Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav

Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav

Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav (* February 2, 1849 in Vyšný Kubín (Felsőkubin), † November 8, 1921 in Dolný Kubín (Alsókubin) was a Slovak poet, dramatist, translator and a member of the Czechoslovak parliament for a short time.

Literary theoreticians consider him the most important Slovak poet of all times.


He was born as Pavol Országh. "Hviezdoslav" (a typical Slavic name, meaning approximately "celebrating the stars" and/or "Slav of the stars") was his pseudonym from 1875. His earlier pseudonym was "Jozef Zbranský". Interestingly, his last name "Országh" is a fairly common Hungarian last name, meaning "country" in Hungarian.


His father was a poor squire and had his son work in the field.

Hviezdoslav studied at grammar schools in Miskolc and Kežmarok (Késmárk). After his graduation in 1870, he continued at the Law Academy of Prešov (Eperjes), where in 1871 he participated at the preparation of the "Almanach Napred" ("Forward" Miscellany/Almanac), which marks the beginning of a new literary generation in Slovak literature.

Then he was an employee of the court at Dolný Kubín (Alsókubin). Afterwards he was a lawyer by profession between 1875 and 1899 in Námestovo (Námesztó) and then in Dolný Kubín (Alsókubin) again.

In 1918 he was a member of the newly created "Revolutionary National Assembly" (provisional governing body, later parliament) in Prague, and from 1919-1920 served as its representative.

In 1919 he was named leader of the re-established Matica slovenská(see below).

In 1954, the "Literary Museum of P. O. Hviezdoslav" was established in Dolný Kubín. A festival of amateur reciters named "Hviezdoslav's Kubín" has been held there since.

His relation to the Slovak Matica

The Slovak Matica is a cultural institute. During the darkest years of Slovak literary life, Slovak Matica kept alive Slovak literature. The intolerant anti-Slovak policy of the Hungarians forcibly closed the doors of Matica and confiscated its property in 1875. The Matica was re-opened after the creation of Czechoslovakia in 1919. Hviezdoslav was honored by being named its new head. Under his inspired leadership, the Matica spread and grew.


Under the colorful pen name of Hviezdoslav, he was a fertile writer and a prolific translator. He introduced the syllabic-tonic verse into Slovak poetry. He was a leading representative of Slovak literary realism. His works are characterised by extensive use of newly created words and expressions; they are therefore difficult to translate into foreign languages.

He has enriched Slovak literature with some 15 volumes of original poetry and with many volumes of translations of classical works (see "Works"). During his era, he was the poet laureate of Slovakia.

In their intimacy and reflection Hviezdoslav's works address universal human concerns.

Reflexive poetry

He began writing poetry - initially in Hungarian - while still attending the grammar school (in Miskolc and Kežmarok / Késmárk)). His first poetry collection, the "Básnické prviesienky Jozefa Zbranského" ("Poetry primroses of Jozef Zbranský"), was published in 1868. It introduced the syllabic-tonic verse into Slovak literature.

An awakened national pride brought a resolution to work in Slovak, but the inclination towards realism in his early poetry met with the aversion of the older generation.

Among the most important of his mature lyric cycles are:
* "Sonety" (1882-1886) (Sonnets)
* "Letorosty I-III " (1885-1893) (Growth Rings I - III)
* "Žalmy a hymny" (1885-1892) (Psalms and Hymns)
* "Prechádzky jarom" (1898) (Walks through Spring)
* "Prechádzky letom" (1898) (Walks through Summer)
* "Stesky"(1903) (Languors/Complaints)
* Krvavé sonety (1914/1919) (Bloody Sonnets) - important anti-World War I poetry

Epic compositions

The poet's epic compositions derive from his native Árva and from biblical topics, through which he commented allegorically on the situation of the Slovak nation:
* "Hájnikova žena" (1884-1886) (The Gamekeeper's Wife)
* "Ežo Vlkolinský" (1890)
* "Gábor Vlkolinský" (1897-1899)

Biblical poetry with allegorical untertones

* Agar
* Kain
* Ráchel
* Sen Šalamúnov (The Dream of Salomon)


* "Pomsta" (Revenge)
* "Herodes a Herodias" (1909) (Herodes and Herodias)- verse drama inspired by the Bible; a pillar of Slovak classic dramatic repertory.


Hviezdoslav was also a versatile translator who endeavored in this occupation to refine and enrich the Slovak language and to advance its potential as a medium of poetic expression.

He translated the works of Goethe, Schiller, Mickiewicz, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Slowacki, Arany, Petőfi, Lermontov and Madách.

See also

* Slovak poetry

External links

* PND|118775405

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