- Tairāwhiti
Te Hui Amorangi O Te Tai Rawhiti is an
Episcopal polity (orDiocese ) ofAnglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia . The Hui Amorangi covers the East Coast of theNorth Island . In general this covers theNgāti Porou ,Ngāti Kahungunu and theTuranga-nui-a-kiwa iwi . According to the 2001 census there are approximately 11000Māori Anglicans within this area. Te Tai Rawhiti is one of 5 Hui Amorangi (episcopal units) that compriseTe Pihopatanga o Aotearoa , theMāori Anglican Church inAotearoa /New Zealand .There are 5 rohe (ministry units) within Te Hui Amorangi O Te Tai Rawhiti:
* Ngāti Porou
* Turanga-Whangara
* Kahungunu
* Te Matau-a-Maui
* HeretaungaThe
Bishop of Te Tai Rawhiti is The Most ReverendWilliam Brown Turei , LTh, LTh (Aot)The Co-Administrators are Rev M Scott and Mrs S Wolff. The
Venerable Wiremu Kaa is theArchdeacon of Te Tai Rawhiti andVicar General . Rev Don Tamihere is the Manu Kokiri (Youth Enabler), identifying and nurturing young leaders across the region.
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