Ghost Zoids

Ghost Zoids

Ghost Zoids were contest prizes in the European Zoids line and were recolours of popular characters from the existing range. Easily recognisable by their translucent white armour, Ghost Zoids are very rare and change hands for prices high enough to rival those reached by the Japanese MKII Limiteds when they appear on Yahoo! Japan auctions and eBay. Their boxes are plain white (with the exception of a red Tomy logo on the front and side) and they are predominantly coloured black with translucent white armour and silver highlights (although some appear to feature silver parts more heavily in their design than others).

Certain areas (see below) received an alternate line of prizes in place of the Ghost Zoids. Though still coloured mainly black and silver, the translucent armour of their counterparts was replaced with chrome gold parts for a regal appearance more befitting of a contest prize. Since the distribution area for these Zoids was much smaller than that of the Ghost Zoids the production run was far lower than that of the already-limited Ghosts resulting in a set which is near-impossible to obtain.

Production numbers and the full range of Gold and Ghost Zoids are unknown but the following Zoids are believed to have been released as part of this promotion: Ghost:Zoidzilla (Gojulas), Krark (Salamander), Zabre (Sabre Tiger), Shield Tiger (Shield Liger), Redhorn, Zark (Puterasu/Pteras), Znake (Snakes/Stealth Viper) and Tarantulon (Gargantulus).Gold: Zabre (Sabre Tiger), Shield Tiger (Shield Liger) and Krark (Salamander).

Details of the Promotion

The Ghost promotion was apparently part of a nationwide Zoid Design scheme and certain areas received different Zoids for prizes. Not all areas had the Ghosts; some received black/gold coloured Zoids and some just received standard Zoids or sets of Super 1000s. Known details of the promotion's distribution is as follows:

Area 1 (Zoids coloured gold and black)
*1st Prize = Zabre, Shield Tiger and Krark
*2nd Prize = Unknown
*3rd Prize = Unknown

Area 2 (Zoids in regular colours)
*1st Prize = Complete set of Super 1000 Zoids
*2nd Prize = Set of Super 1000 Zoids excluding Shield Tiger and Spinefin
*3rd Prize = Unknown

Area 3 (Zoids coloured translucent and black/silver)
*1st Prize = Zoidzilla, Krark, Zark, Znake and Tarantulon
*2nd Prize = Zark, Znake and Tarantulon
*3rd Prize = Choice of Zark, Znake or Tarantulon

Area 4 (Zoids coloured translucent and black/silver)
*1st Prize = Unknown (2nd prize may in fact be the 1st prize, unsure of the 3rd prize)
*2nd Prize = Zabre, Redhorn and Shield Tiger
*3rd Prize = Choice of Zabre, Redhorn or Shield Tiger

External links

Official Sites

* [ Tomy's Zoids Page]
* [ Hasbro's Zoids Page]


* [ Striker Unit - Just another ZOIDS site, but for Ligers only!]
* [ Phenotype's Zoids Site (The largest English-based Zoids Site)]
* [ Alteka's Zoids (with prototype Gashapon)]
* [ Blood For The Baron!!!] Marvel UK Zoids comic scans
* [ Gojulas' Lair (Fan site with vintage collection photos)]
* [ Ultrasaurus Red website, info and pics of rare and unreleased items]
* [ Zoid.US (Large collection of new and vintage Zoids with photos)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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