

A bergère is an enclosed upholstered French armchair ("fauteuil") [The inventory after the death of Mme de Pompadour lists a "fauteuil en bergère" (Pierre Verlet, "French Furniture and Interior decoration of the 18th Century" (Fribourg:Office du Livre 1977:177.] with an upholstered back and armrests on upholstered frames. The seat frame is over-upholstered, but the rest of the wooden framing is exposed: it may be moulded or carved, and of beech painted or gilded or of fruitwood, walnut or mahogany with a waxed finish. Padded elbowrests may stand upon the armrests. A "bergère" is fitted with a loose, but tailored, seat cushion. It is designed for lounging in comfort, with a deeper wider seat than that of a regular "fauteuil", though the "bergères" by Bellange in the White house ("one illustrated") are more formal. A "bergère" in the eighteenth century was essentially a "meuble courant", designed to be moved about to suit convenience, rather than being ranged permanently formally along the walls as part of the decor. [Verlet 1977, "Furniture of comfort and elegance" pp 173ff; the "bergère" is discussed p. 177-79.]

The fanciful name, "shepherdess chair", was coined in mid-eighteenth century Paris, where the model developed without a notable break from the late-seventeenth century "chaise de commodité", a version of the wing chair, whose upholstered "wings" shielding the face from fireplace heat or from draughts were retained in the "bergère à oreilles" ("with ears"), or, fancifully, "bergère confessionale", as if the occupant were hidden from view. A "bergère" may have a flat, raked back, in which case it is "à la reine", or, more usually in Louis XV furnishings, it has a coved back, "en cabriolet". A "bergère" with a low coved back that sweeps without a break into the armrests is a "marquise". [Model timeline in Madeleine Jarry, "Le siège français" (Fribourg: Office du Livre) 1973, following p. 356]

Appearing first in Paris during the Régence (1715-23), the form reaches its full development in the unifying curves of the rococo style, then continues in a more architectural rectilinear stye in the Louis XVI, Directoire, and French and American Empire styles.



*Abbott, James Archer. "Jansen Furniture." Acanthus: 2007. ISBN 978-0926494459.
*Pegler, Martin. "The Dictionary of Interior Design." Fairchild Publications: 1983. ASIN B0006ECV48.

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  • bergère — [ bɛrʒɛr ] n. f. • 1746; de berger ♦ Fauteuil large et profond à joues pleines, et dont le siège est garni d un coussin. Des bergères Louis XV. ● bergère nom féminin Large fauteuil à dossier rembourré, avec joues, manchettes et coussin sur le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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