Richard Liboff

Richard Liboff

Richard L. Liboff is a U.S. physicist who has authored five books and nearly 150 other publications in variety of fields, including plasma physics, planetary physics, cosmology, quantum chaos, and quantum billiards.

He earned his Ph.D., 1961 from New York University. His advisors were Harold Grad in mathematics (13 moment method) and B. Zumino in physics (TCP theory). During his graduate years, he was a Research Assistant at the Courant Institute.

After graduation, he stayed on as Assistant Professor of Physics. In 1965, he was appointed Associate Professor in the College of Engineering at Cornell. Later appointments at Cornell included membership in the Center for Applied Mathematics and the Department of Applied & Engineering Physics. Fulbright Program and Solvay Fellowships supported three sabbatic leaves abroad. He was appointed Full Professor in 1970. His research was supported by AFSOR and ARO. In 1969, he chaired the first International Meeting in Kinetic Theory, sponsored by the NSF and co-chaired by N. Rostoker.

Among his publications, three works are of particular note:
*With a student (G. K. Schenter) a second order non-linear differential equation was solved analytically . One of the three solutions has physical relevance. It is a generalized Fermi-Dirac distribution relevant to high-field transport in a semiconductor.
*An ideal dynamical system was shown to be irreversible.
* It was found that a particle confined to a rectangular domain is, in general, quantum chaotic.

At present he is Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of Central Florida.


He is the author of five books, three of which are still viable:
*cite book|author=Richard L. Liboff|title=Primer for Point and Space Groups|publisher=Springer|year=2003|id=ISBN 0387402489
*cite book|author=Richard L. Liboff|title=Kinetic Theory: Classical , Quantum and Relativistic Descriptions|edition= 3rd edition | publisher=Springer |id=ISBN 0387955518|year=2003
*cite book | author=Richard L. Liboff| title=Introductory Quantum Mechanics | publisher=Addison-Wesley | year=2002 | id=ISBN 0-8053-8714-5|edition=4th editionAn earlier edition of the Kinetic Theory text was translated into Russian and an earlier edition of the Quantum Mechanics text was translated into Korean.

