Gospel Magic

Gospel Magic

Gospel Magic is a specialized form of stage magic. It refers to the use of otherwise standard magic tricks and illusions to catechize those preparing for sacraments, in the Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican and Orthodox Churches or during general preaching, or during missions, in all branches of Christianity.

Jesus Christ used stories or parables to illustrate His message. Gospel Magic presents His Good News through "visual parables." Like parables, the trick or illusion in Gospel Magic is used to present some important theological point, such as the sacraments, in an entertaining way that people will remember and understand.

Gospel Magic is particularly useful in conveying a idea of mystagogy since religious mysteries can't be shown empirically but can only be described as inner experience. [http://spiritualmagic.org/stories.php] The Gospel Magician hopes to convey this sense of mystery by performing an otherwise inexplicable magic trick in front of his audience.

Gospel Magic is generally presented as stage magic or platform magic but it can be adapted to close-up magic/micromagic situations. It is uncommon for a Gospel Magician to use mentalism in his or her act. This is largely because the attention would be turned towards the performer rather then to the message.

The Jewish equivalent to Gospel Magic is known as Torah Magic.


Gospel Magic does not invoke spirits or paranormal powers. Care must be taken to not use sacramentals as props in Gospel Magic performances. The Gospel Magician must make a clear distinction between legitimate religion and magic and between stage magic and what people claim to be "real magic."

Biblical References

Biblical references to "magic" are, without exception, the manipulation of supposed preternatural powers usually associated with conjuring spirits in order to foretell the future [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Samuel%2028:7;&version=31 (1 Samuel 28:7,)] or dealing with astrology [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2047:13;&version=31 (Isaiah 47:13)] Suffice it to say that, inevitably, the kind of magic that is referenced in the Bible is not stage magic. [ [http://www.jewishaz.com/jewishnews/020111/torah.shtml Portion repudiates dependence on magic ] ]

The Ethics of Deception

Though scripture specifically admonishes against sorcery [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2022:18;&version=31 Exodus 22:18] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2018:10-14;&version=31; Deuteronomy 18:10-14] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%208:11;&version=31 Acts of the Apostles, 8:11] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2016:16;&version=31;16:16 16:16] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2019:19;&version=31; 19:19] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2019:26;&version=31; Leviticus 19:26] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2019:31;&version=31; 19:31] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2020:6;&version=31; 20:6] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2020:27;&version=31; 20:27] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Kings%2021:6;&version=31; 2 Kings 21:6] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Chronicles%2010:13;&version=31; 1 Chronicles 10:13] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Chronicles%2033:6;&version=31; 2 Chronicles 33:6] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%202:6;&version=31; Isaiah 2:6] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%203:2-3;&version=31; 3:2-3] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%203:20;&version=31; 3:20] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%208:19;&version=31; 8:19] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2019:3;&version=31; 19:3] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2047:9-14;&version=31; 47:9-14] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2065:4;&version=31; 65:4] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah%2027:9;&version=31; Jeremiah 27:9] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel%2013:18;&version=31; Ezekiel 13:18] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Micah%205:12;&version=31; Micah 5:12] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Malachi%203:5;&version=31; Malachi 3:5] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hosea%203:4;&version=31; Hosea 3:4] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians%205:19;&version=31; Galatians 5:19] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%209:21;&version=31; Revelation 9:21] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2018:23;&version=31; 18:23] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2021:8;&version=31; 21:8] , [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2022:15;&version=31; 22:15] ) and ventriloquism ( [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%208:19;&version=31; Isaiah 8:19] ,) the idea that stage magic is in some way related to what some individuals think of as magic (ie, consorting with spirits,) is manifestly illogical. It's obvious to most reasonable and educated people that performance stage magic is a totally different type of "magic" than was envisioned by the authors of the Bible.

Despite these admonitions, the Bible is replete with examples of people who relied upon sorcery including Simon, a sorcerer that wanted to buy the Apostles' "power" from them. Coincidently, the sin of simony is traced back to this Biblical character. ( [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%208:9-24;&version=31; Acts 8:9-24] ) Saul, despite the very clear warnings, insisted on consulting a witch to conjure up spirits of the dead. ( [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Samuel%2028:7;&version=31 1 Samuel 28:5] )

The magicians' art, just like any other, deals in a medium. Some artists work exclusively in oil paints, some in clay, some in words and some in musical notes. The medium of choice for magicians is deception. A major question remains: how does one remain honest and preserve one's Christian integrity in the midst of lies, illusions, half-truths and other verisimilitudes?

