

Velehrad is a village in the Uherské Hradiště District (Zlín Region) of the Czech Republic. It has a population of 1,323 and is the most important pilgrimage place in the Czech Republic. In Middle Ages (IX - beg.X century) it was the capitol of the Slavic state of Great Moravia.In the 1990s it was visited twice by the Pope John Paul II.


* The Basilica of Assumption of Mary and St. Cyrillus and Methodius
* The memorial stone called the "King's table" ("Králův stůl")
* A statue of St. John of Nepomuk
* A column with the statue of Jesus Christ
* A column with the statue of Virgin Mary
* A column with the statue of St. John of Nepomuk
* A cistercian monastery

External links

* - Official website of the community

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