White allies

White allies

White Allies are those members of the dominate culture (in the United States), who actively resist the role of oppressor, and who act as allies of people of color. There have been and are white people throughout history who engage in antiracist activities.

Some of these people are Morris Dees, the executive director of the Southern Poverty Law Center; Virginia Foster Durr; Lois Stalvey; and William Sloane Coffin.


*cite book |last=Brown |first=Cynthia Stokes |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Refusing Racism: White Allies and the Struggle for Civil Rights |year=2002 |publisher=Teachers College Press|location= |id=ISBN 0-8077-4204-X
*cite book |last=Dees |first=Morris |authorlink= |coauthors=Steve Fiffer Dees |title= A Season of Justice|year=1991 |publisher=Scribners |id=
*cite book |last=Durr |first=Virginia Foster |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Outside the Magic Circle: The Autobiography of Virginia Foster Durr |year=1990 |publisher=Fire Ant Books |location= |id=ISBN 0-8173-0517-3
*cite book |last=Stalvey |first=Lois |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=The Education of a WASP |year=1989 |publisher=University of Wisconsin Press |location= |id=ISBN 0-299-11974-2
*cite book |last=Coffin |first=William Sloane |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=A Holy Impatience (new edition) |year=2005 |publisher=Yale University Press|location= |id=ISBN 0-300-11154-1

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