two-handed — two handedly, adv. two handedness, n. /tooh han did/, adj. 1. having two hands. 2. using both hands equally well; ambidextrous. 3. involving or requiring the use of both hands: a two handed sword; a two handed backhand. 4. requiring the hands of… … Universalium
Two-handed — Two hand ed, a. 1. Having two hands; often used as an epithet equivalent to large, stout, strong, or powerful. Two handed sway. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Used with both hands; as, a two handed sword. [1913 Webster] That two handed engine [the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
two-handed — adj 1.) using or needing both hands to do something ▪ a two handed catch ▪ a two handed sword 2.) a two handed tool is used by two people together … Dictionary of contemporary English
two-handed — [to͞o΄han′did] adj. 1. that needs to be used or wielded with both hands 2. needing two people to operate [a two handed saw] 3. for two people [a two handed card game] 4. having two hands 5. able to use both hands equally well; ambidextrous … English World dictionary
two-handed — two hand|ed [ ,tu hændəd ] adjective involving the use of both hands: a two handed catch/backhand … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
two-handed — adjective 1. equally skillful with each hand an ambidextrous surgeon • Syn: ↑ambidextrous • Ant: ↑right handed (for: ↑ambidextrous), ↑left handed ( … Useful english dictionary
two-handed — /ˈtu hændəd/ (say tooh handuhd) adjective 1. having two hands. 2. using both hands equally well; ambidextrous. 3. involving or requiring both hands: a two handed sword. 4. requiring the hands of two persons to operate: a two handed saw. 5.… …
two-handed — adjective Date: 15th century 1. used with both hands < a two handed sword > 2. requiring two persons < a two handed saw > 3. archaic stout, strong 4. a. having two hands b. efficient with eith … New Collegiate Dictionary
two-handed — adjective 1 using both hands to do something: the tennis star s famous two handed backhand 2 a two handed tool is used by two people together … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
two-handed — ADJ: usu ADJ n, also ADJ after v A two handed blow or catch is done using both hands … English dictionary