- Pubarche
Pubarche refers to the first appearance of
pubic hair in a child. Pubarche is one of the physical changes ofpuberty but should not be equated with it since it may occur independently of complete puberty. Pubarche usually results from rising levels ofandrogen s from theadrenal gland s or testes but may also result from exposure of a child to ananabolic steroid .When pubarche occurs prematurely (in early or mid-childhood), it is referred to as "premature pubarche" and may warrant an evaluation. Premature
adrenarche is the most common cause of premature pubarche. Rarer causes includeprecocious puberty ,congenital adrenal hyperplasia , andandrogen -producing tumors of the adrenals orgonad s. When adrenarche, central puberty, and all pathologic conditions have been excluded, the term "isolated premature pubarche" is used to describe the unexplained development of pubic hair at an early age without other hormonal or physical changes of puberty.ee also
*Androgen s
*Spermarche References
[http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic1882.htm e-medicine]
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