The APNPP, an acronym of "l’association des pays non producteurs de pétrole" [ [http://www.sanfinna.com/ARCHIVES/Archives375/questionsorales.htm this site] ] (in English: the "Pan-African Non-Petroleum Producers Association"), is an association of 15 African nations that signed a treaty in July, 2006.

Their stated aim is to work together to promote biofuel production and reduce the effects of high oil prices.

The APNPP, which was first proposed by Abdoulaye Wade, is being led by the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Senegal. At the moment, the acting head is Mr Madické Niang. [ [http://www.seneweb.com/news/engine/print_article.php?artid=4233 Ministry of Energy and Mines leading the organisation of the APNPP] ] [ [http://www.gouv.sn/ministeres/mmindustrie/contacts.cfm Madické Niang as head of Ministry of Mines] ]


External links

* [http://biopact.com/2006/08/closer-look-at-africas-green-opec.html A closer look at Africa's 'Green OPEC'] , August 2, 2006
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/27/AR2006102701105.html Africa Over A Barrel] , Washington Post, October 28, 2006
* [http://www.common-fund.org/download/actualiteit/07Biofuels.pdf "Biofuels: Strategic Choices for Commodity Dependent Developing Countries"] , by Sonja Vermeulen and others from the International Institute for Economic Development for the Common Fund for Commodities, November 2007

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