elected articles

1. “A Useful Theorem for the Initital Reduction of the Transport Equation,” Quart. Appl. Math. XIV, (1956).
2. “Funk-Hecke Theorem in Relation to the Transport Equation,” J. Appl. Phys. 27, 662 (1956).
3. “Transport Coefficients Determined Using the Shielded Coulomb Potential,” Phys. Fluids 2, 40 (1959).
4. “Propagation of Long Wavelength Disturbances in a Plasma,” Phys. Fluids 5, 463 (1962). (PhD Thesis)
5. “Three Component Magnetohydrodynamics,” Phys. Fluids 6, 426 (1963).
6. “Gravity Instability,” Phys. Letters 3, 322 (1963).
7. “Relaxation Phenomena in Plasmas,” Phys. Fluids 6, 1145 (1963).
8. “Cold Plasma Waves in a Spoke Wheel Magnetic Field,” NBS J. Res. D68, 325 (1964).
9. “A Kinetic Approach to Condensation,” Phys. Rev. 131, 2318 (1963).
10. “Wave Propagation in Multicomponent Fluids. The Influence of Momentum Exchange,” Phys. Letters 6, 180 (1963).
11. “Vibrations in an Electroactive Dipole Lattice,” Phys. Rev. A134, 407 (1964).
12. “On the Collective Sound Mode in a Two Component Fluid,” J. Ac. Soc. Am. 36, 661 (1964).
13. “Anti-Normalization Properties of the Correlation Functions,” Phys. Fluids 8, 1236 (1956).
14. “A Biomagnetic Hypothesis,” Rockefeller Inst. Biophysical J. 5, 845 (1965).
15. “Biomagnetic Hypothesis,” Biol. Effects Mag. Flds. 2 (Plenum,1969)
16. “Brownian Motion in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields,” Phys. Rev. 141, 222 (1966).
17. “Dynamics of Spherical Charge Systems,” J. Math. Phys. 7, 999 (1966).
18. “Reply to Comments by P.P.J.M. Schram,” Phys. Fluids 9, 419 (1966).
19. “Plasma Virial and Equations of State for a Plasma,” Phys. Fluids 11, 1943 (1968). Co-author with T.J. Lie.
20. Properties of the Fokker-Planck Equation,” Phys. Fluids 10, 1391 (1967).
21. “Compatibility Requirements and BBKGY Expansions,” J. Math Phys. 8, 2001 (1967). Co-author with G.E. Perona.
22. “The Stability of Continually Created Mass Against Gravitational Decay,” Astrophysical J. 154, 1135 (1968).
23. “Magnetohydrodynamics in a Reacting Medium,” Phys. Fluids 10, 1942 (1967). Co-author with L. Caroff.
24. “Physical Laws and The Structure of Society,” The Cornell Engineer 36, No. 2 (1970).
25. “Application of the Collective Approach to the Thermodynamics of an Electron Gas,” J. Plasma Physics 4, 83 (1970). Co-author with L. Caroff.
26. “Relativistic Fields due to a Particle in a Grounded Cylindrical Box,” J. Math. Phys. 11, 1295 (1970).
27. “Consideration of Particle Exchange in Quantum Kinetic Theory,” Ann Phys. 67, 349 (1971). Co-author with T. J. Lie.
28. “Relativistic Cyclotron Heating,” Phys. Fluids 15, 1831 (1972). Co-author with D. Faulconer.
29. “Spectral Properties of the Balescu-Lenard Operator,” J. Math. Phys. 14, 119 (1973). Co-author with A. Merchant.
30. “Relativistic Excitation of Cavity Modes,” J. Math Phys. 13, 1828 (1972).
31. “On the Radial Momentum Operator,” Am. J. Physics 41, 976 (1973). Co-author with I. Nebenzahl and H. Fleishchmann.
32. “Application of a Consistent Kinetic Equation to an Inhomogeneous Plasma,” Phys. Fluids 16, 1446 (1973). Co-author with E. Heitowit.
33. “Gibbs vs. Shannon Entropies,” J. Stat. Phys. 11, 343 (1974).
34. “Classical Annihilation Radiation,” Z. Naturforsch. A29 1418 (1974). Co-author with N.J. Maresca.
35. “Fields and Radiation due to a Charge Incident on a Conducting Plane,” J. Math. Phys. 16, 116 (1975). Co-author with N.J. Maresca.
36. “An Interpolation Formula for the Energy Radiated by a Point Charge Passing through a Hole in a Plane,” Can. J. Phys. 52, 62 (1975). Co-author with N.J. Maresca.
37. “Bohr Correspondence for Large Quantum Numbers,” Found. Phys. 5, 271 (1975).
38. “Conjectured Superfluidity of Deuterium,” Physics Letters A61, 244 (1977).
39. “Hydroelectric Solar Energy Conversion,” Energy Sources 3, 255 (1978).
