Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Hans Magnus Enzensberger (born 11 November 1929 in Kaufbeuren), is a German author, poet, translator, and editor. He has also written under the pseudonym Andreas Thalmayr. He lives in Munich.


Enzensberger studied literature and philosophy at the universities of Erlangen, Freiburg and Hamburg, and at the Sorbonne in Paris, receiving his doctorate in 1955 for a thesis about Clemens Brentano's poetry. Until 1957 he worked as a radio editor in Stuttgart. He participated in several gatherings of Group 47. Between 1965 and 1975 he edited the magazine "Kursbuch". Since 1985 he has been the editor of the prestigious book series "Die Andere Bibliothek", published in Frankfurt, and now containing almost 250 titles. Enzensberger is the founder of the monthly "TransAtlantik". His own work has been translated into more than 40 languages.

Enzensberger is the older brother of the author Christian Enzensberger.


Enzensberger has a sarcastic, ironic tone in many of his poems. For example, the poem "Middle Class Blues" consists of various typicalities of middle class life, with the phrase "we can't complain" repeated several times, and concludes with "what are we waiting for?". Many of his poems also feature themes of civil unrest over economic and class based issues (it is perhaps appropriate to mention that he lived in Fidel Castro's Cuba for several years). Though primarily a poet and essayist, he also makes excursions into theater, film, opera, radio drama, reportage, translation, and has written novels and several books for children and is co-author of a book for German as a Foreign Language "(Die Suche)".

Honours received

*1963 Georg-Büchner-Preis; "see also" Georg Büchner
*1985 Heinrich-Böll-Preis; "see also" Heinrich Böll
*1993 Erich-Maria-Remarque-Friedenspreis; "see also" Erich Maria Remarque
*1998 Heinrich-Heine-Preis; "see also" Heinrich Heine
*2002 Prince of Asturias Communications and Humanities award

Published works

*Verteidigung der Wölfe, Poems, 1957
*Viele schöne Kinderreime, 777 poems for children, 1962
*Einzelheiten, Essays, 1962
*Politik und Verbrechen, Essays, 1964
*Deutschland, Deutschland unter anderm, political commentary, 1967
*Das Verhör von Habana, Prose, 1970
*Constituents of a Theory of the Media, 1970
*Der kurze Sommer der Anarchie. Buenaventura Durrutis Leben und Tod, Prose, 1972
*Gespräche mit Marx und Engels, 1970
*Palaver. Politische Überlegungen, Essays, 1974
*Mausoleum. 37 Balladen aus der Geschichte des Fortschritts, Poems, 1975
*Polit. Brosamen, Essays, 1982
*Ach, Europa! Wahrnehmungen aus sieben Ländern, Prose, 1987
*Mittelmass und Wahn, Essays, 1989
*Zukunftsmusik, Poems, 1991
*Die Tochter der Luft, Drama, 1992
*Die Große Wanderung, Essays, 1992
*Zickzack, Aufsätze, 1997
*Wo warst du, Robert?, Novel, 1998
*Der Zahlenteufel, Novel, 1999
*Leichter als Luft: Moralische Gedichte, Poems, 1999
*Schreckens Maenner: Versuch ueber den radikalen Verlierer (5th ed.), Essay, 2006
*Einzelheiten I & II, Essays, 2006
*Gedichte 1950-2005, Poems, 2006
*Im Irrgarten der Intelligenz / Ein Idiotenführer, Essay, 2007
*Hammerstein oder der Eigensinn, Biography, 2008

Bibliography (English)

*"Where Were You, Robert?" also known as "Lost in Time", 2000
*"Lighter Than Air: Moral Poems", 2000
*"Selected Poems", 1999
*"The Number Devil", 1997
*"Zig Zag: The Politics of Culture and Vice Versa", 1997
*"Civil War", 1994
*"Civil Wars: From L.A. to Bosnia", 1994
*"Selected Poems", 1994
*"Mediocrity and Delusion: Collected Diversions", 1992
*"Political Crumbs", 1990
*"Der Untergang der Titanic" ("The Sinking of the Titanic"), Versepos, 1978
*"Europe, Europe: Forays Into a Continent", 1989
*"Dreamers of the Absolute: Essays On: Politics, Crime and Culture", 1988
*"Critical Essays", 1982
*"The Sinking of the Titanic: A Poem", 1980
*"Raids and Reconstructions: Essays on Politics, Crime, and Culture", 1976
*"Mausoleum: Thirty-Seven Ballads from the History of Progress", 1976
*"The Havana Inquiry", 1974
*"", 1974
*"Politics and Crime", 1974

External links

* [http://www.lannan.org/lf/rc/event/hans-magnus-enzensberger/ In conversation with Charles Simic] December 11, 2002
* [http://www.signandsight.com/features/493.html The radical loser] : English translation of an article originally appearing in Der Spiegel on November 7, 2005.
* [http://pen.org/page.php/prmID/1113 Enzensberger at PEN American Center] Participated in the 2006 PEN "World Voices Conference" in NYC
* [http://poesieautomat.com Poesieautomat] (Poetry-Machine) realized by Christian Bauer, 2006

NAME = Enzensberger, Hans Magnus
ALTERNATIVE NAMES = Thalmayr, Andreas
DATE OF BIRTH = 11 November 1929
PLACE OF BIRTH = Kaufbeuren

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