Fejervarya keralensis

Fejervarya keralensis

name = Verrucose Frog

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Amphibia
ordo = Anura
familia = Ranidae
genus = "Fejervarya"
species = "F. keralensis"
binomial = "Fejervarya keralensis"
binomial_authority = (Dubois, 1981)
synonyms = "Limnonectes keralensis" "Rana keralensis" Gunther, 1875 [Gunther, C A L, P. Z. 8. 1875:667]
"Fejervarya keralensis" is a species of frog found in the Western Ghats of India.


This species has vomerine teeth in two strong oblique series starting from the inner anterior corners of the choanae. The head is moderately sized with the snout appearing pointed. The inter-orbital space is two-thirds the width of the upper eyelid. The tympanum is distinct and is about three-quarters the diameter of the eye. Fingers are moderate, obtuse and the first extends beyond the second. Toes are moderately well developed and nearly entirely webbed. Sub-articular tubercles are prominent and the inner metatarsal turbercle is oval, compressed and less than half as long as the first toe. It also has a small rounded outer metatarsal tubercle. When the hind leg is pulled forward, the tibio-tarsal articulation reaches the tip of the snout. Upper parts have numerous very prominent warts and short glandular folds. Grey or brown above, darker spotted; hinder side of thighs black, white-marbled; sometimes a broad light vertebral band. Male has two internal vocal sacs. [Boulenger, G. A. 1890. Fauna of British India. Reptilia and Batrachia.]

From snout to vent about 2.75 inches.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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