

Infobox Settlement
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = HUN

pushpin_label_position =
pushpin_map_caption =Location of Bátya
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population_as_of=2005| population_density_km2=66.12
postal_code_type=Postal code
website= [http://www.batya.hu http://www.batya.hu] (Hungarian)

Bátya (Croatian:"Baćin" or "Baćino") is village in Bács-Kiskun county, Hungary.


Cultural sights

*WWII monument
*Holy Trinity

Famous People

* Endre Pászthory (teacher)
* Károly László (1848-49 artilleryman)
* Dr. Zoltán Fehér (teacher / writer)
* Teri Harangozó (singer)


Existing ethnicities:
* Magyars
* Croats

Croats from Bátya came to that area in 16th century from Croatian northeastern region of Slavonia. They speak Štokavian dialect of Croatian language, a Slavonian subdialect (Old-Shtokavian with non-reflected yat pronunciation). Similar dialectal features are seen today among population of Gradište near Županja and around Našice.

These Croats belong to special group of Danubian Croats: they call themselves as Raci. In literature they are also called "racki Hrvati". [ [http://www.podravina.net/pdf/VulicOgovorima.pdf Podravina.net] Sanja Vulić: O govorima Hrvata u Mađarskoj pdf]

Bátya Croats' feast is "Veliko racko prelo". [hr icon [http://radio.croatica.hu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=262&Itemid=26 Croatica.hu] Prela, balovi i pokladne zabave u Bačkoj 2008.]


Nearby villages


External links

* [http://www.batya.hu Official website]
* [http://batya6351.atw.hu batya6351.atw.hu]
* [http://www.vendegvaro.hu/5-235 Vendegvaro]


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