40. “Preliminary Study of High Neutron Flux Fusion Heating,” Nuc. Eng. And Design 49, 213 (1978).
41. “Fusion via Metallic Deuterium,” Physics Letters A71, 361 (1979).
42. “Criteria for Neutron Fusion,” Nuc. Eng. And Design 54, 119 (1979).43. “The Potential x2Nand the Correspondence Principle,” International J. Th. Phys. 18, 185 (1979).
44. “Fusion Through Metallic Deuterium. Part II,” Physics Letters A74, 323 (1979).
45. “First Order Estimate of the Saha Equation for a Helium Plasma,” Acta Phys. Slov. 29, 295 (1979). Co-author with E. Dorchak and B. Yaakobi.
46. “Neuromagnetic Thresholds,” J. Theor. Biol. 3, 427 (1980).
47. “Dual Propagation and Absorption in a Warm Plasma Half-Space,” J. Plasma Phys. 23, 295 (1980). Co-author with E. Dorchak.
48. “On the Validity of the Bohr Correspondence Principle,” Ann. De la Fond, L. de Broglie 5, 215 (1980).
49. “Canonical Distribution from Kinetic Theory,” Physics Letters A 79, 29 (1980). Co-author with D. Heffernan.
50. “A Bose Model for Heavy Deuterium Halides,” Ann. Nuc. Eng. 7, 1 (1981).
51. “Estimate of Fusion Through Bose Degeneracy,” J. Fusion Energy 1, 211 (1981).
52. “Pressure Inequalities in Quantum Statistics,” Physica A106, 603 (1981).
53. “Electrostatics in the Plane,” Am. J. Phys. 48, 532 (1980).
54. “Exact Solutions for Interacting Finite Potential Wells,” Int. J. Quantum Chem. XIX, 745 (1981). Co-author with D. Heffernan.
55. “Review of Fundamental Processes for Matter-Radiation Interaction,” J. Quanti. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 27, 5 (1982). Co-author with D. Heffernan.
56. “Estimate of Fusion Through Deuteron-Ionic Halide Interaction,” Phys. Letts. A 83, 326 (1981).
57. “Kinetic Theory for a Short Wavelength Lasing Plasma,” J. Plasma Phys. 27, 473 (1982). Co-author with D. Heffernan.
58. “Induced Decay of Positronium and Grasers,” Int. J. Theor. Phys. 22, 193 (1983). Co-author with D. Heffernan.
59. “Criterion for Exciton Lasing in Pure Crystals,” J. Appl. Physics 54, 5633 (1983). Co-author with K.C. Liu.
60. “An Elementary Derivation of a Group-Theoretic Property of Many-Particle Spin States,” Am. J. Phys. 52, 561 (1984).
61. “Exciton-Laser Amplifier,” J. Quantum Electronics QE 20, 3 (1984). Co-author with K.C. Liu.
62. “The Correspondence Principle Revisited,” Phys. Today 50, Feb. (1984). Reprinted in Phys. Education 1, 52 (1984).
63. “Geometrical Properties of the Fermi Energy,” Found. Physics 15, 339 (1985)
64. “A Model for the Diffuse Gamma Ray Spectrum,” Phys. Letts. A101, 305 (1984). Co-author with D.M. Heffernan.
65. “Criteria for Physical Domains in Laboratory and Solid State Plasmas,” J. Appl. Phys. 56, 2530 (1984).
66. “Plasma Domains in Extrinsic GaAs and InP,” J. Phys. Chem. Solids 45, 103 (1985).
67. “Unified Kinetic Theory of Plasma Correlations,” J. Plasma Phys. 32, 81 (1984). Co-author with M.A. Guillen.
68. “Generalized Bogoliubov Hypothesis for Dense Fluids,” Phys. Rev A31, 1883 (1985); A 32, 1909 (1985).
69. “Quasi-classical Mobility for Extrinsic Semiconductors,” J. Phys. Chem. Solids 45, 1327 (1985).
70. “On a Class of Differential Equations Derived from Plasma Statistics,” J. Math. Phys. 27, 2759 (1985).
71. “Fluctuations and Quantum Domains in Solid-State Physics,” J. Appl. Phys. 57, 4438 (1985).
72. “Fundamental Relativistic Solution for the Rail Gun,” J. Appl. Phys. 58 (1986). Co-author with G.K. Schenter.
73. “Criterion for Phase Change in Terms of Oscillation of the Pair Distribution Function,” J. Chem. Phys. 84, 7005 (1986). Co-author with G.K. Schenter.
74. “Unified Equation of State for Weakly and Strongly Coupled Plasmas,” Phys. Rev. A34, 3217 (1986). Co-author with G.K. Schenter.
75. “Solution to a New Non-Linear Equation for the Distribution of Charge Carriers in a Semi-conductor,” Phys. Rev. B35, 7063 (1986). Co-author with G.K. Schenter.