It is imperative that the Gospel Magician be selective in the language he or she uses during catechetical sessions/performances. What they perform in the pursuit of teaching catechism are tricks. Magicians produce illusions that give the impression of something supposedly inexplicable. But, clearly, their "magic" is of human origin and in the service of the Divine. Where Christ speaks Truth and produces miracles, the Gospel Magician performs only verisimilitudinous false impressions. It is very important that Gospel Magicians make it clear that "real magic" doesn't exist and that those people who claim to be able to manipulate the natural and supernatural worlds are either seriously confused, lying, mentally ill or very undereducated. In addition, to help avoid any confusion on the part of one's catechism class, we should refer to all of a Gospel Magician's tricks as being a skill and a performing art.

It is the nature of performance magic that Gospel Magicians must deceive their audiences. This is done to assure a sense of mystery required for the tricks presented. This is not meant to take unfair advantage of an audience. In essence, it is a matter of intention. To say the expression, "I want you to freely select any card" when you are actually forcing a volunteer to take a certain card, is not an instance of deception in the sense of wishing to cause harm or emotionally or financially manipulate the person. It is, instead, an intricate part of the art and required for the Gospel Magician to perform the trick at hand. Gospel Magicians "deceive" in order to entertain. Anyone that has witnessed a magic performance understands that stage magicians rely upon guile and illusion to accomplish what they do.

Magic, like all other activities dedicated to Christ, stands the risk of being "misdirected." That is, magicians, just like singers, ushers and acolytes, for example, could forget that the reason they are in service to their community is to build up Christ's Body for His glory and not their own. ( [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians%204:12;&version=31; Ephesians 4:12] ) Everything Gospel Magicians do or say should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as we give thanks through Him to God the Father. ( [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians%203:17;&version=31; Colossians 3:17] )

The Arts and Ministry

The arts have a long history in the Christianity as a means to bring Christ's teachings to the faithful. Icons, parables, music, song, dance, poetry, sculpture, painting, stained glass, theater, radio, film, television and the Internet. Even stage magic and illusion have their place as evangelizing tools.

St. John Don Melchoir Bosco

The first known instance of Gospel Magic is attributed to St. Don Bosco, an Italian priest born in Becchi, Castelnuovo d'Asti, Piedmont, who used magic tricks to catechize the children to whom he ministered. He is particularly known for a trick where he turned three short ropes into a single long rope to demonstrate the concept of the Trinity.

St. Don Bosco invented what latter came to be called "Gospel Magic." During the latter half of the 19th century, as Europe's poor were suffering from the effects of industrialization, Don Bosco saw how most of the children in his village remained uneducated and without faith in God.

John become fascinated with the magic performed by stage magicians in many circuses, fairs and carnivals that visited his part of Italy. With the knowledge of magic tricks that he pieced together, he was able to put on little magic shows free of charge for his friends. Being devout, he would take the opportunity to repeat the homily he heard at church on the previous Sunday to his impromptu congregation. [ [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02689d.htm CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. John Bosco (Don Bosco) ] ]

When Don Bosco ("Don" is an Italian honorific equivalent to "Sir" or "Mr.", or in this case, "Fr." in reference to a priest) became a priest in 1841, he dedicated his priesthood to helping poor children in Turino. Taking care of their physical needs of food, clothing and shelter were difficult enough but Don Bosco wanted more. He wanted to make sure that these children grew up to be dedicated and enlightened Christians. [Memoirs of the Oratory of Saint Francis de Sales 1815 - 1855: The Autobiography of St. John Bosco, Translated by Daniel Lyons, SDB, with notes and commentary by Eugene Ceria SDB, Lawrence Castelvecchi SDB, and Michael Mendl SDB]

He remembered the magic he would perform for his little friends when he was a child and decided that that was the best way to bring children back to the Church. This was the beginning of Gospel Magic, that is, the altering or tailoring of a magic performance so that it can be used to instruct children or adults on some aspect of Christian theology. Among the magic tricks that Don Bosco used to teach Christian theological principles, he was said to be able to tie three ropes together to form one seamless rope in order to explain the mystery of the Christian Trinity.

