- United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi
Infobox UN
name = United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi
caption =
type = Peace Support Mission
acronyms = BINUB
head =Youssef Mahmoud
status = Active
established =1 January 2007
website = http://binub.turretdev.com
parent =United Nations Security Council
subsidiaries =
commons =
footnotes = Politics of BurundiThe United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB) was established by theUnited Nations Security Council to support the Government ofBurundi in its efforts towards long-term peace and stability and to replace the work ofUnited Nations Operation in Burundi (ONUB).UN document |docid=S-RES-1719(2006) |type=Resolution |body=Security Council |year=2006 |resolution_number=1719 |accessdate=2008-08-28|date=25 October 2006 ] It's mandate was scheduled to begin on1 January 2007 for an initial 12 months, and its creation and mission was as a result of recommendations in a report by the Secretary-General.UN document |docid=S-2006-429 |type=Document |body=Security Council |year=2006 |document_number=429 |accessdate=2008-08-28|title=Seventh report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Operation in Burundi|date=21 June 2006 ] UN document |docid=S-2006-429-Add.1 |type=Document |body=Security Council |year=2006 |document_number=429-Add.1 |accessdate=2008-08-28|title=Seventh report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Operation in Burundi - Addendum|date=14 August 2006 ]The previous UN mission in Burundi, ONUB, was created to facilitate the implementation of the peace agreements signed between the previous government and the CNDD-FDD rebel group. The CNDD-FDD's leader Pierre Nkurunziza went on to win the Burundian elections in 2005, and his party effectively controls the Burundian government.
The reasons for establishing a second mission in Burundi, following directly on the ONUB missions, was the ceasefire agreement reached between the new CNDD-FDD government and the last remaining rebel group Palipehutu-FNL. This ceasefire agreement was signed on 7th of September 2006 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, after mediation by South Africa in talks that began in May. Among the key points in the agreement was a complete cessation of hostilities, temporary immunity for FNL fighters and the demobilization of these troops and their subsequent integration into the armed forces of Burundi, in line with earlier peace agreements in this conflict that all stipulated power-sharing arrangements in the security sector.
The BINUB mission was created to facilitate the implementation of this ceasefire agreement, with the most important point of the mandate being the support of the implementation of the modalities of the agreement, assistance in the reform of the security sector and support of the reintegration of ex-combatants [http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N06/585/71/PDF/N0658571.pdf?OpenElement] . The Burundian government also requested the BINUB to help in the establishment of rule of law, good governance and freedom of press and media.
The mandate of BINUB currently extends to the end of 2008.UN document |docid=S-RES-1791(2007) |type=Resolution |body=Security Council |year=2007 |resolution_number=1791 |accessdate=2008-08-28|date=
19 December 2007 ]References
External links
* [http://presszoom.com/story_120058.html News story]
* [http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/onub/ ONUB Home Page]
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