

Peintre-graveur is a term probably invented and certainly popularised by the great scholar of the old master print, Adam Bartsch (Johann Adam Bernhard von Bartsch: 1757 - 1821, both Vienna). The term, meaning "painter-engraver", is intended to distinguish between printmakers, whether working in engraving,etching or woodcut, who designed images with the primary purpose of producing a print, and those who essentially copied in a print medium a composition by another, to produce what is known as a "reproductive print", or who produced only essentially non-artistic work in print form, such as maps for example.

"Painter-engraver" is sometimes used in English. Alternative terms for the work of a Peintre-graveur are "artist's print", "original print", "graphic art". "Art print" now tends to mean just a reproduction of a work of art.

Bartsch's great catalogue of old master prints, published in Vienna in 21 volumes in 1803-21,was called "Le Peintre Graveur". It has been reprinted five times, most recently in 1982. "The Illustrated Bartsch" (Abaris Press, New York) is an English language illustrated version (the original was unillustrated by technological necessity) which has been underway since 1978, and is projected to include at least 164 volumes. Most of the picture volumes are published; the accompanying text volumes, in effect complete new catalogues raissonés, are taking longer. It (currently the images only) is available online to colleges and other institutions subscribing to ARTstor- essentially in US & Canada only.


*Antony Griffiths, "Prints and Printmaking", p 128 etc, British Museum Press (in UK), 2nd edn, 1996 ISBN 071412608X
*A Hyatt Mayor, "Prints and People", Metropolitan Museum of Art/Princeton, 1971, no. , ISBN 0691003262
*Dossi, Barbara; "Albertina, The History of the Collection and its Masterpieces", Prestel, 1999, ISBN: 3791323407

ee also

*Old master print
*Adam von Bartsch

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