As magic is a richly sensory experience, one can see the "spiritual applications" that magic can offer as a pedagogic tool. Typical magic effects used by Gospel Magicians look very much like any other magic trick one has come across but the patter, or story weaved by the magician, is directed to demonstrate such theological principles as God's love and forgiveness, Christ's parables, the Immaculate Conception, the Sacraments, or even free will can be the subject of a Gospel Magic performance.

St. Nicholas Owen

In addition to St. John Don Bosco, Catholic Christian Gospel Magicians also honor St. Nicholas Owen, a 16th century Jesuit martyr.

Though St. Nicholas Owen did not use stage magic to promulgate Christ's word, he did use his carpentry and cabinetry skills to help those who did. For this reason, St. Nicholas Owen has become an unofficial patron saint of professional stage illusionists.

On March 22, Catholic magicians around the world honor the Jesuit saint known as "Little John;" a man who was small in stature but big of heart and in terms of accomplishments. He was the son of a carpenter, whose family was dedicated to the persecuted Church. Two of his brothers became priests while another brother printed underground Catholic books. [Parker, A. (1911). Nicholas Owen. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved June 10, 2008 from New Advent: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11364a.htm]

During a time of anti-Catholic persecution in England and Wales (1559–1829), Nicholas, an artisan from Oxford, saved the lives of many priests and Catholic laypersons in the United Kingdom. Fr Henry Garnet, Superior of the English Jesuits, directed St. Nicholas and his companion, St. Edmund Campion, to use his cabinetry and masonry skills to save people's lives. [Foley, Records of English Jesuits (London, 1875-82), IV, 245; VII, 561;] He used the pseudonym John Owen as he worked undercover. Because he was on the short side, he was given the nickname, "Little John."

Without his help, hundreds of English Catholics would have been deprived of the sacraments. His gift for spotting unlikely places to hide priests was impressive. Over the course of approximately twenty-years he used his carpentry and artistic skills to design secret hiding places for priests and keeping them from being detected by raiding parties throughout the country. [More, Hist. Prov. Anglicanae (St. Omers, 1660), 322] In 1577, after many years at his life-saving work, he joined the Jesuits as a lay brother but his association was always kept secret considering the times in which he lived. He never had a formal novitiate but did receive instruction nonetheless.

Everyday he worked on regular wood and stone repair jobs that one would normally expect so as not to draw undue attention to his presence. At night he would work dedicate himself to the task at hand. He would create small hiding places, trap doors, sliding doors, hidden crawl spaces and subterranean passages in order to hide priests and other Catholic fugitives from the priest-hunters. [Nash, Mansions of England (London, 1906); ] He would use trompe l'oeil, perspective and many of the modern principles of stage illusion-design that magicians often take for granted these days. Whenever St. Nicholas would design and build such hiding places, he would always begin with prayer and receive the Holy Eucharist. Because of his incredible building skills, he was even able to help two Jesuit Catholic priests escape from the Tower of London.

After a number of narrow escapes, he was finally caught by the authorities in 1594 and again in 1606. Both times he was tortured to give up information about the identity and whereabouts of priests and prominent Catholics and his incredible construction secrets. Despite being subjected to horrible pain and suffering an agonizing death, he remained silent about both. On October 25, 1970, Pope Paul VI canonized Nicholas Owen as one of a group known as the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.

St. Genesius the Actor

St. Genesius of Rome made the laudable mistake of converting to Christianity in front of one of ancient Christianity's worse enemies, Emperor Diocletian. He was a very popular comedic actor at the time; one of Rome's best. Like many pagans, he ridiculed Christ and His followers. The fateful play in which he turned to Christ coincidentally had a scene which mocked the Sacrament of Baptism.

He had infiltrated the underground Christian community in order to learn of their sacraments so as to better mimic them during his performance. In essence, the ancient world's equivalent of method acting. But this method acting would serve to simultaneously be his undoing and his salvation.

The irony of the situation was greatest for the Emperor himself. The play was specifically written to honor his persecution of the Christians. It was in the midst of the play when Genesius realized his faith in the Savior. As the words of the Baptism were spoken and the water fell upon his head, the actor realized his faith. He forsook his patron and, instead turned to his real Patron. Immediately, the new Christian professed his faith.

At first the Emperor, along with the rest of the audience roared with laughter. It was, after all, a satirical play about Christians and their sacraments, but it soon became apparent to everyone present when Genesius offered to catechize Diocletian. "There is no king other than Jesus Christ, and even if you could kill me a thousand times you could not take Him from my lips nor tear Him from my heart," announced the actor, sealing his fate and his Faith.

