Pascale Petit

Pascale Petit

Pascale Petit (born in Paris in 1953) is a poet and editor. She grew up in France and Wales. She trained as a sculptor at the Royal College of Art and has travelled in the Venezuelan Amazon and China.

She has published four poetry collections: "Heart of a Deer" (1998), "The Zoo Father" (2001), "The Huntress" (2005) and "The Wounded Deer: Fourteen Poems After Frida Kahlo" (2005). ""The Zoo Father" was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation. "The Huntress" and "The Zoo Father" were both shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot Prize. Petit has been shortlisted for the Forward Prize and in 2001 she was one of ten poets commissioned by BBC Radio 4 to write a poem for National Poetry Day. In 2004 she was selected as one of the Next Generation poets. She was one of the founders of "Poetry London" and its editor from 1990-2005. "The Zoo Father" is published in a bilingual edition in Mexico and distributed in Spain and Latin America. She has received many awards, including an Arts Council of England Writer's Award to take part in the Poet to Poet Translation project in 2005, translating Chinese poets.

The poet's official website is

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