

Frisk can refer to different things including:

*Frisking is where a police officer or other law enforcement agent runs his or her hands along the outer garments to detect any concealed weapons or other contraband;
*Frisk is a surname of Swedish origin, one of many Swedish army names originally given to soldiers to make their names more distinctive;
**Anders Frisk, former football referee.
*Frisk (breath mints) is a brand of breath mints manufactured by the Perfetti Van Melle company; [Frisk mints are exported around the world and have the No. 1 market share in Japan.] [Endō Shōzo, a Japanese comedian best known from his work in the Coq_au_Rico (kombi) and Japanese television programs, is notorious for cooking with Frisk, much to the disdain of his fellow castmates. See Gaki no Tsukai Absolutely Tasty Series.]
*Frisk (novel), a 1991 novel (ISBN 0-8021-3289-8) by gay author Dennis Cooper. It is the second in Cooper's five-book "George Miles cycle." The novel focuses on a gay serial killer;
*Frisk (film), the title of the 1995 film adaptation of the novel. Directed by Todd Verow and starring Michael Gunther and Craig Chester, the film is part of the New Queer Cinema genre;


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  • frisk — vt: to run the hand rapidly over the outer clothing of (a suspect) for the purpose of finding concealed weapons compare search ◇ The purpose of frisking a suspect is to insure the safety of an officer making an investigation against concealed… …   Law dictionary

  • Frisk — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Anders Frisk (* 1963), schwedischer Fußballschiedsrichter Hjalmar Frisk (1900–1984), schwedischer Indogermanist Johanna Frisk (* 1986), schwedische Fußballspielerin Frisk bezeichnet: Frisk (Roman), Roman… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • frisk — [ frısk ] verb 1. ) frisk or frisk down transitive to search someone with your hands in order to see if they are carrying anything illegal such as a gun or drugs: All of the passengers were frisked by the airport police. 2. ) intransitive if… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • frisk — frisk·er; frisk·i·ly; frisk·i·ness; frisk·ing·ly; frisk; …   English syllables

  • frisk´i|ly — frisk|y «FRIHS kee», adjective, frisk|i|er, frisk|i|est. playful; lively: »The beach was teeming with people from friskmerry little children to decrepit old men just soaking up the sun. – …   Useful english dictionary

  • frisk|y — «FRIHS kee», adjective, frisk|i|er, frisk|i|est. playful; lively: »The beach was teeming with people from friskmerry little children to decrepit old men just soaking up the sun. – …   Useful english dictionary

  • frisk — • frisk, fräsch, primör • frisk, sval, kylig, skarp, bitande, färsk, fräsch • frisk, sund, kry, rapp, rask, välmående, välbehållen • blomstrande, fräsch, frisk, frodig …   Svensk synonymlexikon

  • Frisk — Frisk, a. [OF. frieque, cf. OHG. frise lively, brisk, fresh, Dan. & Sw. frisk, Icel. friskr. See {Fresh}, a.] Lively; brisk; frolicsome; frisky. [Obs.] Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • frisk — (fr[i^]sk), v. t. To search (a person) for concealed weapons or other objects, by patting the clothing to detect objects underneath; as, the police pulled the car over and frisked the occupants. Syn: frisk. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • frisk — [frısk] v [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: frisk full of energy (16 18 centuries), from Old French frisque] 1.) [T] to search someone for hidden weapons, drugs etc by feeling their body with your hands ▪ We were frisked at the airport can you believe… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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