FSM may stand for:

In arts and entertainment:
* FIFA Soccer Manager, a video game about football management
* Fighting Spirit magazine, a professional wrestling periodical
* Film Score Monthly, a record label and online magazine
* Frame, Set & Match, a film post-production studio in Sydney, Australia
* Free Software Magazine, a computing periodical/website

In education and science:
* Free Software Movement, a sociopolitical movement in computing
* FAST Storage Manager, a software product by IBM
* Fiji School of Medicine, the central medical school of the South Pacific
* Fixed Survey Meter, an instrument used by the British Royal Observer Corps during the Cold War to detect Nuclear fallout
* Finite state machine, an abstract machine, in logic and computer science
* Flight Schedule Monitor, a Java-based software used by the FAA
* Folded spectrum method, a Solver for Eigenvalue problems
* Free Speech Movement, at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1964
* FSM (free surface moment) also FSC (free surface correction)

In politics:
* Federated States of Micronesia, an Oceanic island nation

In places:
* Fort Smith Regional Airport (IATA code: "FSM") in Arkansas, United States

In philosophy and religion:
* Flying Spaghetti Monster, the deity of the parody religion Pastafarianism

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  • FSM — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término FSM puede referirse a: Estados Federados de Micronesia, de las siglas de Federated States of Micronesia. Federación Sindical Mundial Federación Socialista Madrileña Foro Social Mundial Monstruo Espagueti… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • FSM — sigla 1. Federazione Sindacale Mondiale 2. nelle targhe automobilistiche e in usi burocratici, Stati Federati della Micronesia …   Dizionario italiano

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