Adrian Copilul Minune

Adrian Copilul Minune

Adrian Copilul Minune (real name Adrian Simionescu, also known as "Adrian the Wonder Boy" or "Adi de Vito") was born on September 24, 1974. He is a Romanian midget manele singer.

Biography and career

Adrian Copilul Minune considers the idea "live your life and don't disturb the enemies" a vital one and he says everybody should take it in consideration.

His first appearance in the media started with the hit: "Of! Viaţa mea..." ("Oh! My Life...") together with Costi Ioniţă, one of his best friends.

Adrian Copilul Minune and Costi Ioniţă came up on the market with manele music albums sold rapidly all over Romania: “ Fără Concurenţă“ and “Autoconcurenţă“. By the time Costi Ioniţă just left from his group band Valahia.

In 2006 Adrian Copilul Minune was named "The Emperor of Manele" while his niche market rival Nicolae Guţă "The King of Manele".

Top tracks

1. Diskoteka Boom

2. Aşa sunt zilele mele (That's the way my days are)

3. Cristy

4. Eşti O Comoară (you're a treasure)

5. Cu Tine, Cu Tine (with you, with you)

6. Două inimi (two hearts)

7. Pe la spate, pe la spate (through the back, through the back)

[ list of top tracks]


"Even if I started singing pop and house music, my love for manele music will be forever. I remember my first song from my first year of school, 'Magdaleno, fii cuminte, eşti fata lui Kunta Kinte'".


*He adores colors, paintings, music and he loves to dance.
*Has a daughter named Silvia Claudia, born on December 12, 1997, and he calls her "Princess".


He has made appearances in:
# "Gadjo dilo" (1997) as L'Enfant Prodige
# "Furia" (2002) as himself



External links

* [ IMDB entry for Adrian Simionescu]
* [ list of top tracks]

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