The Emperor ordered Diocletian tortured and beheaded. The martyr's iconography depicts him with an actor's mask, a sword, a violin and the baptismal font that he had hoped to mock but ultimately led to his new life. He is considered the patron of stage performers, converts and victims of torture.


The principle organizations for Gospel Magicians are the [http://www.fcm.org International Fellowship of Christian Magicians] and the [http://www.catholicmagic.com Catholic Magicians' Guild] . The IFCM's monthly magazine is "The Conjuror." The CMG's electronic quarterly magazine is entitled "Totus Tuus".

Gospel Magician Holidays

Gospel Magic can be used throughout the Christian liturgical calendar but there are several feast days that are particularly important to Gospel Magicians:

* January 31 - St. Don Bosco's feast day - Catholic Gospel Magicians will usually celebrate this day by offering free magic performances to underprivledged or infirmed children. [ [http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=63 St. John Bosco - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online ] ]
* March 22 - Forty Martyrs of England and Wales. Considered the Stage Illusionist's Holiday in honor of St. Nicholas Owen. [ [http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=805 St. Nicholas Owen - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online ] ]
* August 10 - St. Lawrence of Rome - an ancient Roman martyr. Because of his qick wit even in the midst of being tortured to death, he is considered the Patron of Comedians. It is understandable how magicians who do comical acts would look to St. Lawrence for inspiration.
*August 25 - St. Genesius of Rome - was a renowned Roman actor hired for a play that satirized the rite of Christian Baptism. In the middle of the opening night performance before Emperor Diocletian, Genesius had a change of heart and converted and was subsequently martyred thus becoming the Patron of Stage Performers. He is rightly considered a patron of stage magicians. [ [http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=185 St. Genesius - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online ] ]
*November 15 - St. Albert the Great - Though Albertus Magnus is more commonly seen as the Patron of Scientists, he is rememberd by Gospel Magicians in that he saw scientific principles present in nature as signs of wonder. It is little wonder he is considered important in magic, the art of wonderment. [ [http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=144 St. Albert the Great - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online ] ]

The Gospel Magician's Oath

As a Gospel Magician, I promise never to reveal the secret of any trick to a non-magician, unless he, in turn, promises to uphold the Gospel Magician's Oath.

I promise never to perform tricks for non-magicians without practicing in order to maintain the illusion of the trick.

I promise to increase both my magic repertoire and my knowledge of Christian theology so that I might be of better service to the Church and to my art.

I promise to be prayerful, to portray an accurate sense of our faith in my magic and to be ever joyful and faith-filled.

I am a catechist and educator and not an entertainer. The goal of my performance is to point to God and to inspire my audience to love and honor Christ. It is only Christ's message that I portray; I must diminish as He grows ever larger. [ [Catholic Magicians' Guild] ]

A Prayer for Spiritual Magic

All Mighty and Gracious God

Your magic fills the world.

Your magic paints the skies with colors of every hue

Your magic transforms the caterpillar into the butterfly

Your magic makes the birds fly and the clouds give rain

Your magic makes shelter for the creatures great and small

Your magic opens our eyes to possibilities within us that set us free

Like bubbles your breath is within us enabling us to soar

I ask Your blessing on Spiritual Magic that it may bring people to You.

Let it be an instrument that changes lives and gives hope

Let it enable other ministries to grow in Your service

Without Your blessing Lord we can do nothing

With You all things are possible and so we ask that You

Bless the Spiritual Magic of our lives.

by [http://www.spiritualmagic.org Fr. Daniel Rolland]

Gospel Magicians

Dennis Regling is a well-known Gospel Magician, preacher and author. He presents Gospel programs and preaches at Vacation Bible Schools, youth events and churches throughout the U.S.

Fr. Silvio Mantelli, sdb, a Salesian Catholic priest who goes by the stage name "Mago Sales," is the world's best known Gospel Magician. He is the Director of [http://www.Sales.it Fondazione Mago Sales] , an institute that funds magic performances throughout the world especially the Third World. Fr. Mantelli was born and is based in Torino, Italy.

