ishtar were known to be hierodules, or nadītu in the native Sumerian language.

Among some neopagans, a "hierodule" may be a priestess who has sexual intercourse in the role of whichever Goddess she serves in the divine union of hieros gamos.

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  • hiérodule — [ jerɔdyl ] n. m. • 1866; hiérodoule 1840; bas lat. hierodulus, mot gr., de hieros « sacré » et doulos « esclave » ♦ Antiq. gr. Esclave attaché au service d un temple. ⇒HIÉRODOULE, HIÉRODULE, subst. ANTIQ. GR. ET ORIENTALE. Serviteur, homme ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • hierodule — [hī′ər ō do͞ol΄, hī′ər ōdyo͞ol΄] n. [LL hierodulus < Gr hierodoulos < hieros (see HIERO ) + doulos, slave] in ancient Greece, a temple slave, dedicated to the service of a god …   English World dictionary

  • *hiérodule — ● hiérodoule ou hiérodule nom masculin (grec hierodoulos) Esclave grec attaché au service d un temple …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Hierodule — 1Hi|e|ro|du|le der; n, n <über lat. hierodulus aus gleichbed. gr. hieródoulos> Tempelsklave des griech. Altertums. Hierodule 2 2Hi|e|ro|du|le die; , n <aus gleichbed. gr. hierodoúlē> Tempelsklavin (des Altertums), die der Gottheit… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • hierodule — noun Etymology: Late Latin hierodulus, from Greek hierodoulos, from hieron temple + doulos slave Date: 1835 a slave or prostitute in the service of a temple (as in ancient Greece) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Hierodule — Hierodulen (griechisch heilige Diener ) waren in der Antike in weiterer Bedeutung so viel wie Priester überhaupt, in engerer die Gehilfen der Priester beiderlei Geschlechts, aus freiem Entschluss oder durch fremde Stiftung. Die freiwillige… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hierodule — hierodulic, adj. /huy euhr euh doohl , dyoohl , huy reuh /, n. a slave in service in an ancient Greek temple. [1825 35; < Gk hieródoulos temple slave, equiv. to hieró(n) temple + doúlos slave] * * * …   Universalium

  • hierodule — noun (in Ancient Greece) A temple slave, often one performing religious prostitution …   Wiktionary

  • Hierodule — Hi|e|ro|du|le 〈m. 17 oder f. 19〉 männl. od. weibl. Tempeldiener, sklave [<grch. hieros „heilig“ + doulos „Sklave“] * * * 1Hi|e|ro|du|le [hi̯e..., hi...], der; n, n [lat. hierodulus < griech. hieródoulos, zu: hierós = heilig u. doũlos =… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • hiérodule — (i é ro du l ) s. m. Terme d antiquité. Serviteur attaché à un temple. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Termes grecs dont l un est dérivé du mot grec signifiant sacré, et dont l autre se traduit par esclave …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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