

Tow-Line is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.

Transformers: Robots In Disguise

Transformers character
name =Tow-Line
japanname =Wrecker Hook

caption =Robots in Disguise Tow-Line toy
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Basic Vehicles
rank =6
function =
partner =
motto ="Follow the rules."
alternatemodes =Tow-Truck
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
Working undercover as a tow truck, Tow-Line (Wrecker Hook in Japan) has learned the rules of the road, and now lives by them, punishing any infraction, large or small, and even if a fellow Autobot responsible is responsible. He is well known for the phrase "No parking means no parking!" He's responsible for traffic riot control, and can use his powerful hook to lift and carry anything from a car to a bullet train.

Animated series

Tow-Line first appeared in episode #10, called "Tow-Line goes haywire.", where he is brainwashed by the Predacons into thinking the Autobots where trying to steal energy from Earth, and where blaming the Predacons(similar the the G1 episode "Megatron's master plan"). He then appeared in the next consecutive episode "The Ultimate Robot warrior", where he manned the movie set smoke used to trick the Predacons.


*Robots in Disguise Tow-Line:Tow-Line is a redeco of Machine Wars Hoist and Hubcap. He was packaged together with the Decepticon Skyfire by Hasbro. He was decoed slightly differently in his Takara and Hasbro releases.

Transformers: Energon

Transformers character
name =Tow-Line

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Deluxe Vehicles
rank =4
function =
partner =
motto ="A soldier's greatest asset are his comrades."
alternatemodes =Van
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
Tow-Line is the name of an Autobot who turns into a van.

Tow-Line isn't the strongest Autobot, but what he lacks in muscle he makes up in cleverness. He can out-think and generally out-last most opponents, preferring to use his brains to prevent conflicts, skills that have made him one of Optimus Prime's most trusted team members.

Dreamwave Productions

In Transformers: Energon #29, titled "Multiplicity", Bulkhead, Cliffjumper, Perceptor and Tow-Line appeared amond the Autobots working under the command of Jetfire in Los Angeles repelling the Insecticon Terrorcon invasion. They fought until nearly running out of energy when Rad was able to bring them a recharge in the E.V.A. jet. With an unexpected assist from Megatron they were able to turn back the Terrorcons.


*Energon Tow-Line:The Tow-Line toy is a homage to the transformation of Generation 1 Ironhide and Ratchet. It was later remolded into Transformers: Timelines Ironhide and Ratchet.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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