Fr. Daniel Rolland, op, a Dominican Catholic priest of the Western Province, has offered Gospel Magic performances for nearly three decades. He was born in Scottsdale, Arizona and is a student of the famous magus Jeff McBride. URL: http://www.spiritualmagic.org

Sr. Carol Ann Nawracaj, osf, a Bernardine Franciscan Sister. Sr. Carol Ann has been a Bernardine Franciscan nun since 1964 and an educator since 1967. She was a teacher at Villa Maria Education Center, a school for children with learning disabilities, from 1973 through 1982, and its principal since 1982. She often uses magic to illustrate a point or teach a lesson to her LD and ADHD students. Sr. Carol Ann has been a member of the Society of American Magicians for twenty-years and is also a member of Assembly 33 which meets at Villa Maria Education Center monthly. Villa Maria also hosts the Society of Young Magicians (SYM) 42’s monthly meetings. Sr. Carol Ann has lectured and performed magic at both assemblies. Entertainment Tonight did a segment about clergy and magic and Sr. Carol Ann was the only nun represented along with several Catholic magician priests.

[http://www.magicunlimited.com/JoelHowlett.htm Joel Howlett] , b. Charlestown, Australia. Joel's major achievements include many Australian magic competitions both as a child performer and as an adult. The competitions were in street, platform and stage magic. He has appeared on Australian and American television on numerous occasions. [http://www.magicunlimited.com/JoelHowlett.htm] He is frequently invited to Catholic parishes throughout Australia to perform Gospel Magic presentations. [ [http://www.mn.catholic.org.au/newsroom/auroraissues/aurora63_story6.htm Article] ]

[http://www.gospelmagic.com/stevevarro/ Steve Varro] began his ministry as a full-time Christian Illusionist in 1978 presenting his programs at Christian schools, camps, churches, youth rallies and Conventions. He travels worldwide with his Gospel Magic show, "The Magic of God's Love". He has developed several seminars and authored eight books on showmanship, comedy and Gospel Magic. He is past president of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians.

Fr. Jerry Jecewiz, "Priesto"," Brooklyn Diocesan priest, b. Brooklyn, NY. Fr. Jecewiz has practiced Gospel Magic for almost forty-years throughout America. He is the most well-known Catholic Gospel Magician in the United States. Fr. Jecewiz was highlighted on a PBS Interfaith Magic Show on January 19, 2001 [http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/week421/feature.html]

Br. John Hamman, sm, (September 3, 1927-December 5, 2000) b. St. Louis, Missouri, was a Catholic Marianist Brother and professional close-up magician. The tricks he invented are still an integral part of every close-up magician's repertoire. He frequently was called upon to use magic to in order to teach Catholic catechism to the students in the schools in which he taught.

Toby Travis is a successful magician and inspirational speaker who often shares his faith as part of his show. He also assists churches and para-church organizations around the world with highly effective community outreach events. More on Toby Travis' ministry can be found at [http://www.tobytravis.org] . His public website can be found at [http://www.tobytravis.com] .

Duane Laughlin is an accomplished Gospel Magician who has written perhaps the most important book on the field, Greater Gospel Magic.

Andre Kole, David Copperfield's principle illusion designer and the 20th century's most influential designer, travels the country with an evangelical illusion show.

Felix Snipes, a conservative Evangelical, who frequently performs missions entitled "Magical Weekends" in which he attracts people to church for prayer services.

Lawrence Khong is a very capable and talented Singaporean Gospel Magician. After earning his degree from Dallas Theological he returned to Singapore and grew his own cell-based church and started an entertainment company called Gateway Entertainment. Together with his daughter Priscilla, they have peformed the Magic of Love, to many countries including the US and China. They have also finished performing their new show the Magicbox in the Esplanade. The Magicbox was based on the parable of the Prodigal Son.

Mark Townsend a British Anglican priest in England who regularly performs Gospel Magic and has produced some excellent articles on Gospel Magic.

David Reed-Brown, Pastor of The Second Baptist Church of Suffield, Connecticut, is a graduate of the Magic & Mystery School of Las Vegas, Nevada, frequently performs his "Illusion, Wonder & You" Gospel Magic show which is designed to start the conversation around spirituality and lead gently towards the Christian tradition.

Other Gospel Magicians include

* Fr. Boudewijn Spittaels, sdb, "Bodo," Salesian priest, b. Merksplas, Belgium

* [http://policemagic.com/ Glenn Hister] , b. New York

* Chris Knabenshue, Co-Chairman of the Catholic Magicians' Guild, b. South Bend, IN. URL: http://www.CatholicMagic.com

* Fr. James Blantz, csc, Holy Cross priest, b. Massillon, OH

* Fr. Steve Gibson, csc, "The Sermonator"," Holy Cross priest, b. Fort Wayne, IN

* Fr. Nicholas Argentieri, "Father Slick Nick," Diocesan priest, b. Pittsburgh Diocese of Pittsburgh.

