Maudsley — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Robert John Maudsley (* 1953), britischer Serienmörder Tony Maudsley (* 1968), britischer Schauspieler Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselbe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maudsley — This interesting name is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is a locational surname deriving from the place called Mawdesley near Chorley in Lancashire. The placename is recorded as Madesle in 1219, and as Moudesley in 1269, in the Assize Court Rolls of… … Surnames reference
Maudsley Hospital — South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Front of the Maudsley Hospital Geography Location … Wikipedia
Maudsley Family Therapy — Maudsley Family Therapy, also known as Family Based Treatment or the Maudsley Approach, is a family therapy devised by Christopher Dare and colleagues at the Maudsley Hospital in London in 1985. It was originally intended for the treatment of… … Wikipedia
Maudsley Hospital — , London. In 1908, the Asylums Committee of the London County Council decided to accept a generous gift that Henry Maudsley was offering for the foundation of a mental hospital not, he stressed, an asylum that would incorporate an outpatient… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Maudsley Bipolar Twin Study — The Maudsley Bipolar Twin Study is an ongoing twin study of bipolar disorder running at the Institute of Psychiatry, London since 2003. The study is investigating possible differences between people with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and people … Wikipedia
maudsley's definition of hallucinations and illusions — In 1887 the British physician and professor of medical jurisprudence Henry Maudsley (1835 1918) defined hallucinations and illusions as follows: By hallucination is meant such a false perception of sense as a person has when he sees, hears,… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Maudsley, Henry — (1835–1918) Born on a farm in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Maudsley graduated with an M.B. from University College London, in 1856. He wanted to enter the East India Company, which required of its medical officers 6 months’ psychiatric… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Maudsley — /ˈmɔdzli/ (say mawdzlee) noun Sir Henry Carr, 1859–1944, Australian physician, born in England …
МÓДСЛИ (Maudsley) Генри — (Maudsley) Генри (1835–1918), англ. психиатр и философ позитивист, один из основоположников дет. психиатрии и эволюц. направления в психиатрии … Биографический словарь