Władysław Siciński

Władysław Siciński

Władysław Wiktoryn Siciński ( _lt. Čičinskas) (ca. 1615-1672) was a member of the Polish-Lithuanian nobility and dignitary of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Lord Master-of-the-Table (since 1655) and Lord Vice-Justice (since 1666) of Upytė, he was among the envoys of the Trakai Voivodeship nobility to the Parliament of 1652.

A Protestant, he is credited with using the liberum veto for the first time in Polish history, most likely under influence of Janusz Radziwiłł.

Legend in Lithuania and Literature

He became legendary in Lithuania in folks legends, as an incredibly cruel landlord. He is a popular character in Lithuanian and Polish literature.
* Adam Mickiewicz ballad Popas w Upicie, 1825,
* Juljan Mickevicz, Sycynski Poseł Upitski, 1828,
* Adam Krechoviecki, „Veto“ (1889 m.,
* Jan Kupiec, „Seimelis Jasuose“, poema (1904)
* Maironis „Čičinskas“, ballad (1919),
* Teofilis Tilvytis, „Prasmegęs dvaras“, poem (1949),
* Vytautas Misevičius, „Čičinskas“, (1959,
* Juozas Marcinkevičius, „Čičinskas“, dramatic poem,
* Kostas Astrauskas, „Čičinskas“, drama (1974 – 1975 m.).

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