* Fr. James Mueller, sm, Marianist Priest, Campus Minister, Chaminade High School, b. San Antonio, TX

* Fr. Jim Miller, Diocesan Priest, Forth Worth Diocese, b. Lincoln Park, Michigan

* David Calavitta, Catholic Youth Minister, St. Thomas More Church, Irvine, California, b. Victorville, California

* Fr. Michael Court, sdb, Salesian priest, b. Sydney, Australia

* Fr. Larry Lorenzoni, sdb, Salesian priest, b. Vincenza, Italy

* Angelo Stagnaro, b. Genoa, Italy

* Br. Martin de Porres Schmidt, ofm cap, Capuchin friar

* Fr. Mark Davis, Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, Diocesan priest, b. Toledo, Ohio

* Br. Jim Zettel, sdb, Salesian Brother, b. Hanover, Ontario, Canada

* Fr. John R Blaker, Diocese of Oakland, California, Diocesan priest, b. San Francisco

* Msgr. Dermot Brennan, Archdiocese of New York, Diocesan priest, b. New York City

* Fr. Vincent Pazhukkakulam, o.carm, "Magicachan"," Carmelite priest, b. Alakode, Kerala, India

Gospel Magic Bibliography

The principle texts for Gospel Magicians are a two-volume series:

*Miller, Jule L. "Spiritual Applications for Tarbell I". Gospel Services. 1976.
*Miller, Jule L. "Spiritual Applications for Tarbell II". Gospel Services. 1984.

The Tarbell Course is a standard reference for all magicians. Miller's "Spiritual Applications for Tarbell" was based on this series. It was originally intended to be expanded to cover all eight-volumes in the Tarbell Series but Miller died before this massive project was completed.

ee also

* List of magicians
* Illusionist
* Catechism
* Mystagogue
* Christianity
* Catholic Church
* Sacred Mysteries
* List of magic tricks
* Card marking
* Sleight of hand
* Trick deck
* Flourish
* Tarbell Course
* Card throwing
* Si Stebbins
* Cardistry
* American Museum of Magic
* The Magic Circle
* Magic Castle
* Timeline of magic
* Glossary of conjuring terms
* Manufacturers of magic effects
* Magician's assistant
* Exposure (magic)
* Card manipulation
* Torah Magic
* Micromagic
* Platform magic
* Parlor magic
* Children's magic
* Street magic
* Theatrical Séances
* Escapology
* Coin magic
* Mentalism
* Bizarre magic
* Stage illusions


External links

* [http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art55320.asp Exciting Gospel Magic] at BellaOnline
* [http://insidemagic.typepad.com/magic_news_network/2006/06/boost_your_show.html Magic News Network]
* [http://www.magicministry.com Sermons in Science]
* [http://www.SpiritualMagic.com The Magic of Fr. Daniel Rolland]
* [http://www.catholicmagic.com The Catholic Magicians' Guild]
* [http://www.Sales.it Magicians Without Borders]
* [http://www.fcm.org International Fellowship of Christian Magicians]
* [http://www.gospelemagic.com/ Gospel E-magic]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Magic (paranormal) — For related ideas, see Magic (disambiguation). Magia redirects here. For other uses, see Magia (disambiguation). Magical redirects here. For the song, see Magical (song). Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses by John William Waterhouse Magic …   Wikipedia

  • Magic in the Greco-Roman world — The study of magic in the Greco Roman world is a branch of the disciplines of classics, ancient history and religious studies. In the ancient post hellenistic world of the Greeks and Romans (the Greco Roman world), the public and private rituals… …   Wikipedia

  • Magic club — A magic club is any group of local magicians who meet together on a regular basis. Also sometimes known as a magic circle. A club can be open to all with an interest in magic or it may be only possible to join by invite or by meeting some sort of …   Wikipedia

  • Magic Allied Arts — Performing arts that are allied to stage magic include ventriloquism, puppetry, juggling, escapology, quick change, theatrical séances, mentalism, chapeaugraphy, hypnosis, circus arts, acrobatics, acting, choreography, dance, sword swallowing,… …   Wikipedia

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