76. Review of Modern Quantum Mechanics, by J.J. Sakurai, Am. J. Phys. 54, 668 (1986).
77. “Equation of Motion for Correlation Function of Strongly-Coupled Plasma,” in Frontiers of Non-equilibrium Statistical Mech., eds. G. Moore and M.O. Scully, Plenum, New York (1986).
78. “Consistency of Minimum Time and Length Intervals with Special Relativity,” Am. J. Phys. 55, 1041 (1987).
79. “Quasiclassical Kinetic Equation for Charge-Carrier Transport in a Semiconductor,” J. Appl. Phys. 62, 177 (1987). Co-author with G.K. Schenter.
80. “Nonlinear Electrical Conductivity for a Strongly-Coupled Plasma,” Phys. Fluids 36, 1789 (1987). Co-author with G.K. Schenter.
81. “Quantum Equations of Motion and the Liouville Equation,” Found. Phys. 17, 981 (1987).
82. “Irreversibility, Discontinuities in Phase Space and Information Flow,” J. Phys A20, 5607 (1988).
83. “Kinetic Theory of Galaxy Correlations,” Month. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 231, 957 (1988); 234, 1119 (1988). Co-author with M.A. Guillen.
84. “Distribution Functions and Fluid Variables in a Semiconductor,” J. Appl. Phys. 63, 5363 (1988). Co-author with G.K. Schenter.
85. “Correlation Functions in Statistical Mechanics and Astrophysics,” Phys. Rev. A39, 4098 (1989).
86. “On Causality and EPR Configurations,” Physics Essays 2, 217 (1989).
87. “Analytic Distribution for Charge Carriers in a Semiconductor Dominated by Equivalent Intervalley Scattering,” Phys. Rev. B40, 5624 (1989). Co-author with G.K. Schenter.
88. “Microscopic Irreversibility and Gibbs Entropy,” J. Non-Equil. Thermod. 15, 151 (1990).
89. “Exact Energy Dispersion Relations for N-well Superlattice Configurations,” Phys. Rev. B42, 9552 (1990). Co-author with S.R. Seidman.
90. “Density of States and Other Quantum Properties of a Spherical Cavity,” Phys. Rev. A42, 5765 (1991).
91. “Charged-Particle Creation in the Steady-State Universe,” Astrophys. J. 384, 12 (1992).
92. “The Continuum Model in Astrophysics,” Astrophys. J. 390, 1 (1992).
93. “Display of Real-Space Scattering in the Ewald Construction,” Am. J. Phys. 60, 1152 (1992).
94. “Bohr-van Leuwan Theorem for non-Magnetization and Plasma non-Confinement,” J. Phys. A25, L931 (1992).
95. “Generalized Newtonian Force and Hidden Mass,” Astrophys. J. 397, L71 (1992).
96. “Quantum Transition of a Deuteron Beam” Phys. Lett. A166, 416 (1992).
97. “Effectively Localized States for a 1-d Periodic Array of Arbitrary Finite Length,” Phys. Lett. A174, 122 (1993). Co-author with S.R. Seidman.
98. “Feasibility of Fusion of an Aggregate of Deuterons in the Ground State,” Phys. Lett. A174, 317 (1993).
99. “Density of States for a Weakly Coupled Disordered Array,” Phys. Rev. B47, 12, 636 (1993). Co-author with S.R. Seidman.
100. “The Carnot Engine in the Vicinity of 0 K,” Phys. Essays 7, 9 (1994).
101. “The Quantum Polygon-Billiard Problem,” J. Math. Phys. 35, 1 (1994).
102. “Feasibility of Heavy-Boson Superconductivity,” Phys. Lett. A186, 167 (1994).103. “Circular-Sector Quantum-Billiard and Allied Configurations,” J. Math. Phys. 35, 2218 (1994).
104. “Dipole and Higher Multipole Particle Creation in the Steady-State Universe,” Astrophys. J. 431, 69 (1994).
105. “Ground-State of a Low-Density Aggregate of Deuterons in a Uniform Magnetic Field,” Phys. Rev. B49, 12303 (1994).
106. “Nodal-Surface Conjectures for the Convex Quantum Billiard,” J. Math. Phys. 36, 3881 (1994).
107. “Irreversible Wall Collisions and Thermalization of a Gas of Inert Atoms,” Phys. Lett. A 202, 177 (1995).
108. “Waveguide Experiment Related to Field Chaos,” Phys. Lett. A202, 174 (1995). Co-author with G.E. Dionne.109. “Envelope Function Theorem in the High-Energy Limit,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 2353 (1995). Co-author with S.R. Seidman.
