Adelbert Mühlschlegel

Adelbert Mühlschlegel

Adelbert Mühlschlegel (June 16, 1897July 29, 1980) [cite book |author = Rabbani, R. (Ed.) |authorlink = Rúhíyyih Khanum |year = 1992 |title = The Ministry of the Custodians 1957-1963 |publisher = Bahá'í World Centre |id = ISBN 085398350X |url = | pages = p. xxiii ] was a prominent German Bahá'í from a Protestant family. He became a Bahá'í in 1920, translated Bahá'í literature and served as a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany.

He was appointed a Hand of the Cause by Shoghi Effendi in February 1952, after which he travelled to visit the Bahá'ís in many countries. He died in Athens, Greece.



*cite book
title=Lights of Fortitude
publisher=George Ronald
location=Oxford, UK
id=ISBN 0853984131

External links

* [ Video recording of Ugo Giachery and Adelbert Mühlschlegel]

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