

Infobox Non-profit
Non-profit_name = Energie-Cités
founded_date = 1990, Besançon, France
founder = Gérard Magnin
location = Besançon, Brussels, Freiburg-im-Brisgau, Paris
area_served = Europe
focus = Energy, Transport, Urbanism
method = Lobbying, Research, Innovation
homepage = [http://www.energie-cites.eu/ www.energie-cites.eu]

Energie-Cités is the Association of European local authorities promoting local sustainable energy policy. It represents 1000 towns and cities in 30 countries. From 2007 to 2009, Energie-Cités is under the Presidency of the City of Heidelberg (DE). Energie-Cités was established as an association of European local authorities in 1990 to put all this into practice. The association premises are located in Brussels (BE) and Besançon (FR). A part of the team works in Freiburg-im-Brisgau and Paris (FR).

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the association is represented by the 11 European cities:

Presidency of Energie-Cités

* 2005 to date City of Heidelberg (DE), represented by Eckart Würzner, Deputy Mayor of Heidelberg
* 2000-2005 City of Odense (DK), represented by Søren Møller, Deputy Mayor of Odense
* 1997-2000 City of Barcelona (ES), represented by Pep Puig, Municipal Councillor in Barcelona
* 1994-1997 City of Besançon (FR), represented by Robert Schwint, Mayor of Besançon
* 1990-1994 Robert Schwint, Mayor of Besançon

Main objectives

The goal of Energie-Cités is:
* to develop your initiatives through exchange of experiences, the transfer of know how and the organisation of joint projects,
* to allow you to benefit from our expertise in local energy strategies,
* to strengthen your role and skills in the sphere of energy efficiency, in the promotion of renewable and decentralised energy sources and in protection of the environment,
* to influence the policies and proposals made by European Union institutions in the fields of energy, environmental protection and urban policy.

Main European projects

Energie-Cités builds European projects for helping its members to develop a local sustainable energy policy. Please take a look at our major actions at the moment:
* Display Campaign European Campaign aims at encouraging European municipalities to publicly display the energy, water and green house gas emission performances of their municipal buildings. More than 300 cities are involved in Europe,
* European Mobility Week From 16th to 22nd September European citizens have the opportunity to enjoy a full week of events dedicated to sustainable mobility. More than 2000 cities are involved in Europe,
* IMAGINE is a long-term initiative of Energie-Cités, aiming to help communities to better prepare the energy future of their territories,
* MODEL aims at helping local authorities to become models for citizens and its main objective is to improve the practical capacities of local authorities and/or local energy agencies from 8 New Member States and Candidate Countries
* SESAC is part of the broader CONCERTO initiative with the aim of accelerating innovation in renewable energy (RE) solutions, advance energy efficiency (EE) and systems for poly-generation linked together with concepts for eco-buildings.

See also

* European Union
* Energy policy
* Sustainable energy
* Sustainable transport
* Energy conservation
* Renewable energy
* Climate change
* Display Campaign
* European Mobility Week
* Gérard Magnin

External links

* [http://www.energie-cites.eu/ Website of Energie-Cités]
* [http://www.display-campaign.org/ Website of the European Display Campaign for a better building energy efficiency]
* [http://www.mobilityweek.eu/ Website of the European Mobility Week]
* [http://www.imagineyourenergyfuture.eu/exhibition/ Website of the IMAGINE Exhibition]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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