110. “Classical Irreversibility and Mapping of the Isosceles Triangle Billiard,” Int. J. Theor. Phys. 34, 189 (1995).
111. “Function-Mixing Hypothesis and Quantum Chaos,” Physica D93, 137 (1996).
112. “Electron-Phonon Scattering Contributions to Metallic Resistivity at OK,” Phys. Rev. B54, 16591 (1996). Co-Author with G.K. Schenter.
113. “Maxwell’s Demon and the Second Law of Thermodynamics,” Found. Physics Lett. 10, 89 (1996).
114. “Conical Quantum Billiard,” Letts. Math. Phys. 41, 389 (1997).
115. “Quasi-Chaotic Property of the Prime-Number Sequence,” Int. J. Theor. Phys. 12, 3109 (1998). Co-author with Michael Wong.
116. “Conical Quantum Billiard Revisited,” Quart. Appl. Math, L1X, 343 (2001).
117. “Generalized Partial Differential Equation and Fermat’s Last Theorem,” Found. Physics 430, 705 (2000).
118. “Many Faces of the Helmholtz Equation,” Physics Essays 12, 1 (1999).
119. “Quantum Chaos for the Radially Vibrating Spherical Billiard,” Chaos 10, 366 (2000). Co-author with Mason Porter.
120. “Quantum Billiard Chaos,” Phys. Letters A265,230 (2000).
121. “Bifurcations in One Degree-of-Vibration Quantum Billiards,” Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. Co-author with Mason Porter.
122. “Thermal Conductivity in Alkali and Noble Metals,” Physica B301, 370 (2001).
123. “The Sinai Billiard, Square Torus and Field Chaos,” Chaos 10, 756 (2000). Co-author with Jack Liu.
124. “Vibrating Quantum Billiards on Riemanian Manifolds,” Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2305 (2001) Co-author with Mason Porter
125. “Quantum Chaos for the Vibrating Rectangular Billiard,” Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2317 (2001) Co-author with Mason Porter
126. “Energy and Equation-of-State Relations for Amorphous Matter,” Phil. Mag. Lett .81, 441 (2001)
127. “Convex Polyhedra Quantum Billiards in Rn,” Quart. Appl. Math, LX, 75 (2002).
128. “The Hexagon Quantum Billiard,” J. Stat. Phys. 105, 389 (2001). Co-author with J. Greenberg.
129. The Radially Vibrating Spherical Quantum Billiards,” Proc. Int. Conf. Dyn. Sys. and Diff. Eqs. May (2000) Co-author with M.A. Porter
130. “Classical and Quantum- Wedge Billiards, Phys. Lett. A288, 305 (2001)
131. “Residual Resistivity for Alkali and Noble Metals at 0K,” Phys. Rev. B64, 233106 (2001).
132. “Solar Neutrinos,” Canadian J. Phys. 80, 291 (2001).
133. “Chaos on the Quantum Scale,” Am. Scientist, 89, 532 (2001) Co-author with M.A. Porter
134. “Prime Quasi-entropy and Quasi Chaos,” International J. Theoretical Physics 41, 1389 (2002). Co-author with M.A. Porter and N. Weimann.
135. “A Galerkin Approach to Electronic Near-Degeneracies in Molecular Systems,” Physica D167, 218 (2002) Co-author with M.A. Porter
136. “Complex Hyperspherical Equations, Nodal-Partitioning, and First-Excited-State Theorems in Rn.” International J. Theoretical Physics 41, 1957 (2002)
137. “Mapping onto the Plane of a Class of Concave Billiards,” Quart. Appl. Math LX (2002)
138. “Symbiotic Fusion Through Single-Crystal Li6D,” International J. Theoretical Physics 42, (2003)
139. Symmetry of Emission Spectra of Dual Convex-Polyhedra,” Phi. Mag. Lett. 83, (2003)
140. “Origin of the Solar System,” Astronomical Journal, 126 , (2003)
141. “Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox and the Will Increment,” Physics Essays 15, (2003)
142. “Energy Absorption and Dissipation in Quantum Systems,” Physica D (2004) co-author with Mason Porter
143. “Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum,” Europhys Lett, 67 (2004)
144. “Neutron Driven Fusion,” Physics Letters , A332 (2004)
145. “Charged Boson Problem and Fusion, Physica,” B357 (2005)
146. “Nodals and Other Properties of the Laplacian in the Plane,” Quart. Appl. Math.,X (2005)
147. “Excess Radiation from the Large Planets.” Asronomical J, 134, (2008)

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