Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations

Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations

The Federation of European Motorcyclists' Associations (FEMA), based in Brussels, Belgium is the representative federation of motorcycle (comprising all powered two-wheeled vehicles) users throughout Europe. FEMA represents the interests' of citizens' national organisations at the European Union and agencies of the United Nations. FEMA's primary objective is to pursue, promote and protect the interests ofmotorcyclists. FEMA recognises that motorcycles have different characteristics from other vehicles and emphasises the need for motorcyclists' specific requirements to be addressed.


On 1 January 1998, the Federation of European Motorcyclists and the European Motorcyclists Association merged to form FEMA.

There are 22 national riders' rights organisations, from 18 European countries, affiliated to FEMA.

ee also

* Simon Milward

External links

* [http://www.fema.ridersrights.org Official site]

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